440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 23, 1995 01:00 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Visited George with TQE at Chips in San Jose, re SDS & POIMS.
2...Recycling Intellectual Capital
3...Implementing TQM with POIMS & SDS
4...Communication Metrics & TQE
5...Cost/Benefit Analysis of SDS Compared to CPM
6...Communication Engineer Modern More Powerful Scribe
.....Scribes Support Executives Implemeting New Knowledge Methods
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0201 - TQE, Inc, 408 927 9260 fax 9458
020101 - Mr. George Gitschel
IBM Pathways to Growth, Jun 29 - 30, 1994
SDS Marketing, Sales, Demonstrations
Tape Recordings Inefficient Take a Lot of Time Expensive
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Demonstrated SDS implements POIMS technology, and explained the
070704 - advantages of Communication Metrics to re-engineer the practice of
070705 - executive management in order to implement TQM.
070706 -
070707 - [ another record today, called Morris on this. ref SDS 22
070708 - 0004
070709 -
070710 - [On 950327 defined Communication Metrics. ref SDS 23 0001
070711 -
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0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Discussion
0711 - ..
071101 - We did the demonstration at Chips & Technologies, per ref SDS 21
071102 - 4002. Morris stopped by to make sure we were set up. I introduced
071103 - him to George, and explained our background collaborating on SDS.
071104 -
071105 - George asked if I would agree to tape record the presentation. He
071106 - said people generally object to this practice, but it helps him
071107 - concentrate on the ideas during the meeting, and also obtain a record
071108 - of the entire proceedings.
071109 -
071110 - I agreed, citing review on 880907 showing tape recordings often do
071111 - turn out to be as helpful as people hope. ref SDS 1 4554 George can
071112 - use the recording to assess the SDS record today.
071113 -
071114 - Geoge used a small dictation unit. I introduced myself, gave the date
071115 - and explained the purpose of the meeting.
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071118 - Recycling Intellectual Capital
071119 -
071120 - Used demo with Lucas Management at ref SDS 19 4830.
071121 -
071122 - This shows the advantage of investing intellectual capital.
071123 - Having developed a presentation for another organization that
071124 - markets management services, I used it to guide today's
071125 - presentation. This demonstrated unique SDS tools of integrated
071126 - scheduling and reporting, citations, subjects, contacts and
071127 - document management.
071128 -
071129 -
071130 -
071131 - Implementing TQM with POIMS & SDS
071132 -
071133 - Cited work at PG&E to show how SDS is applied to improve productivity
071134 - at large organizations, ref SDS 7 line 44.
071135 -
071136 - The key point that emerges from the PG&E experience is that SDS
071137 - is even more valuable in large organizations because it alone can
071138 - overcome the tendency for "understanding" to be filtered by
071139 - departmental perspective, and for action items to become subsumed
071140 - by lack of focus. The TQM solution of "cross-functional teams"
071141 - cannot overcome the pace of modern business life (e.g., the
071142 - Information Highway), hierarchy, lethargy, geography and a
071143 - diffused, complex agenda.
071144 -
071145 -
071146 -
071147 - ..
071148 - Communication Metrics & TQE
071149 -
071150 - George feels there is a nexus between TQE and POIMS technology. I
071151 - asked him to submit his understanding of "Communication Metrics" and
071152 - the objectives of TQE.
071153 -
071154 - He advised TQE has changed its market strategy. It now offers a TQM
071155 - "product" rather than solely a service. The product includes 4 days
071156 - of training and support to create an in-house TQE facilitator. The
071157 - customer's TQE facilitator or manager, then supports the organization
071158 - in implementing TQM. TQE provides supplemental support on a fee
071159 - basis, as requested by the customer.
071160 -
071161 - So far they have no history with this method. They have a customer
071162 - who has purchased the product, and several others who have expressed
071163 - interest, but are still scheduling implementation. TQE is preparing
071164 - to deliver the first product to the first customer.
071165 -
071166 -
071167 - ..
071168 - Cost/Benefit Analysis of SDS Compared to CPM
071169 -
071170 - George asked for examples of where cost/benefit has been clearly
071171 - recognized by the customer.
071172 -
071173 - The mission today is to introduce ideas and point TQE and Welch
071174 - toward a common vision. The memo from PG&E dated 941231 shows
071175 - clear recognition of significant cost/benefit results.
071176 -
071177 - Organizations are now investing in cost and schedule engineers, and in
071178 - administrative assistants, as reviewed on 950205. ref SDS 16 0333 The
071179 - payoff from Communication Metrics easily exceeds these accepted
071180 - support measures which are recognized as valuable investments. Cost
071181 - and schedule metrics give an early alert that costs are being exceeded
071182 - and critical activities are falling behind schedule. Such deviations
071183 - however, mainly result from communication failures. So cost and
071184 - schedule control are really reporting the effect of communication
071185 - breakdowns. Communication Metrics discovers these errors proactively,
071186 - rather than after the fact. This is why productivity improved at
071187 - PG&E.
071188 -
071189 - The idea of TQM to "re-engineer" business practices, is applied by
071190 - SDS since POIMS is first and foremost a "re-engineering" of the
071191 - practice of management to accommodate the demands and opportunities of
071192 - the 21st Century.
071193 -
071194 -
071195 - ..
071196 - Communication Engineer Modern More Powerful Scribe
071197 -
071198 - George asked if it is practical for executives to enter data into
071199 - SDS, since many are not computer literate?
071200 -
071201 - I explained it is very practical for those who wish to succeed
071202 - faster. But for POIMS pagans, those who do not yet have faith in
071203 - the value of their own knowledge and ideas, they need help to
071204 - transition from a manual world to the enlightenment of a new era.
071205 - I call this transition support:
071206 -
071207 - Communication Engineering
071208 -
071209 - supplement cost and schedule engineering.
071210 -
071211 - Many managers today do their own cost and schedule engineering,
071212 - using programs like Microsoft Project, Artemis, or Primavera; but
071213 - others hire cost and schedule engineers. Similarly, using SDS is
071214 - not simply a matter of "data entry." Skill is needed to decide
071215 - what to write, what to link, what subjects, cost accounts,
071216 - schedule activities, documents, and people are involved, what new
071217 - subjects emerge, what tasks need to be done, by whom and when.
071218 - SDS is a tool that facilitates this new field of communication
071219 - metrics.
071220 -
071221 -
071222 - ..
071223 - Scribes Support Executives Implemeting New Knowledge Methods
071224 -
071225 - From the dawn of civilization, it has been common for specialists
071226 - to support executives during the infancy of new methods. Pharaohs,
071227 - Elders, Kings, Knights, Lords, and so on for thousands of years
071228 - used "gifted" scribes to capture the record. Only within the past
071229 - several hundred years has writing become a universal skill. Only
071230 - within the past 30 years have executives begun to invest in cost
071231 - and schedule engineers to organize and capture the record of
071232 - performance.
071233 -
071234 - [On 960105 "scribe" explains role of creating SDS record at
071235 - Corps of Engineers. ref SDS 24 3999
071236 -
071237 - [On 960620 SDS process of aligning information in knowledge
071238 - Space similar to "architect" aligning Construction Details in
071239 - dimensional space. ref SDS 25 3516
071240 -
071241 - "Communication Metrics" completes the evolutionary trilogy, and
071242 - likewise requires a new class of engineers to fill the traditional
071243 - role of the ancient scribes in supporting executives. SDS is a new
071244 - more effective level of support for knowledge work, than is
071245 - possible with conventional methods, and so requires for some a
071246 - special level of support, hence: communications engineer.
071247 -
071248 -
071249 - George asked if Morris uses SDS.
071250 -
071251 - I advised Morris tried SDS a few years ago and was unable to
071252 - learn its new methodologies quickly enough to make meaningful
071253 - progress. This experience, and the experience at PG&E indicates
071254 - we need to sell SDS with communication engineering support, so
071255 - the customer begins to benefit immediately. Only in this way can
071256 - we build the faith needed to sustain the learning process.
071257 -
071258 - I submitted a large scale SDS brochure to assist George in remembering
071259 - the components of SDS, and how they implement POIMS.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"