440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 6, 1994 07:42 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Jake re using SDS.
.....Comment - Taking Quantum Leap
2...SDS Training Feasible
3...Jake's PC
4...Sandia Hardware
Click here to comment!
0201 - Sandia National Laboratories 510 294 2569 fax 2338
020101 - Mr. John C. McMichael
020102 - Operations Department, Combustion Reseach Facility =Telephone
Industry Contacts, Sales discussions
Time - Too Busy Being Busy, Learning/Education
Conflict with Existing Methods, Credibility
Cost/Benefit, Fear, Faith
Leadership with Broader Vision
Obstacles to Leadership, Ovecoming
Overkill, SDS Detail is Not Necessary for
Critical Mass of Management Practices Must
Faith in Power of Knowledge Opposed by Fear Defferred Rewards
Quantum Leap in Work Practice Change Needs Transitioning
Learning Takes More than 20 Min Improve Skills Productivity Earnings
1713 - ..
1714 - Summary/Objective
1715 -
171501 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000.ref SDS 14 0000.
171502 -
171503 - Jake said he has considered SDS carefully and feels it requires too
171504 - great a commitment to the "computer" for him to accept at this time.
171505 - He wants to consider it again in 3 - 4 months, after he has settled
171506 - into his new assignment.
171507 -
171508 - Comment - Taking Quantum Leap
171509 -
171510 - This is the "step over the rubicon" challenge inherent in the
171511 - program IBM intended to present, then scratched, per ref SDS 11
171512 - line 161. It was analysed in discussion with Morris Jones, VP
171513 - Chips & Technologies on 890809. ref SDS 2 0005
171514 -
171515 - [On 950428 follow up a year later ref SDS 16 0001
171516 -
171517 - Jake presents a strong challenge to automating a "critical mass"
171518 - of tasks in order to improve management productivity. Prospective-
171519 - ly this appears too daunting, too far away and too remote for most
171520 - to undertake the journey, even for someone like Jake who wants to
171521 - improve his work, believes in technology, and clearly likes
171522 - computers. The investment of time relative to perceived rewards
171523 - is difficult to balance, as explained in the review of Stephen
171524 - Covey's ideas at ref SDS 5 line 312.
171525 -
171526 - That is why managers have to be transitioned with training and
171527 - support, by shielding them from learning the tool initially. They
171528 - need to see some rewards in order to sustain the effort to acquire
171529 - a new skill.
171530 -
171531 -
171532 - Jake said I can pick up the notebook computer any time today. He will
171533 - be home for an hour after 1300.
171534 -
171535 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming these understandings, and
171536 - included review of Covey's book, since Jake seemed to have read some
171537 - of this material.
171538 -
171539 - Scheduled follow up for 941003.
171540 -
171541 -
1716 -
1717 -
1718 - 1213 Visited Jake
1719 -
171901 - Drove to Pleasanton and picked up CPU #5. Jake was there so we had a
171902 - chance to visit briefly. I also met his daughter who is visiting with
171903 - her two children from Dallas.
171904 -
171905 - Jake's boss suggested that Jake prepare a memo to submit the POIMS
171906 - material within Sandia for consideration by others, so Jake was open
171907 - to my request at ref DIT 1 line 35.
171908 -
171909 - He will consider submitting the POIMS papers to others at Sandia.
171910 -
171911 -
171912 - SDS Training Feasible
171913 -
171914 - Jake said it would be feasible for me to provide support to his work,
171915 - because it does not require a special security pass.
171916 -
171917 -
171918 - Jake's PC
171919 -
171920 - He plans to get a new processor that supports both the Mac and DOS.
171921 - His notebook has 240 MB disk, which is ample for SDS.
171922 -
171923 -
171924 - Sandia Hardware
171925 -
171926 - He said the researchers are using PC's and the admin staff is using
171927 - Macs. This is helpful for us.
171928 -
171929 -
1720 -
7 Habits Highly Effective People
1804 -
180401 - Jake said Covey's ideas are well thought of at Sandia. He seemed to
180402 - appreciate the difficulty of implementing good management practices
180403 - consistently, per ref SDS 5 line 238.
180404 -
180405 - I attached the review of Covey's book to ref DIT 1 line 33.
180406 -
180407 -
180408 - [Jake commented preliminarily on Covey review at ref SDS 15 line
180409 - 87.]
180410 -
180411 -
180412 -
1805 -
Seminars/speeches as sales presentation
General, Sandia Labs
Change & Buy In, TQM
Leadership & Change, 930119
Executive Training, 930726
Reengineering to Change in Right Direction,
Reengineering Compounds Information
Reengineer Management to be More Productive
Reengineer by Adding Value of Communication
2812 - ..
281201 - Jake said he liked the presentation by Milan at Asilomar, and
281202 - that his message is comparable to other speakers who appear at Sandia.
281203 -
281204 - I explained my concern that Milan offered "better management on the
281205 - cheap" similar to Covey reviewed on 921205, ref SDS 5 5903, by
281206 - encouraging "change" and taking "risks," without ever indicating what
281207 - change to make nor assessing risk.
281208 -
281209 - Jake said he recalled me asking Milan about this, and that Milan did
281210 - not answer this question. ref SDS 6 4820
281211 -
281212 - I explained that SDS is a "change" that greatly improves the practice
281213 - of management, yet people naturally view it as "risky" because they
281214 - have no experience and no credible source to say it is safe to use.
281215 - This is why I asked Milan for an example. Change for change sake is
281216 - panic; risk taking without clear cost/benefit considerations is
281217 - Russian Roullett with no empty cylinders.
281218 -
281219 - [On 951229 General Hatch cited this point. ref SDS 17 2131]
281220 -
281221 - I provide transitioning to minimize the risk to Users and
281222 - organizations by ensuring their work gets done better than they are
281223 - currently doing it, while they acquire new skills to do the same.
281224 -
281225 - Jake said that Diane [his wife] sat behind me the first night at
281226 - Asilomar and recalled who I was when I came over on Monday,
281227 - ref SDS 13 3041, from the questions I asked at the conference. I
281228 - recall talking briefly with her about Milan's presentation.
281229 -
281230 - I asked if Sandia sponsors speakers for events.
281231 -
281232 - Jake said this occurrs about 4 times per year. They just recently had
281233 - an event at which the POIMS topic would be ideal.
281234 -
281235 - Jake will circulate my work at Sandia for consideration to speak
281236 - at a future event.
281237 -
281238 -
281239 -
281240 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"