Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: October 27, 2010 01:18 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
HP Flash Memory received mistake should be USB Flash Drive.
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0201 - Hewlett Packard Company
020101 - Ms. Kristin Hayes; Sales Representative
020103 - Sales Department
Flash Memory Card 8 GB Delivered Mistake Order H114355414 for USB 8
4303 -
4303 - ..
4304 - Summary/Objective
4305 -
430501 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
430502 -
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430507 - ..
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4308 - Progress
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430901 - Received delivered at front door....
430902 -
430903 - 8 GB SDHC flash memory
430905 - ..
430906 - This is part of the order # H114355414 placed with HP developed on
430907 - 101018 0817. ref SDS 2 RO4I, and confirmed by Kristin's letter
430908 - received the same day on 101021 0953. ref SDS 3 386M
430910 - ..
430911 - HP delivering Flash Memory card for order # H114355414 is a mistake
430912 - because ordered USB Flash Drive shown on 101017 0906. ref SDS 1 RC4O
430913 - at line 17, and the next day on 101018 0817, ref SDS 2 RO4I, and
430914 - confirmed in letter to Kristin at HP, requesting revised pricing for
430915 - omitting the monitor. 101018 0817, ref SDS 2 VS4W
430917 - ..
430918 - Order item # for 8 GB USB Flash Drive......... FQ434AA
430920 - ..
430921 - Price is the same there should be no change in cost for the order,
430922 - except everybody is out the cost of rework.
430923 -
430924 - http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/search_request.do?searchType=keyword&inkTonerSearchQuery=&pageName=cto&Printer_Search_Query=&Cartridge_Search_Query=&printerOrCartridgeSearch=&locationOfSearchQuery=&returnUrlQueryString=&searchQuery=fq434aa
430926 - ..
430927 - Called Kristin.
430929 - ..
430930 - Explained problem receiving a Flash Memory card, contrary to ordering
430931 - a Flash Drive for the USB port.
430933 - ..
430934 - Kristin explained the mistake was copying erroneous order prepared by
430935 - Kyle, which was taken by telephone and not confirmed in writing,
430936 - contrary to customer's request, reported on 101017 0906. ref SDS 1
430937 - V28O Kristin said she did not have enough time to copy the order
430938 - requested by the customer in a letter to HP on 101018 0817,
430939 - ref SDS 2 VS4W, and citing item #17 further in the record the same
430940 - day, ref SDS 2 RO4I, that lists the USB Flash Drive developed
430941 - initially the day before on 101017 0906, also #17. ref SDS 1 HH4I
430943 - ..
430944 - Kristin explained HP will rework the order with an exchange to
430945 - correct this mistake.
430947 - ..
430948 - Kristin advised that the 8 GB Flash Memory card can be used in cell
430949 - phones and cameras.
430951 - ..
430952 - This might a good way to transfer SDS records and call history
430953 - including text messages to computers for Communication Metrics
430954 - intelligence support.
430956 - ..
430957 - Kristin transferred the call to the HP Exchange Department to correct
430958 - this mistake, per above. ref SDS 0 6H5H
430960 - ..
430961 - May have had a bad connection. Cannot understand how to pronounce the
430962 - person's name. Can barely make out what is being said. May have a
430963 - bad connection.
430965 - ..
430966 - The HP rep said she will call back to improve transmission of voice.
430967 -
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430970 - ..
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4312 - 1623
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431301 - Nobody has called back.
431302 -
431303 - [On 101104 1049 letter to HP requests correction to order
431304 - for c17. ref SDS 5 WW4W
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"