440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 8, 2002 10:37 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Call Pat Lincoln on workshop developing intelligence capability.
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0201 - SRI International 650 326 6200
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director =650 859 5454
020102 -
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory
CITRIS Proposal to Brad DeLong at UC Berkeley on SDS and Com Metrics
Endorse SDS Pat Write Letter to Curt Carlson Recommending Research an
CITRIS Pat Spoke at a Professional Event on Experimenting to Develop
Endorse SDS Pilot Test Loan C13 for Pat to Experiment So He Can Make
2206 - ..
2207 - Summary/Objective
2208 -
220801 - Follow up ref SDS 91 0000, ref SDS 89 0000.
220802 -
220803 - Left message asking if there was any progress during the conference
220804 - Pat attended at UCB for CITRIS a few weeks ago, about the need for a
220805 - work role to generate intelligence, because everybody else is too
220806 - busy in meetings, calls and email.
220807 -
220808 - [On 020711 discussed this with Pat. ref SDS 92 0001
220809 -
220810 -
220811 -
220812 - ..
2209 -
2210 -
2211 - 1226
2212 -
221201 - Pat called back and left a message in San Francisco (I am in Concord
221202 - today) saying the meeting at UCB for CITRIS was "very high level."
221203 -
221204 - Pat did not explain "high level"?
221205 -
221206 - Accordingly, would like to get some "intelligence" on results of the
221207 - workshop for improving intelligence, as proposed to Jeff Conklin in
221208 - the record on 020703. ref SDS 90 JV3L
221209 -
221210 - Pat explained there was no discussion about a role for intelligence to
221211 - ensure that intelligence is performed and generated, as set out in the
221212 - record on 020217 showing the explanation of intelligence drawn from
221213 - meetings and other communications, like email, seminars, workshops,
221214 - etc., that guides daily work. ref SDS 83 1332
221215 - ..
221216 - Pat mentions in his message that progress evident during the
221217 - meetings for CITRIS indicated to him that it will be a few more years
221218 - before people recognize the need for an intelligence role. At first
221219 - blush, this seems to conflict with existing roles for military
221220 - intelligence and national security, e.g., the office of NSA. Former
221221 - NSA director, Henry Kissinger worries about bumbling, reported on
221222 - 940609, ref SDS 7 4238, which sounds like someone in government is
221223 - aware that a role of intelligence is useful.
221224 - ..
221225 - Pat did not mention anything about discussions at the CITRIS
221226 - workshop on technology that aids existing roles for intelligence.
221227 - Since the event was nominally related to Homeland security, there must
221228 - be some recognition that better analysis is needed, and this requires
221229 - doing something different, which is supported by SDS, as reported on
221230 - 010911. ref SDS 73 UP5K
221231 -
221232 - Currently there is growing visibility and awareness of the need to
221233 - strengthen accountability by enabling an audit trail. SDS supports
221234 - traceability to original sources, as seen by this record, and reported
221235 - on 950721. ref SDS 13 1740 More recently demand for accountability
221236 - was reported on 020204. ref SDS 82 0001 Just weeks ago on 020607
221237 - failure of accountability was cited as the cause of corporate failures
221238 - that harm investors. ref SDS 85 0001 It is reported again today,
221239 - citing failure of Worldcom. Was this part of intelligence discussed
221240 - during the CITRIS workshop?
221241 - ..
221242 - Has Pat discussed SDS and Com Metrics for "intelligence" support
221243 - with his colleague who attended the CITRIS event, Bill Mark?
221244 - ref SDS 91 PM9O
221245 - ..
221246 - Pat does not mention in his phone message today progress on the
221247 - endorsement letter for SDS, which was requested on 020703, ref SDS 89
221248 - 0001 We discussed this on 020614. ref SDS 87 0001
221249 -
221250 -
221251 - ..
2213 -
2214 -
2215 - 1807
2216 -
221601 - Sent Pat an email linked to this record, and requesting some time to
221602 - talk about them. Left number 925 680 8947.
221603 -
221604 - [On 020711 discussed this with Pat. ref SDS 92 0001
221605 -
221606 -
221607 -
221608 -
221609 -
221610 -
221611 -
221612 -
221613 -
221614 -
2217 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"