440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 20, 2001 11:08 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Morris on his questions about SDS submitted 011211.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
Cognitive Science Ignorant Meaning Drift Information Overload Not Sol
Apologize Pressuring Morris to Work on SDS that Applies Cognitive Sci
Listening Morris Feels Rod is Not Listening
Listening to Morris' Concerns about SDS Defects Inadequate
Twist Morris Feels Rod Misrepresents Morris Views Religion Submits No
Good Conduct Sustained Faith Deferred Rewards Not Evident from Common
Listening Verbal Communication Error Prone
Communication Biggest Risk of Enterprise Paradigm Shift of Millennium
1710 - ..
1711 - Summary/Objective
1712 -
171201 - Follow up ref SDS A5 0000, ref SDS A1 0000.
171202 -
171203 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to Morris letter, ref DRP 2 0001,
171204 - received on 011211. ref SDS A5 JO6O
171205 -
171206 - 1. No evidence of mistakes alleged by Morris on 011211. ref SDS A5
171207 - R68J
171208 -
171209 - [On 020107 Morris did not offer corrections. ref SDS A7 KO3M
171210 -
171211 - Mistakes are corrected by feedback on specifics, from the record
171212 - on 011211, ref SDS A5 F46M, as explained by professor Mary
171213 - Keeler during a meeting at SRI on 000518. ref SDS 63 O43M
171214 -
171215 - [On 020107 Morris feels twists are paraphrasing that take
171216 - extra time to correct, life-style change frustrating to avoid
171217 - mistakes. ref SDS A7 SN4K
171218 -
171219 - 2. Action items list comments on Morris' questions in his letter.
171220 - ref DIT 1 4Y7I
171221 -
171222 - 3. Give notice that Welch views on religion are in the record on
171223 - 011211. ref SDS A5 WJ4O
171224 -
171225 - Strong feeling in Morris' mischaracterization of Rod's view on
171226 - religion, ref DIT 1 1K6M, shows likely inability to collaborate
171227 - on SDS architecture. ref SDS A5 WJ4O
171228 -
171229 - Cutting edge ideas in cognitive science are unproven as
171230 - explained in NWO. ref OF 2 5541
171231 -
171232 - 4. If religion and fear about cognitive science block advance on
171233 - SDS, then feel good management, ref DIT 1 KF9Y, explained by
171234 - Morris on 911123, ref SDS 13 1331, will cause continual bumbling
171235 - rather than continual learning, explained on 010614. ref SDS 79
171236 - HD6O
171237 -
171238 -
171239 - Sent copy to Doug Engelbart for information on the problem we
171240 - discussed on 011210. ref SDS A4 PL6O
171241 -
171242 - Met with Terry Winograd the other day. Turned out he had prior
171243 - plans that limited us to 30 minutes, so mostly pleasantries were
171244 - exchanged. Terry may have been a bit more receptive than expected
171245 - based on his correspondence leading up to our meeting, but not
171246 - sure. After I figure out what transpired during the meeting,
171247 - will submit some detail, perhaps early next week. Some
171248 - interesting points were made that may provide a basis for follow
171249 - up.
171250 -
171251 - In the meantime, here is a letter responding to correspondence
171252 - from a colleague that illustates the problem we spoke about that
171253 - led to your suggesting a discussion with Terry on the education
171254 - angle. If you have time to review analysis on 011211, what comes
171255 - through most strongly to me is a black hole of resistance to
171256 - focusing on cognition and technology.
171257 -
171258 - Thanks, also, for your letter to Terry and I indicating interest
171259 - in our meeting, but unable to attend due to a conflict. Pat
171260 - Lincoln, also, indicated willingess to meet with Terry about SDS,
171261 - so once we get the record out, will see if there are grounds for
171262 - follow up.
171263 -
171264 - Sent BCC to....
171265 -
171266 - Jack Park, Pat Lincoln, John Deneen, Millie Welch
171267 -
171268 -
171269 -
171270 -
171271 -
171272 -
1713 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"