December 20, 2001 | 03 00050 61 01122001 |
Mr. Morris E. Jones
Business Unit Manager
Cable Network Operation
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP3-105
San Jose, CA 95124
Subject: | Religion, Cognition and Twists |
Dear Morris,
Review does not support concern about "twisting" what has been said, as discussed in your letter on December 11. While inaccuracy is inevitable understanding daily affairs, timely feedback on specifics enables corrections that refine accuracy in the record to reduce harm, as explained during the meeting at SRI by professor Mary Keeler on May 18, 2000.
You did a good job laying out some of my views on religion, which are further explained on December 11 to guide discussion going forward.
Per our call, comments on specific questions in your letter on December 11 can be found from the list of Action items.
Your writings show very strong feelings which seem to obviate working on an architecture for SDS to aid human cognition, because this invades religious territory, and entails cutting edge science that is unproven, as explained in NWO.
SDS design can be explained without reference to cognitive science, as enabling sound management practice using traceability to original sources, root cause analysis, context management, feedback, and expanding span of attention, called out by Drucker and ISO standards. However, this is a mere fig leaf covering the underlying fact that management is, in the vernacular, the "brains of the outfit," and so improvement requires a theory of cognition, intelligence, knowledge, call it what you will. So long, as we are prescribed by objections about religion and unproven science of cognition, there can be no progress, leaving all to the tender mercies of continual bumbling under feel good management, which you explained on November 21, 1991, rather than continual learning enabled by SDS, and explained recently on June 14, 2001.
Perhaps we can work our way through this issue with faith and determination.
Rod Welch