440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 4, 2001 06:54 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Morris on religion, technology and cognitive science.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
Religion Merges with Science and Technology, Leon Fuerth's Lecture
Anytime Anywhere Intelligence Does Not Add Value to Internet that Exp
Cognitive Science Ignorant Meaning Drift Information Overload Not Sol
Apologize Pressuring Morris to Work on SDS that Applies Congitive Sci
2306 - ..
2307 - Summary/Objective
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230801 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0000, ref SDS 36 0000.
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230803 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris saying....
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230805 - 1. Thanks for sharing his thoughts on 011129 on religion, SDS, etc.
230806 - ref SDS 40 0001 Many people share Morris' feeling that
230807 - cognitive science is too remote for practical application.
230808 - ref SDS 40 VZ6O Of course, we can make progress on SDS without
230809 - mentioning cognitive science, per se, but discussion beyond data
230810 - and information seems to conflict with religious perspectives.
230811 - ref DIT 1 0001
230812 -
230813 - 2. Obviously, we did not start out in 1983 thinking collaboration
230814 - would lead to issues of knowledge, intelligence, communication
230815 - and religion. ref DIT 1 L66H Things went well, enabling progress
230816 - through trial and error, both in application and description.
230817 - Morris pointed out on 950223 that 3x5 cards, using more
230818 - secretaries, accountants help explain good memory evident in SDS
230819 - records. ref SDS 8 9933
230820 -
230821 - 3. POIMS incorporates these artifacts of traditional management
230822 - into a broader picture, ref DIT 1 676O, for strengthening
230823 - literacy by integrating time with alphabet technology,
230824 - ref OF 1 3742, which provides a lever for lifting civilization.
230825 - ref OF 1 K84L Yet, as well, people prefer not to contemplate
230826 - fundamentals, as others have learned, see the Legend of
230827 - Prometheus, reviewed on 991108. ref SDS 21 5810
230828 -
230829 - 4. It is fascinating and humbling how God deals such elusive hands:
230830 - enabling enormous gifts to soar like an eagle; but, suddenly
230831 - being grounded by expression of ideas. ref DIT 1 547M
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230833 - 5. So, I apologize for asking you to advance ideas that are against
230834 - your views, as I have this past year. It was not my intent to
230835 - cause harm. It has always seemed to me your are ideally suited
230836 - for helping set out a formal architecture of SDS based on
230837 - experience the past 20 years. We have discussed details a
230838 - thousand times, so much of it is familiar to you. ref DIT 1 PPUR
230839 - Now, I see that reaching beyond the realm of data and
230840 - information to foster a culture of knowledge presents difficult
230841 - issues, discussed on 011129. ref SDS 40 VZ6O
230842 -
230843 - [On 011207 received letter from Morris saying we discuss issues,
230844 - and he does not take it personally. ref SDS 42 0001
230845 -
230846 - [On 011207 notified Morris that issues of cognitive science, and
230847 - anything beyond IT seem to founder. ref SDS 42 VR7I
230848 -
230849 - [On 011208 alphabet technology causes a problem. ref SDS 43 BI6O
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"