440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 8, 2001 09:49 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Jack Park objects to SDS described as unique, wants open source.

2...How to Overcome Ignorance Fear Denial Intelligence Possible??
3...SBIR Funding Opportunities Limited But Possibly Useful, Obtainable
.......Deployment Current Objective for SDS
.......Willfully Blind SDS Enables Intelligence Saves Time Money
.......Prototype SDS Scope Relative to Current Scope
.......SDS Ownership Participation Incentive for Development
.......Open Source Variant Needed to Obtain Jack's Help on SDS
4...People Can Build Tool As Powerful As SDS without Welch Support
.......Alphabet Technology Causes Emotional Objection Cognitive Science
.......Eliminate Alphabet Technology, What to Eliminate Next????
.......Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
.......KM Hard Work Fast, Easy, Fun Using SDS Like Playing Piano
.......Links Applied in Webmail Action Items Shows Progress on KM
.......Links to Original Source Omitted Fails Apply Engelbart Request
.......Business Plan Executive Summary Causes Anger Frustration
.......Approaches Knowledge Management Tools Dozens Besides SDS
.......SDS Unique KM Design Causes Anger Frustration Disappointment
.......Anger Frustrated SDS Unique Design for Improving Knowledge Work
.......People Have Enough Knowledge to Develop Knowledge Management
.......SDS Can be Built by People Who Have Studied Knowledge Management
............Psychological Pressure from Some SDS Uses is Hard Work
............Knowledge Brings Psychological Pressure of Responsibility
............Responsibility Causes Fear of Accountability for Action

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Jack did not, however, provide the address for what he quoted,
2...Ask Jack for alternate explanation he feels is representative of


New Way of Thinking Working Doug's Mission Bootstrap Institute, 99122
Ad Hoc Application Grant Funding Proposal SBIR
Secret of KM SDS Using Technology to Make Good Management Easier
Experience Builds Faith Creates Demand for Solution
Deployment SDS Enable People Discover Through Experience Advantage of
Communicate Build Culture of Knowledge Alliances on SDS Com Metrics P
Bright Stars Communicate on SDS Com Metrics POIMS Critical Marketing
Communicate Build Culture of Knowledge Alliances on SDS Com Metrics P
Culture Knowledge Deployment Experience Using SDS Discover Intelligen
Secret SDS No Other Technology Supports KM
Experience Upmteen Years SDS Doing KM Guides Development KM, OHS Tool
SDS Design Unique Angry Frustrated Sour Grapes Jack Suspects Others H

3514 -
3514 -    ..
3515 - Summary/Objective
3516 -
351601 - Follow up ref SDS 99 0000 ref SDS 96 0000.
351602 -
351603 - Jack does not discuss deployment.  This omission seems to confirm need
351604 - for giving people experience with SDS so they can become comfortable
351605 - with the process of organizing daily experience to convert information
351606 - into knowledge.  Jack strongly objects to "alphabet technology," which
351607 - reflects aversion people feel about cognitive science. ref SDS 0 4Q5L
351608 - Jack explains that SDS can be developed without support from Welch,
351609 - and without working with SDS. ref SDS 0 R69O  He proposes an open
351610 - source model that makes the specifications for SDS available so that
351611 - other people can duplicate functionality. ref SDS 0 R63L  Proposed to
351612 - Jack that we give him and others stock in SDS for helping to develop
351613 - capability, ref SDS 0 PG7L that improves open source and all other
351614 - work, then release parts or all of it to open source in 20 years.
351615 - ref SDS 0 4Q8M  Jack objects to business plan saying SDS is a unique
351616 - design because it improves alphabet technology. ref SDS 0 FV5H  Took
351617 - out the offensive line and asked Jack to submit wording he likes for
351618 - the business plan. ref SDS 0 PC9G  He has not done this, but may come
351619 - up with some ideas when he completes study of alphabet technology in
351620 - POIMS. ref SDS 0 456G
351621 -
351622 -     [On 011209 letter to Jack on need for new terms and understanding
351623 -     familiar terms in new light in order for new way of working to
351624 -     improve current practice. ref SDS A0 0001
351626 -      ..
351627 -     [On 011210 called Doug about need for effort in education to help
351628 -     people work through worries about terms and cognitive science.
351629 -     ref SDS A2 0001
351630 -
351631 -
351632 -
351634 -  ..
3517 -
3518 -
3519 - Progress
3520 -
352001 - How to Overcome Ignorance Fear Denial Intelligence Possible??
352002 - SBIR Funding Opportunities Limited But Possibly Useful, Obtainable
352003 -
352004 - Follow up ref SDS 99 EQ9O, ref SDS 96 EQ9O.
352005 -
352006 - Jack does not discuss this subject.
352007 -
352008 - He does not discuss need for deployment so people can get experience
352009 - using SDS to learn about KM and build faith in the intelligence
352010 - process of integrating time and information to create knowledge.  This
352011 - seems to reflect denial because he does not want SDS to be a unique
352012 - solution.
352014 -  ..
352015 - Letter to Jack concludes by asking how his ideas on explaining SDS and
352016 - open source would be applied in seeking grant funding? ref DIT 1 E36H
352017 -
352019 -        ..
352020 -       Deployment Current Objective for SDS
352021 -       Willfully Blind SDS Enables Intelligence Saves Time Money
352022 -       Prototype SDS Scope Relative to Current Scope
352023 -
352024 -       Follow up ref SDS 99 4Z4M, ref SDS 96 4Z4M.
352025 -
352026 -       Lack of experience with SDS and consequent need to research
352027 -       deployment to enable people to experience SDS is evident from
352028 -       fear of cognitive science and emotional resistance to thinking
352029 -       about alphabet technology, per below. ref SDS 0 4Q5L
352030 -
352031 -
352032 -
352033 -
352034 -
352035 -
352036 -
352037 -
352038 -
3521 -

Open Source Must be Available on Proprietary Project for Ja   to Part
Development Advances by Giving-up Some SDS Ownership to Form Alliance
Ownership SDS Participation Incentive for Contributing to Development
Open Source People Empowered to Do What They Feel Like Doing Progress
Open Source Jack Wants SDS Specification Telling Him How to Do SDS So
Release to Open Source After Development by Proprietary Methods
Demand for SDS to Improve Work Not Evident Anytime Soon
Open Source Secretive Suppress Communication
Give-up Some SDS Ownership to Develop Alliances for Advancing Civiliz

5411 -
541201 -        ..
541202 -       SDS Ownership Participation Incentive for Development
541203 -       Open Source Variant Needed to Obtain Jack's Help on SDS
541204 -
541205 -       Follow up ref SDS 99 9T5G, ref SDS 96 9T5G.
541206 -
541207 -       Jack does not discuss need to attract core team. ref SDS 99 JR5L
541208 -
541209 -       Jack objects to the business plan, ref OF 1 LS5N, begun on
541210 -       000802, ref SDS 46 0001, cited in the letter submitted to him,
541211 -       ref DIP 2 143J, yesterday.
541213 -  ..
541214 - Jack says today....
541215 -
541216 -       ....releasing SDS to open source after 20 years proposed in the
541217 -       letter, ref DIP 2 RW3H, submitted on 011206, ref SDS 99 9T5G,
541218 -       does not satisfy Jack. ref DRT 1 0Z8G
541220 -        ..
541221 -       Jack is committed to open source.  He wants to avoid work on a
541222 -       proprietary project in order to maintain honesty with open
541223 -       source work.  It's a matter of principles: if he signs an NDA to
541224 -       work on a proprietary product, he feels this shuts off doing
541225 -       anything similar in the open source arena.  I cannot, and will
541226 -       not do that. ref DRT 1 EO8M
541228 -        ..
541229 -       If a specification that renders duplicable the *functionality*
541230 -       of SDS were in the public domain, meaning that implementation he
541231 -       makes as open source would not conflict with any proprietary
541232 -       implementation of similar functionality, Jack believes his
541233 -       problem would be solved. ref DRT 1 TO9L
541235 -  ..
541236 - Jack uses example of Microsoft to illustrate his objective....
541237 -
541238 -       He thinks to satisfy the problems of an unfair advantage gained
541239 -       by MS by means of illegal behaviors, He would opt that they be
541240 -       required to make public domain the complete file specification
541241 -       of their entire office suite so that others can fully compete
541242 -       with them by importing and exporting from and to their files.
541243 -       Right now, people are forced to reverse engineer the file
541244 -       specification, and MS is fond, even at its own peril, of
541245 -       changing the file spec on occasion, quite possibly to make it
541246 -       harder for copycats to compete, doing so in the guise of
541247 -       "improved" product. ref DRT 1 6P4H
541249 -        ..
541250 -       Jack says the business plan does not enable him to contribute to
541251 -       SDS anytime soon. ref DRT 1 MP5I
541253 -  ..
541254 - Nobody has contributed anything so far, with the exception of Morris,
541255 - and he objects to using what he has contributed.
541257 -  ..
541258 - People are having difficulty using information technology (IT) as Eric
541259 - reported on 011003. ref SDS 85 EC5N  Jack made a similar point on
541260 - 011003, ref SDS 85 O74L, and explained on 010908 that laziness
541261 - prevents improving the present practice of pressing Reply in email.
541262 - ref SDS 81 YF5O
541264 -  ..
541265 - If there is no desire to improve the work anytime soon, then there is
541266 - no demand for SDS.
541268 -  ..
541269 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to Jack and explaining...
541270 -
541271 -       How can we join forces, rather than work in opposition?  All of
541272 -       us have different gifts and circumstances that contribute in
541273 -       different ways.  I can contribute a design and understanding
541274 -       about scope and deployment, and others provide complementary
541275 -       skills in technology, marketing, etc.  If we give away the
541276 -       design, as seems to be suggested in your explanation of open
541277 -       source, how is the investment of 20 years to create it rewarded?
541278 -       ref DIT 1 0R9K
541280 -        ..
541281 -       I am pleased to give Jack and others a stake in owning SDS to
541282 -       induce contributions of enabling skills and effort. ref DIT 1
541283 -       5S4K
541284 -
541285 -           [On 011210 same plan can work for Gary Johnson. ref SDS A1
541286 -           ZS9K
541288 -        ..
541289 -       I am reluctant to make the design immediately open source, and
541290 -       have a thousand versions spring up that prevent focus needed for
541291 -       market penetration, because then there will be no deployment,
541292 -       and no improvement to civilization, ref DIT 1 SV4O, as explained
541293 -       in the letter ref DIP 1 0030, to LANL on 000801. ref SDS 45 8U6F
541295 -        ..
541296 -       We need to find a compromise that balances competing objectives
541297 -       and avoids folly. ref DIT 1 TU5L
541299 -        ..
541300 -       Anyway, thanks again for engaging these issues.  Let me know
541301 -       what you think, and how that would be applied in seeking grant
541302 -       funding?
541303 -
541305 -  ..
541306 - People Can Build Tool As Powerful As SDS without Welch Support
541307 -
541308 - Received a second letter from Jack saying....
541309 -
541310 -       I am quite sure that I can build a tool every bit as powerful as
541311 -       SDS without any further discussion with you; I do not want to
541312 -       find our relationship ended because of suspicions that I have
541313 -       stolen some IPR of yours. ref DRT 2 4L8L
541314 -
541315 -                 [On 040315 Jack confirmed he recognizes SDS is Welch
541316 -                 intellectual property; he feels that investing enough
541317 -                 time, SDS could be replicated based, but plans to
541318 -                 respect Welch rights to SDS. ref SDS A8 SF89
541319 -
541320 -
541322 -  ..
541323 - This is good news for people who have been trying to create KM at
541324 - Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, et al, as discussed with Doug on 011120.
541325 - ref SDS 93 OS8L
541327 -  ..
541328 - Above, Jack discusses getting a specification to duplicate SDS
541329 - functionality. ref SDS 0 R63L  On 001030 he described this
541330 - functionality as making the structure of knowledge useful to people,
541331 - ref SDS 59 H17O
541333 -  ..
541334 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 responding to Jack and explaining...
541335 -
541336 -       Improving alphabet technology will provide a culture of
541337 -       knowledge that enables open source to flourish along with other
541338 -       aspects of civilization, as discussed on 001116, ref SDS 57
541339 -       014N, and previously in discussion with Doug Engelbart on
541340 -       000327. ref SDS 32 4420  This is a big reason to proceed by
541341 -       rising above personal sticking points.  There is so much to do,
541342 -       and technology is only a small part. ref DIT 2 IW6O
541344 -        ..
541345 -       Sharing ownership of SDS with you and others provides
541346 -       opportunity to strengthen literacy for a new way of working.  I
541347 -       know your aim is not steal SDS.  You have strong skills and a
541348 -       good heart.  The challenge is to leverage complimentary talents
541349 -       through collaboration.  If you feel now is not the time, then
541350 -       perhaps in another year or so.  I have greatly appreciated your
541351 -       interest and generous comments on SDS, and wish you only the
541352 -       best. ref DIT 2 OI7K
541353 -
541354 -
541355 -
541356 -
5414 -

Alphabet Technology Angry Object Explain SDS Cognitive Science Feared
Culture Knowledge Requires Education Leadership Enabling Forces Trans
Looking for Love All Wrong Places for KM
Alphabet Technology Foreign Term Jack Proposes Explaining SDS in Buzz
Action Item Review Alphabet Technology in POIMS
Foreign Term, Communication Metrics, SDS
Alien Intellienge Added to Management, 990713
Language SDS Com Metrics Frustrating Terminology Foriegn Terminology
Change Enabling Forces Culture of Knowledge Overcome Fear Paradigm Bl
Cognitive Science Feared Object Lack Experience Lack Credibility Quac
Foriegn Funny Alien New Way of Working Intelligently Psychologically
Ponder SDS One Way or the Other Things We Don't Talk About Around Her

7614 -
761501 -        ..
761502 -       Alphabet Technology Causes Emotional Objection Cognitive Science
761503 -
761504 -
761505 - Received 3rd letter, ref DRT 3 0001 from Jack saying....
761506 -
761507 -       I have an almost visceral, not positive reaction to "alphabet
761508 -       technology".  Always have.  It's just, to me, too cutesy,
761509 -       foreign to technology as we try to practice it, whatever.  I,
761510 -       for one, would like to see you find something a bit more
761511 -       mainstream as a way to describe your philosophy. ref DRT 3 X47F
761513 -  ..
761514 - Reflects objection to cognitive science for guiding development of
761515 - technology listed in the record on 011129. ref SDS 95 VZ6O
761517 -  ..
761518 - Jack's concern reflects need for education to help people transition
761519 - to a culture of knowledge, which is why research needs to focus on
761520 - deployment of SDS, so people gain experience to discover and feel
761521 - comfortable with human cognition, per above, ref SDS 0 EQ9O, and
761522 - proposed to Jack on 011206. ref SDS 99 4Z4M
761523 -
761524 -      [...below, Jack agrees to study alphabet technology. ref SDS 0
761525 -      456G
761527 -  ..
761528 - On 000331 explained SDS in relation to alphabet technology, during a
761529 - telephone call with Jack. ref SDS 33 4388
761531 -  ..
761532 - On 000504 Jack recognized that SDS and Com Metrics are "things we
761533 - don't talk about around here."  He recommended that people ponder
761534 - POIMS in order to discover benefits and processes of knowledge
761535 - management enabled by SDS. ref SDS 39 6082
761537 -  ..
761538 - On 000630 Jack was aware SDS helps people use alphabet technology to
761539 - augment intelligence, ref SDS 41 HQ4L, but urged greater effort to
761540 - educate the OHS/DKR team on this matter. ref SDS 41 IS3J
761542 -  ..
761543 - Others have objected to improving "alphabet technology" for explaining
761544 - SDS application and benefits...
761546 -        ..
761547 -       Henry van Eyken...................001105, ref SDS 56 AE7L
761548 -       Henry van Eyken...................010419, ref SDS 65 1P6F
761549 -       Mary Keeler.......................001220, ref SDS 62 P47N
761550 -       Doug Engelbart....................000327, ref SDS 32 9975
761551 -       Morris Jones......................000106, ref SDS 27 TL6G
761552 -       Morris Jones......................000703, ref SDS 42 LV7H
761553 -       Cliff Joslyn, Doug Engelbart
761554 -       Jack Park, OHS/DKR team...........000727, ref SDS 44 346I
761555 -       Jack Park.........................010420, ref SDS 66 ZO5K
761556 -       Morris Jones......................011211, ref SDS A3 VM9M
761558 -  ..
761559 - However, history has shown that alphabet technology makes people
761560 - superhuman, reported on 010622. ref SDS 73 N668  The real barrier and
761561 - reticence about alphabet technology is the notion that it augments
761562 - human intelligence, because this requires studying cognitive science
761563 - to understand the architecture of human thought, explained in POIMS,
761564 - and that is strongly resisted, as reported in the discussion with
761565 - Morris on 011129. ref SDS 95 VZ6O
761566 -
761567 -     [On 011210 called Doug about need for effort in education to help
761568 -     people work through worries about terms and cognitive science.
761569 -     ref SDS A2 0001
761571 -      ..
761572 -     [On 071113 Jack Park submits paper explaining power of alphabet
761573 -     technology to advance civilization. ref SDS B2 PH4K
761574 -
761576 -        ..
761577 -       Eliminate Alphabet Technology, What to Eliminate Next????
761578 -       Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
761579 -
761580 -
761581 - Submitted ref DIT 3 0001 to Jack explaining.....
761582 -
761583 -       Difficulty with "alphabet technology" explained in POIMS,
761584 -       ref OF 2 ER3G, is why the journey to discover KM is so hard to
761585 -       complete.  Folks, as the song goes, are
761586 -
761587 -                "Looking for love in all the wrong places."
761589 -        ..
761590 -       Alphabet technology is not the source of frustration; it is the
761591 -       fact that communication is complex, that it is the biggest risk
761592 -       in enterprise, see POIMS, ref OF 2 R69H, and so is inherently
761593 -       difficult for the conscious mind to comprehend beyond first
761594 -       order externals of information absorbed through the senses. see
761595 -       again POIMS, ref OF 2 UN3L
761597 -     ..
761598 -    [On 020104 follow up letter to Jack on progress with this action
761599 -    item. ref SDS A4 0001
761601 -        ..
761602 -       That is why Drucker says people have given up on trying to
761603 -       improve communication, reported on 931130. ref SDS 9 3851
761605 -        ..
761606 -       Alphabet technology is maybe mentioned 2 or 3 times in POIMS.
761607 -       Suppose we eliminate it.  What will you find troubling next
761608 -       among the many ways to describe our objective. ref DIT 3 LL5N
761610 -  ..
761611 - Other ways of explaining SDS are equally arcane to people who do not
761612 - have time, nor interest to invest time, for study, as Andy Grove urges
761613 - in his book, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 15 5794
761615 -  ..
761616 - For example.....
761617 -
761618 -       Add intelligence to management, invest intellectual capital,
761619 -       continual learning, listening, understanding, Knowledge Space,
761620 -       integrate time and information, intelligence, organizational
761621 -       memory, cognition, analysis, communication knowledge, knowledge
761622 -       management, deliberative analysis, organic subject structure,
761623 -       turning water into wine, straw into gold or straw in the wind,
761624 -       take your pick.  We cannot avoid the cold fact that to move
761625 -       beyond IT we need to travel through cog science somehow,
761626 -       someway. ref DIT 3 LM6I
761628 -        ..
761629 -       Morris doesn't like cog science, alphabet, etc., either.
761630 -       Recently I suggested to him on 011129 that we drop that term to
761631 -       avoid endless wrangling, ref SDS 97 0001, but that isn't the
761632 -       real problem. ref DIT 3 3N7G  People seem to be deeply troubled
761633 -       thinking about the architecture of human thought, explained in
761634 -       POIMS, ref OF 2 0367, as related on 011129. ref SDS 95 MG8N
761636 -        ..
761637 -       Recall on 000503 that Eric found "knowledge" is too "markety" so
761638 -       he avoids it. ref SDS 38 5033  But Jack stuck up for knowledge
761639 -       on 000503. ref SDS 38 6138  Why not try sticking up for the
761640 -       alphabet, since it is on the path of literacy from information
761641 -       to knowledge. ref DIT 3 CV7M
761643 -        ..
761644 -       That is why I asked in the letter, ref DIP 2 9X8K, on 011206,
761645 -       that we start with SDS and POIMS as a foundation that presents a
761646 -       theory leading to practical application. ref SDS 99 JP4F  Go
761647 -       into POIMS and deal with the substance.  If you feel the
761648 -       explanation of the alphabet is inadequate, ref OF 2 1299,
761649 -       propose an alternate explanation which aligns with your
761650 -       experience using SDS records on the web. That will move us
761651 -       forward. ref DIT 3 QX8H
761653 -  ..
761654 - Received 4th letter from Jack responding to the letter, ref DIT 3
761655 - 0001, explained above. ref SDS 0 BI6O
761657 -  ..
761658 - Jack says....
761659 -
761660 -       He will spend time thinking about alphabet technology explained
761661 -       in POIMS.  He agree it is important to find a way to present the
761662 -       vision for a new way of working, per letter above, ref SDS 0
761663 -       BI6O, but feels it should be cast in terms familiar with the
761664 -       general flow.  Remember that funding agents are heavily driven
761665 -       by whatever the buzz-du-jour is, and alphabet technology just
761666 -       isn't that.
761667 -
761668 -            [On 071113 Jack Park submits paper explaining power of
761669 -            alphabet technology to advance civilization. ref SDS B2
761670 -            PH4K
761672 -             ..
761673 -            [On 071220 ask Jack if the paper submitted on 071113
761674 -            discussion alphabet technology was part of performing
761675 -            action item today (6 years earlier)? ref SDS B3 IK5H
761677 -             ..
761678 -            [On 071220 Jack explains that paper was submitted on 071113
761679 -            for other reasons; he continues to feel alphabet technology
761680 -            is too abstract. ref SDS B3 TX9S
761682 -             ..
761683 -            [On 071220 letter to Jack commends feedback, ref SDS B3
761684 -            UK3J, and clarifies that mention of alphabet technology was
761685 -            merely coincidental in a paper he submitted on 071113;
761686 -            remind again he learn about this subject in POIMS.
761687 -            ref SDS B3 KZ5M
761689 -  ..
761690 - On 990713 Intel reported that adding "intelligence" to management for
761691 - improving earnings is "funny" and "alien." ref SDS 19 2150
761693 -  ..
761694 - On 960424 order lost, costs soar at SFIA, because Com Metrics is a
761695 - "foreign" term. ref SDS 13 7740
761697 -  ..
761698 - On 960920 contract with USACE calls for Com Metrics so term is not so
761699 - foreign. ref SDS 14 3322
761701 -  ..
761702 - On 001207 economy failing because too many people having too many
761703 - problems. ref SDS 60 V54M
761705 -  ..
761706 - On 011003 Eric Armstrong reports productivity paralyzed by information
761707 - overload. ref SDS 85 EC5N  Jack reports not a clue for solving problem
761708 - using IT. ref SDS 85 O74L
761709 -
761710 -    [On 011209 submitted letter thanking Jack for investing time to
761711 -    study POIMS because improvement, new ways of working, called out by
761712 -    Doug requires a culture of knowledge that has new terms, language
761713 -    and using familiar words in a new light. ref SDS A0 0001
761715 -     ..
761716 -    [On 020104 follow up letter to Jack on progress with this action
761717 -    item. ref SDS A4 0001
761718 -
761719 -
761720 -
761721 -
761722 -
761723 -
7618 -

Design Unique SDS Dispute Object Expect Many Tools Support Knowledge

9403 -
940401 -        ..
940402 -       KM Hard Work Fast, Easy, Fun Using SDS Like Playing Piano
940403 -
940404 -       Follow up ref SDS 99 5S4G, ref SDS 96 5S4G.
940405 -
940406 -       Jack's letter on December 2nd pointed out the need to explain
940407 -       advantages of SDS, rather than difficulties, and "hard work."
940408 -       ref SDS 96 5S4G
940410 -        ..
940411 -       The letter to Jack on 011206, ref DIP 2 143J, tried to address
940412 -       this by citing the SDS business plan, ref OF 1 0111, developed
940413 -       on 000802, ref SDS 46 0001, that explains SDS is a unique
940414 -       solution for KM.  The record on 011129, which is referenced in
940415 -       the letter to Jack on 011206, explains SDS makes hard work to
940416 -       perform KM much easier. ref SDS 96 5S4G
940418 -        ..
940419 -       Jack does not submit feedback on the "hard work" issue in his
940420 -       letter today, despite having raised this concern previously.
940421 -       However, his action shows progress by clicking on a link in the
940422 -       paragraph of the letter setting out follow up action items shows
940423 -       use of webmail and judicious review that expands span of
940424 -       attention to make the hard work of KM much easier. Judicious
940425 -       review is discussed in the record on 990419. ref SDS 17 3240
940426 -
940427 -
940429 -        ..
940430 -       Links Applied in Webmail Action Items Shows Progress on KM
940431 -       Links to Original Source Omitted Fails Apply Engelbart Request
940432 -       Business Plan Executive Summary Causes Anger Frustration
940433 -
940434 -       Jack clicked on the link to the business plan, and in his letter
940435 -       today, ref DRT 1 4V5L, quoted the following from the Executive
940436 -       Summary that explains advantages of SDS....
940437 -
940438 -           Demand for SDS to strengthen communication and knowledge
940439 -           work is fueled by the growth of information technologies
940440 -           (IT), like fiber optics, wireless, cellular and email that
940441 -           accelerate the explosion of information overload causing
940442 -           continual mistakes, loss, conflict, crisis and calamity. SDS
940443 -           has a secret design to integrate time and information so
940444 -           people can create and maintain connections of cause and
940445 -           effect based on context. This augments human intelligence
940446 -           and understanding, and thereby provides a powerful advance
940447 -           on the core engine of knowledge that has lifted civilization
940448 -           for the past 2,000 years: alphabet technology. SDS adds a
940449 -           new dimension to literacy essential to lift civilization
940450 -           under new realities of a New World Order,. No other
940451 -           technology or method can do this. ref OF 1 LS5N
940453 -        ..
940454 -       Jack did not, however, provide the address for what he quoted,
940455 -       so it was necessary to waste time looking it up.  Not providing
940456 -       a link in Knowledge Space overlooks Doug Engelbart's request on
940457 -       001027 for linking directly to orginal sources. ref SDS 53 00VU
940458 -
940460 -        ..
940461 -       Approaches Knowledge Management Tools Dozens Besides SDS
940462 -       SDS Unique KM Design Causes Anger Frustration Disappointment
940463 -       Anger Frustrated SDS Unique Design for Improving Knowledge Work
940464 -
940465 -       Jack pointedly objects to the statement in the business plan
940466 -       that SDS is a unique design -- that no other technology can
940467 -       accomplish SDS scope. ref DRT 1 IW7H
940469 -        ..
940470 -       He feels explaining SDS advantages in the manner set out in the
940471 -       business plan is not effective salesmanship, but does not say
940472 -       why presenting unique capabilities for saving lives, time, and
940473 -       money is not attractive to customers.  On 000403 he described
940474 -       SDS as "slick," ref SDS 34 4862, and later on 001130 he said in
940475 -       a letter that SDS has the right design for the structure of
940476 -       knowledge and the user interface makes the structure useful to
940477 -       people. ref SDS 59 H17O  Jack has never cited other tools that
940478 -       provide this support, which indicates SDS is unique.
940479 -
940480 -            [On 011210 Doug Engelbart wrote a letter to Terry Winograd
940481 -            at Stanford describing SDS as unique. ref SDS A2 JL5I
940483 -        ..
940484 -       The letter responding to Jack today expresses appreciation for
940485 -       feedback, ref DIT 1 SF6G, that aligns with the Communication
940486 -       Metrics process for adding "intelligence" to information
940487 -       explained in POIMS. ref OF 2 0367 and ref OF 2 2200
940489 -        ..
940490 -       In a second letter today, Jack says he objects to the line in
940491 -       the business plan, ref DRT 2 0001, that says....
940492 -
940493 -                No other technology or method can do this
940494 -
940495 -       ...per above. ref SDS 0 695G
940497 -  ..
940498 - Jack says....
940499 -
940500 -       That's simply not true as stated.  I suspect there are dozens of
940501 -       approaches to solving the problems you believe you have solved.
940502 -       Chest thumping like that is not going to win you any friends or
940503 -       funding sources. ref DRT 2 H56H
940505 -             ..
940506 -            Jack does not explain how a suspicion that other approaches
940507 -            accomplish SDS capability, makes the representation that
940508 -            SDS is unique "not true."  He provides no examples showing
940509 -            "suspicions" that other tools support SDS capabilities are
940510 -            true.
940512 -             ..
940513 -            On 010924 Morris noted nobody uses software the way SDS
940514 -            supports daily work, illustrated by this record.
940515 -            ref SDS 84 XT5F  Morris has a good feel for this issue
940516 -            since computer process manufacturers, like Intel, are
940517 -            sensitive to market trends.  On 910418 Intel engineers said
940518 -            in an article published by Byte that software should
940519 -            integrate scheduling and reporting, ref SDS 5 2744, and
940520 -            that engineers must think through scenarious that make
940521 -            management more productive. ref SDS 5 UT7F  If other people
940522 -            have figured out scenarios that make the practice of
940523 -            management more productive where is the software?  Where is
940524 -            the work product?
940525 -
940526 -               [On 011105 Jeff Conklin noted SDS produces unique work
940527 -               product. ref SDS 92 4S6H
940529 -                ..
940530 -               [On 011210 Doug Engelart wrote a letter to Terry
940531 -               Winograd at Stanford noting SDS is a "unique" solution.
940532 -               ref SDS A2 JL5I
940534 -                ..
940535 -               [On 020531 Mike Poremba reported on seeing SDS
940536 -               demonstration and work product on the Internet that SDS
940537 -               has efficient usibility and unique information
940538 -               functionality. ref SDS A5 5M3G
940540 -                ..
940541 -               [On 050118 Henry van Eykan notes limited availability of
940542 -               tools for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS A9 D23G
940544 -                ..
940545 -               [On 070904 Gary Johnson notes SDS is not the only viable
940546 -               approach for Knowledge Management; no evidence is
940547 -               presented of other viable or near-viable approaches that
940548 -               anybody is using. ref SDS B0 LF5L
940550 -                ..
940551 -               [On 071220 Jack proposes SDS apply tools invented by
940552 -               others in order to avoid "reinventing" the wheel, the
940553 -               rocking chair, and the saw horse of Knowledge
940554 -               Management; no evidence is shown of work product using
940555 -               other Knowledge Management tools. ref SDS B3 MM5K
940557 -                ..
940558 -               [On 071220 case study shows strong support by Jack that
940559 -               SDS offers a unique and powerful solution for Knowledge
940560 -               Management. ref SDS B3 ST6J
940562 -                ..
940563 -               [On 080422 Gary Johnson describes SDS design applies a
940564 -               theory of knowledge and work product demonstrates unique
940565 -               ability to perform. ref SDS B4 054Y
940567 -        ..
940568 -       Jack has a good point to avoid hubris, bragging and "chest
940569 -       thumping."  On 991209 review of Plato's Phaedrus shows that
940570 -       suspicion of inventors explaining their inventions is long
940571 -       standing. ref SDS 24 VW5I  On 000106 Morris, also, warned
940572 -       against arrogance. ref SDS 27 N371  On 000113 Moses and Aaron
940573 -       effect reflects long standing requirement for complementary
940574 -       skills of innovation in development and marketing are needed to
940575 -       successfully sell new technologies. ref SDS 97 0T43
940577 -        ..
940578 -       On 000504 Jack noted that people have difficulty discussing SDS,
940579 -       and so maybe the developer needs to lend a hand. ref SDS 39 XD5M
940581 -        ..
940582 -       While the level of thumping -- on chests, desks, pots and pans,
940583 -       anything handy -- needed to assist the willfully blind -- in the
940584 -       spirit of cooperation for the business plan, removed the line
940585 -       that Jack found objectionable was removed. ref OF 1 LS5N
940587 -                ..
940588 -               [On 020924 Jack Park calls for others to tell story of
940589 -               SDS and Com Metrics rather than developer. ref SDS A6
940590 -               6T6L
940592 -                ..
940593 -               [On 040221 Jack Park requests "story" of SDS by others
940594 -               rather than Rod. ref SDS A7 RZ4O and in a post script,
940595 -               ref SDS A7 W54O
940597 -        ..
940598 -       Sent another letter to Jack notifying him that line is removed.
940599 -       ref DIT 2 0001  A search on the Internet for "improve alphabet
940600 -       technology" and came up with only two SDS records, which shows
940601 -       that if others are working on this idea, they are keeping it to
940602 -       themselves. ref DIT 2 FU6F
940603 -
940604 -
940606 -        ..
940607 -       People Have Enough Knowledge to Develop Knowledge Management
940608 -       SDS Can be Built by People Who Have Studied Knowledge Management
940609 -
940610 - Jack continues....
940611 -
940612 -       I am quite sure that I can build a tool every bit as powerful as
940613 -       SDS without any further discussion with you; I do not want to
940614 -       find our relationship ended because of suspicions that I have
940615 -       stolen some IPR of yours. ref DRT 2 NQ8H
940616 -
940617 -           [On 070907 Jack reports trying for years to understand SDS
940618 -           design that enables indexical prowess; feels may be related
940619 -           to topic maps. ref SDS B1 GM9T
940621 -        ..
940622 -       Jack's concern aligns with Morris' letter on 010720 objecting to
940623 -       SDS because he feels Microsoft works better than SDS for saving
940624 -       time and money, and any advantage of SDS over Microsoft is
940625 -       "overkill." ref SDS 76 L25K
940627 -        ..
940628 -       The response to Jack suggests his objection can be strengthened
940629 -       by providing evidence of work product on organizational memory
940630 -       that adds intelligence by integrating time and information, like
940631 -       SDS does. ref DIT 1 FH6K  On 001130 Jack said SDS has the
940632 -       structure for KM, and an interface that is useful for customers.
940633 -       ref SDS 59 H17O
940635 -        ..
940636 -       On 000829 Jack reported having attended a world conference on KM
940637 -       and that IBM's program called Raven was reported as the top KM
940638 -       capability discussed at the conference. ref SDS 48 G69G
940640 -        ..
940641 -       On 011003 history of research on OHS/DKR indicates SDS is a
940642 -       unique solution, ref SDS 85 PS7I, based in part on research
940643 -       reported on 000425. ref SDS 36 0480  At that time, Jack reported
940644 -       there are no clues from 2 years of research on how to develop
940645 -       Knowledge Management. ref SDS 85 O74L
940647 -  ..
940648 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 explaining....
940649 -
940650 -       The intent of the draft business plan is to indicate added
940651 -       value, not to cause alarm. ref DIT 1 GA5M
940652 -
940653 -       Feedback saying something is a mistake raises an alert to make a
940654 -       correction, which is a core part of Communication Metrics, but
940655 -       evidence substantiating claim of error is needed to guide
940656 -       correction. ref DIT 1 FH6K
940658 -        ..
940659 -       Ask Jack for alternate explanation he feels is representative of
940660 -       SDS.  We can work on that as a basis for moving forward.
940661 -       ref DIT 1 0N8J  Let's see how Jack would re-state the
940662 -       explanation of SDS in the business plan, and then go from there.
940663 -       Maybe we are not that far apart. ref DIT 1 0N8J
940665 -        ..
940666 -       After all, what we are trying to accomplish, and the extent to
940667 -       which SDS helps us get there, e.g., is this a unique (secret)
940668 -       design path, seem like key criteria, so this is a good time to
940669 -       sort that out. If the SDS design is not a secret, then IBM,
940670 -       Microsoft, Eric and others can replicated it, and we are out of
940671 -       business. It seems like our only asset is that we have a secret
940672 -       that is useful. ref DIT 1 VY8N
940674 -        ..
940675 -       A second letter asks Jack for an alternate explanation of SDS he
940676 -       feels is effective in attracting people like him, investors and
940677 -       sponsors of research. ref DIT 2 XV6K
940678 -
940679 -
940680 -
940681 -
940682 -
940683 -
940684 -
9407 -

Psychological Burden Knowledge Conflicts Common Sense Culture Resists
Psychological Buffer of Communication Manager needed when Technology
Diplomacy Hard Work Psychologically Demanding Create Organizational M
Sel -Esteem Embarrassed by Discovering Executive Made Mistakes
Microscope SDS Debugs Management Alignment History Experience Organiz
Psychologically Demanding Power Knowledge Responsibility Notice Stres
Debug Management Stressful, Big Improvement wth SDS

AB09 -
AB1001 -             ..
AB1002 -            Psychological Pressure from Some SDS Uses is Hard Work
AB1003 -            Knowledge Brings Psychological Pressure of Responsibility
AB1004 -            Responsibility Causes Fear of Accountability for Action
AB1005 -
AB1006 -            Follow up ref SDS 99 QY6F, ref SDS 96 QY6F.
AB1007 -
AB1008 -            Jack does not address this issue, but his letter is very
AB1009 -            emotionally charged, which is evidence of need for care in
AB1010 -            crafting the record. ref DRT 1 IW7H
AB1011 -
AB1012 -
AB1013 -
AB1014 -
AB1015 -
AB1016 -
AB1017 -
AB1018 -
AB1019 -
AB1020 -
AB1021 -
AB1022 -
AB11 -