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1...On 000907 pilot testing can be aided by Medit improvements.
2...Key point is we need more than one person who can use SDS to apply and
0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
SRI DKR Project, 000503
Help Preparing Business Plans
SDS Demand Low Because Demand for KM Low
Pilot Test SDS to Discover Customer Base Early Adopters
Customers Determine Demand Pilot Test Find Early Adopters, Morris
KM Demand Low Because No Calls for SDS, Letter to Morris
Pilot Test Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM
Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM Pilot Test
Market Potential
Trial Installations
1613 - ..
1614 - Summary/Objective
1615 -
161501 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
161502 -
161503 -
161504 -
161505 -
161506 -
1616 -
1617 -
1618 - Discussion
1619 -
161901 - ..
161902 - Marketing Plan to Discover Early Adopters
161903 -
161904 - Follow up ref SDS 32 8320.
161905 -
161906 - Customer need set out in Morris' letter, ref DRP 1 B47N, received on
161907 - 000908, ref SDS 32 8320, is reflected by call on 000925 to use SDS for
161908 - aviation management. ref SDS 34 B9E2
161909 - ..
161910 - Morris suggests pilot testing by giving away 100 copies to get
161911 - reaction from real potential customers, and collect market relevant
161912 - data, ref DRP 1 G58G, per record on 991222. ref SDS 3 5402
161913 -
161914 - Learn what customer expectation is for a "management product", if
161915 - people like numbers, function keys, etc., what capabilities they use,
161916 - and how to improve them. This can be the seed group to get a larger
161917 - program developed. ref DRP 1 968O
161918 -
161919 - On 000907 pilot testing can be aided by Medit improvements.
161920 - ref SDS 31 I57O
161921 -
161922 - [On 001001 Morris got one of the Medit improvements done.
161923 - ref SDS 36 7842
161924 -
161925 - Key point is we need more than one person who can use SDS to apply and
161926 - train others in large scale organization setting that has big need for
161927 - Knowledge Management, Enterprise Management and "intelligennce."
161928 -
161929 - Pat Lincoln mentioned on 000829 that SRI has launched a program to
161930 - improve internal management. ref SDS 27 MJ6F
161931 -
161932 - On 000822 Intel's CEO, Craig Barrett, reported that Intel is
161933 - striving to improve management to reduce product delays.
161934 - ref SDS 23 019R
161935 -
161936 - [...this is addressed below on Com Manager. ref SDS 32 MW8R
161937 -
161938 - [On 001001 did not have time to address this issue during a visit
161939 - with Morris to create Medit improvements. ref SDS 36 8320
161940 -
161941 -
161942 - ..
161943 - Early Adopters Need Commitment to Experiment, Learn
161944 -
161945 - Follow up ref SDS 32 8569.
161946 -
161947 - We need to find early adopters who have a level of commitment to learn
161948 - and experiment, which the KM people at SRI have in varying degrees.
161949 - We need people who want to do a better of job of communication,
161950 - analysis and management minute by minute, hour by hour, day to day in
161951 - meetings, calls and correspondence, and are willing to do more than
161952 - grumble, go to seminars, and wait for the next version of Windows.
161953 - ref DIP 6 YV7L
161954 -
161955 -
161956 - ..
161957 - Terms and Conditions to Distribute SDS Protect IP
161958 -
161959 - Giving the program out for market research is fine, but don't we need
161960 - some terms and conditions for IP issues? ref DIP 6 00FM
161961 -
161962 -
161963 -
161964 -
161965 - ..
161966 - Revenue Stream from Advertising
161967 -
161968 - People who spend 12 hours as reported on 000925, could generate
161969 - revenue from advertising. ref SDS 34 B9E2
161970 -
161971 -
161972 -
161973 -
161974 - ..
161975 - Help to Develop Business Plan - John Deneen.
161976 -
161977 - Review issues meeting with John Deneen today. ref SDS 35 0001
161978 -
161979 - Morris suggested pointing out that I am starting a business to market
161980 - SDS and Com Metrics for KM. Would John like to help make this happen
161981 - as a prospective partner.
161982 -
161983 -
161984 -
161985 -
161986 -
161987 - ..
161988 - Disjunction between Need and Demand
161989 -
161990 - Follow up ref SDS 32 8820.
161991 -
161992 - How can we help people lift their competence, without impairing
161993 - self-confidence, as set out in analysis of the letter on medical
161994 - mistakes, ref DIP 7 6048, reported on 990924, ref SDS 2 0593, and
161995 - leads to fear of accountability?
161996 -
161997 -
161998 -
161999 -
162000 -
162001 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"