440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 16, 2000 00:12 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Sent letter to Peter Dorfman at KnowledgeFarm on SDS.

2...KnowledgeFarm Uses Hard Work to Support Content for KM
3...SDS Reduces Effort Required for Producing Content
4...Received Notice of Errors in Letter to KnowledgeFarm
5...Submitted Corrections to Illustrate Communication Metrics, Webmail

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0201 - Los Alamos National Labatory         505 665 0134
020101 - Mr. John Hogden
020102 -

Demo SDS via Web Site             ~
Locate Decision Maker
Subject Indexing
Alliances on Development
Email Causes Mistakes
Web Mail Improves Writing

0908 -    ..
0909 - Summary/Objective
0910 -
091001 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 16 0000.
091002 -
091003 - Sent a letter via conventional email to KnowledgeFarm to develop
091004 - review toward business alliance on using SDS for knowledge management.
091005 - Dick Karpinski reported mistakes in the effort. ref SDS 0 5850
091006 - Re-submitted correcting the mistakes using webmail to illustrate
091007 - possible advantages of SDS and Communication Metrics. ref SDS 0 0588
091008 -
091009 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 connected to this record to illustrate methodology
091010 - of SDS and Com Metrics.
091011 -
091012 -
091013 -
091014 -
091015 -
091016 -
0911 -
0912 -
0913 - Progress
0914 -
091401 -  ..
091402 - KnowledgeFarm Uses Hard Work to Support Content for KM
091403 - SDS Reduces Effort Required for Producing Content
091404 -
091405 - Received a letter from Peter Dorfman asking how Welch Company makes a
091406 - living. This followed up an inquiry I made a few days ago based, on
091407 - Peter's work shown in a web site called the...
091408 -
091409 -
091410 -                         KnowledgeFarm
091411 -
091412 -
091413 - ...which was reviewed on 000307. ref SDS 10 4472  There is a note in
091414 - the record of having contacted Peter. ref SDS 10 2223
091415 -
091416 - Peter responded, and I sent something back, which is not clear in the
091417 - record, because I did not have time to track it.  He then sent a one
091418 - sentence follow up inquiry.
091419 -
091420 - Since KnowledgeFarm recognizes a key aspect of effective knowledge
091421 - management, that it takes hard work, ref SDS 10 4472, and since the
091422 - firm seems to be a content provider, which I interpret to mean they
091423 - can prepare a useful record, and since this is essential to apply SDS
091424 - tools and Communication Metrics, I sent a letter explaining how SDS
091425 - and Com Metrics might support his work of preparing useful KM content.
091426 - ..
091427 - Recognizing that the chances this would be successful are
091428 - slight, I sent an ordinary email.
091429 -
091430 - This morning, as a result of notice from Dick Karpinski, per below,
091431 - ref SDS 0 5850, decided to create this record to hopefully generate
091432 - some useful knowledge.
091433 -
091434 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to the letter prepared for Jon Bondy,
091435 - ref DIP 1 0001, on 000306. ref SDS 9 3816  Since Jon indicated on
091436 - 000307 that this letter helped him understand SDS, ref SDS 11 3005,
091437 - maybe it can help Peter understand as well.
091438 -
091439 - Also, linked the letter, ref DIP 4 0001, to John Hogden at LANL, sent
091440 - yesterday, which explains efforts to engage the Lab in doing the
091441 - improvements on subject management which was proposed to NSF last
091442 - year. ref SDS 17 0672
091443 -
091444 - Sent a copy to Dick Karpinski to keep him posted on progress, since he
091445 - has expressed interest in advancing SDS, reported on 000307.
091446 - ref SDS 11 9862
091447 -
091448 -
091449 -
091450 -  ..
091451 - Received Notice of Errors in Letter to KnowledgeFarm
091452 - Submitted Corrections to Illustrate Communication Metrics, Webmail
091453 -
091454 -
0915 -
0916 -
0917 - 0849
0918 -
091801 - This morning Dick Karpinski sent a letter pointing out spelling and
091802 - syntax errors in the letter to Peter. ref SDS 18 9862
091803 -
091804 - I really wasn't going to incorporate the letter to Peter into the
091805 - record.  Figured if he responds constructively to the letter
091806 - explaining SDS that was sent to Jon Bondy, ref DIP 1 0001, then would
091807 - invest time to work with him at a higher level.
091808 -
091809 - After getting Dick's letter, decided to go ahead and put ref DIT 1
091810 - 0001 in the record, and in doing so, saw further mistakes.  So it is a
091811 - big mess, as usual when work is entirely spontaneous, although in this
091812 - case, I seem to have set a world record for the most mistakes in the
091813 - fewest sentences.
091814 -
091815 - This shows the value of webmail that permits correcting the record
091816 - without creating a lot of different versions that increase complexity
091817 - and cause further error, as reported on 990804. ref SDS 5 1944
091818 -
091819 - Part of this reflects the fact that I sent a regular email which is
091820 - error prone, as reported on 990924, ref DIP 5 1045, reviewing the high
091821 - cost of medical mistakes. ref SDS 6 0715  Additionally, on 000314 had
091822 - to install Netscape again from scratch, ref SDS 13 0001, and evidently
091823 - forgot to turn on spell check.  Dick's heads up is a helpful reminder.
091824 -
091825 - So, set spell check in Netscape.
091826 -
091827 - To illustrate how Communication Metrics can be applied, sent Peter
091828 - the letter ref DIT 1 0001 as web mail, linked to this record for
091829 - explanation of the correction process, supported by Dick.
091830 -
091831 -  ..
0919 -
0920 -
0921 - 1101
0922 -
092201 - As a result of corrections, decided to send Peter the HTML version of
092202 - the letter to demonstrate the idea of delivering anytime, anywhere
092203 - intelligence.
092204 -
092205 -
092206 -
092207 -
092208 -
092209 -
092210 -
092211 -
092212 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"