440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 13, 2000 11:36 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Submitted letter on Doug's writings and participation in Colloquium.

2...Tool Kit for Problem Modeling, Java, Graphical Capability
3...Enterprise Management
4...Process Modeling May Support Component Based Programming
....Modeling Computer Processes
....Simple Tools Combined Provide Insight to Complex Processes
5...Colloquium, Engelbart's Leadership Focuses Talents
6...Eric Recognizes Opportunity to Augment Human Capabilities Under Doug

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Doug's Writings Alignment
Demo SDS via Web Site
Sales discussions

0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0003.
070702 -
070703 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Dave who is managing, or consulting, on a
070704 - project to develop a Knowledge Workstation.  Dick Karpinski forwarded
070705 - information on Dave's project, explaining a professional conference
070706 - that is coming up.
070707 -
070708 -      [On 000215 received call from Dick. ref SDS 8 7410]
070709 -
070710 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 responding to Ron Goldman's letter,
070711 - ref DRP 2 0001, received on 000131. ref SDS 7 0003
070712 -
070713 - Cited discussion with Doug on 991222, ref SDS 1 3977, and his
070714 - suggestion to read his paper on Groupware. ref SDS 1 3360
070715 -
070716 - Cited Doug's paper, ref OF 1 0001, review of the paper on Groupware.
070717 - ref SDS 1 5360
070718 -
070719 - Linked to "intelligence" in POIMS. ref OF 2 0561
070720 -
070721 -
070722 -
070723 -
0708 -

Java Model Tool Kit for Program Design
Tools, Problem Modeling
Simulation Modeling of Problems
Nutrition Modeling of Problems
Process Modeling of Problems
Computer Aided Management

1709 -
170901 -  ..
170902 - Tool Kit for Problem Modeling, Java, Graphical Capability
170903 -
170904 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Eric Armstrong explaining ideas for tools
170905 - to model design in constructing the systems the Colloquium is
170906 - discussing.
170907 -
170908 - Eric reports having begun with a rough collection of Java interfaces
170909 - for "model-beans" that could be wired together in a GUI-builder
170910 - environment, evidently that would enable people to model problems,
170911 - solutions.  Eric advises the Colloquium is probably a year or two away
170912 - from having any time to implement something of that kind. ref DRT 1
170913 - 0001
170914 -
170915 - This capability sounds like generic tools to help augment thinking
170916 - about problems and tools through modeling.  It does not seem to be
170917 - specific to modeling the design of software for the DKR, but rather is
170918 - a tool or utility that is part of the DKR system.  Eric initially
170919 - considers... ref DRT 1 3780
170920 -
170921 -        •  Simulation modeling
170922 -
170923 -        •  Nutrition modeling
170924 -
170925 -        •  Process modeling
170926 -
170927 -
170928 -  ..
170929 - Enterprise Management
170930 - Process Modeling May Support Component Based Programming
170931 -
170932 - Eric relates a process-modeling strategy he came up with some years
170933 - ago. ref DRT 1 6734  The most interesting possibility is creating
170934 - graphic computing "components" that can be wired together like a CAD
170935 - drawing. ref DRT 1 6474
170936 -
170937 - The design he proposes today may eventually support component based
170938 - programming; he cites enterprise objects that comprise business logic,
170939 - which may represent aspects of the Enterprise Management objective
170940 - that Knowledge Management should support. ref DRT 1 6468
170941 -
170942 - This suggests that, while the capability might be generic, it could
170943 - expedite design and implementation of a knowledge management system,
170944 - contemplated by the DKR.  Eric cites this potential. ref DRT 1 1026
170945 -
170946 -
170947 -
170948 -
170949 -     ..
170950 -    Modeling Computer Processes
170951 -    Simple Tools Combined Provide Insight to Complex Processes
170952 -
170953 -    Eric maps out a variety of flow diagrams showing features of a
170954 -    system he developed for a prior assignment. ref DRT 1 5225
170955 -
170956 -    These process flow structures were simple, but when combined
170957 -    together, and nested hierarchically, they turned out to be capable
170958 -    of describing a fairly sophisticated system. ref DRT 1 1140
170959 -
170960 -
170961 -
170962 -
1710 -

Plan Needed for Guidance
Dialog, Instruct
Duty is the Reward of Leadership
Noblesse Oblige - Rank Imposes Obligations
Vision, Guide, Listen, Learn, Goals
Incentives, rewards/pain
Armstrong, Eric

3011 -
301101 -  ..
301102 - Colloquium, Engelbart's Leadership Focuses Talents
301103 - Eric Recognizes Opportunity to Augment Human Capabilities Under Doug
301104 -
301105 - Eric's second letter, ref DRT 2 0001, expresses appreciation for the
301106 - opportunity presented by Doug, Stanford, and sponsors of the
301107 - Colloquium to help shape and guide important work on augmenting human
301108 - capabilities.
301109 -
301110 - Eric notes that it is enormously exciting to find everything you have
301111 - thought about or cared about coming together in one giant opportunity.
301112 - From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for the opportunity to
301113 - share those thoughts with others of similar interests.
301114 -
301115 -       [On 000324 Eric re-stated these views introducing himself to the
301116 -       OHS/DKR team meeting at SRI. ref SDS 9 FS3J
301117 -
301118 - This perspective is a form of the passion embodied by the notion of
301119 - duty is its own reward.  As the ranking member, Eric has done an
301120 - outstanding job of forumlating ideas that guide contriubtors to the
301121 - Colloquium, and synthesizing the work of individuals into a productive
301122 - team.  Noblesse Oblige is one dimension which Eric has met with energy
301123 - and purpose.
301124 -
301125 -       [On 000811 Eric reported he does not like links. ref SDS 10 0001
301126 -
301127 -       [On 000824 Eric reported he is does not like archives.
301128 -       ref SDS 11 7O9I
301129 -
301130 -       [On 011003 Eric reported he is overwhelmed by hopeless quagmire
301131 -       of information overload that paralizes productivity. ref SDS 12
301132 -       EC5N
301133 -
301134 -       [On 011010 Eric affirmed he does not like to open links.
301135 -       ref SDS 13 KS6G
301136 -
301137 -       [On 011105 Eric objects to opening links. ref SDS 14 IL6K
301138 -
301139 -
301140 -
301141 -
301142 -
301143 -
301144 -
301145 -
301146 -
301147 -
301148 -
301149 -
301150 -
301151 -
301152 -