440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:07:22 -0800 PST

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Delguel Arcanjo

Subject:   Masters Thesis on Cognitive Overhead

Dear Delguel,

I greatly appreciate your letter reaching out to industry for support with your masters thesis on cognitive overhead.
My work implements ideas from experts like professor Conklin, reviewed on April 20, 2001. Professor Terry Winograd at Stanford University has written and taught for many years in the field of AI. A recent meeting with the professor on December 19, 2001 discussed issues related to cognitive overhead.
Another good source is Doug Engelbart who has worked for many years developing leading edge technology. Doug invented the computer mouse while at SRI in the 1960s; he did critical work on linking, and and was a pioneer in starting the Internet. For more than a quarter century, Engelbart has written widely on technology for augmenting intelligence. In the year 2000, Doug received the National Medal of Technology for his lifetime accomplishments (see report November 14, 2000).
Your thesis on cognitive overhead has potential meanings in cognitive science, management science, and computer science.
Cognitive overhead arises from the common practice of analysis, and stands in greater relief using the flexible structure of Knowledge Space explained in POIMS. This new structure applied with software technology enables an intelligence process for constructing alignment with links that impart causation. Routinely discovering and maintaining experience to understand cause and effect inherently comprises a body of knowledge that significantly extends traditional literacy by integrating time with information. In management science, overhead is generally considered research, planning, and management that guides deployment of direct labor for efficient production, see for example Peter Drucker's work reviewed on November 30, 1993.
An example from technology is a software engineer who programs a computer; in construction an architect designs piping, and a plumber installs the piping. In all cases, people who perform direct labor are managed by a team leader, a foreman, project manager, VP and CEO, who do not do any programming, nor design nor installation of piping, i.e., they are "overhead."
Similarly, human cognition, i.e., thinking, analysis, intelligence that converts information into knowledge, mostly occurs on automatic pilot in the background of the subconscious mind. This cognitive overhead seems free and unlimited; whereas, the conscious span of attention consumes all of our time processing sensory perception in deciding moment-to-moment what to say and do. Limited span of attention makes conscious cognition very precious, because people can perform only one task at a time, illustrated by the common pejorative: So-and-so cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.
Everybody readily pay for people and tools that aid phone calls, writing letters, delivering the mail, attending meetings, flying to a conference, etc., that all aid conscious acts. Equally, nobody wants to pay for time and tools that help people perform subconscious tasks of organization, alignment, summary, and feedback (see POIMS), because innate "intelligence" that "connects the dots" for knowledge formation seems free.
Cognitive overhead posits that "free" intelligence is an illusion that regularly explodes in crises, shown by events like failure of national security on September 11, 2001, Enron's collapse into bankruptcy on February 4, 2002, and loss of the Columbia space shuttle on February 1, 2003.
If the mind's entire attention is devoted to receiving and sending information, then there is not enough time for cognitive overhead to construct connections for accurate understanding of cause and effect. In the vernacular we say "things slip through the cracks" because information density overwhelms the intelligence process. When the mind cannot keep up with the pace of daily activity, people get mixed up, leading to continual bumbling and rework.
Professor George Miller's seminal paper continues to impart critical understanding of "recoding" when cognitive overhead loses track of paraphrasing because alignment breaks down, reviewed on March 3, 1999. Professor Thomas K. Landauer's work with LSA explains how meaning drift occurs in the human mind when alignment breaks down, and so may relate to your review of "cognitive overhead" in relation to tools and practices that augment intelligence.
More recently Steven Pinker at MIT has observed that meaning drift is a "feature not a bug" of human cognition, which implies that when people do not have enough time, or are otherwise unwilling to invest time for, what might loosely be called, "cognitive overhead," to maintain alignment, the human mind innately relies on understanding the gist of things by filling in the gaps with common sense impressions that are often incorrect, leading to loss, conflict, crisis and calamity. More cognitive overhead is then needed to "debug" working cognition the way an engineer debugs a software program, as explained in POIMS.
Good luck with your paper.



Rod Welch

Copy to:
  1. OHS/DKR,

Delguel Arcanjo

Jan 23, 2002

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Masters Thesis on Cognitive Overhead

Dear Rod Welch,

I am a master student at the Universidade Catolica de Petropolis, in Brazil, developing my dissertation on the concept of COGNITIVE OVERHEAD.
I sent e-mail for Dr. Jeff Coklin speaking my dificult in explain the theme: COGNITIVE OVERHEAD and wait favourable reply.

I would like to know if you can help me too about this.

Would can ?

Delguel Arcanjo