440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 03:00:40 -0800

03 00050 61 04022401

Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Modeling and Simulation
5301 Bolsa Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2099
Subject:   Presentation on Com Metrics at SRI

Dear Gary,

Per our telecon, review of Jack's letter, on February 21, suggesting that you prepare a paper and/or perhaps give a talk at SRI on the Com Metrics work you did last year at Boeing, sounds like a good opportunity. It fits your research on February 25 to spruce up a presentation that illustrates SDS support for fundamentals. Did you get a chance to see the comments on your ideas, reported the next day on February 16?
Notice the review lists other resources that might support a professional presentation on Com Metrics.

Since you are short of time, here is a draft of a letter for consideration in responding to Jack's letter which he sent to you...

Dear Jack,

Rod has asked me to respond to your letter on Jan 21, discussing a possible presentation at SRI. We had been talking about how the effort everyone made last year to try SDS on the project would make a good "story" on the ups and downs of introducing new technology, based on the annual report of progress in the record for Jan 2. Really appreciate being considered to speak at SRI.
Couple of points to keep in mind...

  1. The general story using SDS at Boeing on the FCS project last year is fairly set out in Rod's record on Jan 2.
    Rod used the occasion of my call to review the year, and this provides a basis for talking points in a presentation. Didn't realize we had done so much. From the eye of the storm, everything seems calm, because you are spinning as fast as everything else.
  2. Unfortunately, since Jan 2, when things looked great, history may have passed us by on your idea to hear about SDS and Com Metrics. On Jan 16, I stopped using SDS after some questions were raised by Boeing corporate resulting from a small breach of confidentiality when I accidentally published to the Internet an SDS record back in April. Don't know if that can be solved, so in one sense, the pilot test might be seen as a failure, if it turns out we could not develop sufficient buy-in to withstand cultural inertia once it got headed in our direction, based on analysis dated Feb 3. I am working on it, and there are some official action items to get SDS approved for use on the project but, Rod points out that experience shows the longer we go without "delivering the goods" that empower people to get things done correctly, on time and within budget, the favorable feedback that has occurred, up until now, will quickly fade from memory, as situational awareness (also, limited span of attention) becomes dominated by new crises. People fall back into comfortable habits working on familiar things in familiar ways, as Covey and Grove point out. So, giving fair warning that you may be buying a pig-in-a-poke, because the credibility angle seems to have receded again.
  3. Since I don't have SDS anymore, I am a lot busier trying to meet increased demands for organizational memory, as a result of everybody finally starting to "get it," after getting SDS records for a year. Using conventional tools like this email, and other Microsoft programs means there is not as much time to get things done. So, bottom line, I cannot promise I will have time anytime soon to spend on preparing a professional talk, nor to pull away for a visit to SRI.
    Additionally, this is a classified project, and so that may present obstacles. I will ask my boss -- maybe the gods will think this is something we should do, and in that case we are off to the races -- a gig at SRI would be an interesting project. Will try to get back to you in a few days on this.
    Since the project is classified, my SDS records are not available for general review, to answer your question about "blogging" on the Internet. (note -- that is what got us in trouble) If SRI can somehow wrangle a position that a presentation on Communication Metrics would be furthering the work of the project, then the records might be released. I have a vague recollection that Rod or Pat Lincoln, when I talked to him some months back, indicate that SRI has a small part of the project, so there is always a possibility the records could be provided to SRI for study.
  4. I talked to Rod about your idea for me to give the talk, and he is okay with that. Rod has had health issues recently, and so likely is not available. Go ahead and communicate directly with me on this, and send Rod a copy so he gets the gist of how things are going.
  5. In our discussion, Rod mentioned having thumbed through some of the old files after getting your letter. That background suggests there are actually two (2) presentations that should be considered. One is on learning and using SDS for the eight (8) steps of Com Metrics to prepare and send out the record to everybody. I've got this list posted on the wall here in my office; so, if the chance arises, I would like to make a presentation on using SDS for "intelligence" that supports command and control of the work, which fits our deliverable for C4ISR. My group's responsibility for modeling and simulation would provide an opportunity to follow up on Cliff Joslyn's (LANL) presentation at SRI on July 27, 2000.
    A second presentation might be considered on how people handle getting SDS records, i.e., what's it like being a consumer of "intelligence"? It would be great if our chief computer architect could come and explain transitioning from initial shock to acceptance, then expecting to get SDS records, and later insisting on getting more. Another good candidate is one of our customer reps. Nancy is a Lt Col, and has a Ph.D. in something like computer science or management, not sure which, but she is very sharp and seemed to catch on quickly that SDS packs a bigger wallop than getting traditional meeting minutes. Additionally, if possible, my boss' boss, Bruce, who hired me, would be effective to present the impact on corporate culture, when Communication Metrics is introduced. Bruce gave a talk last August that essentially cried out for SDS support to manage lessons learned. Don't know if any of this can come to pass, but it makes sense for understanding the "story" of SDS on the project.
  6. Rod mentioned there are a lot of other people who might be considered to speak on SDS, if I am not available, or to complement my perspective on the User side, with input from consumers of, what Rod calls, "intelligence" on the job (not sure I'm comfortable with that phrase, but I know what he means, and there is no doubt that a dramatic change of some kind - mostly positive, but some negative in the beginning - occurs in people from routinely getting SDS records).
    Anyway, Rod mentioned a number of people, including your name as someone who could give a good account of SDS, including ideas for improvements. Pat Lincoln is another name, along with Morris Jones, who has worked with Rod for 20 years. I have talked to Morris once or twice and done some email, and also talked to Pat and they both seem like good choices to give a presentation on SDS from a consumer side.
Enough for now.


So, this is a draft that gets you into the subject.

Call when time permits to see we are on this.



Rod Welch