440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 14, 1998 09:05 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Assemble and configure CPU11, returned to Pctown.
2...W98 Installed in Wrong Directory
3...Visited Pctown
4...W98 Re-installed to Correct Directory
.....Product Key Not Entered Correctly
5...CD ROM Driver Installed on I:
6...Custom Install Office 97 on W98 so that Tool Bar Displays
7...Keyboard Converter Instead of New Keyboard
8...Transferred SDS Files
9...All Network Drives Not Recognized Consistently - Fixed It
10...Install and Configure SDS
11...Configured Medit
12...DOS Sessions Not Closing Correctly - Fixed It
13...IBM Internet Dialer
15...Address Book for Email
........Export Address File
........Import Address Book
17...Dial-up Access to Internet
18...Uploading, Transferring Files, Use Ws_ftp
19...Scanner and Omnipage
20...MS Project Installation
21...Visio Organization Chart Program Installation
22...Tape Drive, Exabyte, Novaback Backup Software Not Installed
Click here to comment!
0201 - PCtown 415 788 8696 fax 217 7731
020101 - Mr. Chris Grossman; Sales Executive
020102 - Sales Department
Disk Partitions
Office 97, MS
Keyboard, OmniKey 102
Product Key
W98 Installed in Wrong Directory, 981114
CD ROM Driver program on CPU11
Original purchase
Product Key CPU11
1811 - ..
1812 - Summary/Objective
1813 -
181301 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 16 0000.
181302 -
181303 - Completed most of the setup today and the next day.
181304 -
181305 - Had to visit the vendor to re-install the OS in the correct directory;
181306 - purchased some cable extensions and a keyboard adapter which did not
181307 - work correctly.
181308 -
181309 - [On 981115 list of pending issues. ref SDS 18 4882]
181310 -
181311 - [On 981116 got correct adapter to use the Omni Keyboard with the
181312 - new CPU. ref SDS 20 7994]
181313 -
181314 - [On 990114 configured CPU10 using this record for CPU11. ref SDS 25
181315 - 0000]
181316 -
181317 -
181318 - ..
1814 -
1815 -
1816 - Progress
1817 -
181701 - ..
181702 - W98 Installed in Wrong Directory
181703 -
181704 - Last night I installed Office 97, but could not get the tool bar to
181705 - appear on the left side of the screen.
181706 -
181707 - Today, I noticed that Pctown installed the operating system in...
181708 -
181709 - I: oo o2
181710 -
181711 - ....instead of
181712 -
181713 - I: 00 02
181714 -
181715 - shown in the record at. ref SDS 17 2596
181716 - ..
181717 - Called Chris at Pctown in the late afternoon. He recalled we
181718 - wanted the operating system in...
181719 -
181720 - I: 00 02
181721 -
181722 - ...and that he put dots in the center of the 0, to signify the
181723 - distinction between o and 0.
181724 -
181725 - He asked me to bring the CPU in and they will install the
181726 - operating system again.
181727 -
181728 - I explained the problem that the tool bar will not appear, when Office
181729 - 97 is installed.
181730 -
181731 - Chris said he has encountered that problem. He asked me to bring the
181732 - Office 97 installation CD to their office, and they will install the
181733 - probram after they re-install the operating system.
181734 -
181735 -
181736 -
181737 -
1818 -
1819 -
1820 - 1524
1821 -
182101 - ..
182102 - Visited Pctown
182103 - W98 Re-installed to Correct Directory
182104 -
182105 - I took just the CPU and the software disks and CDs that came with the
182106 - system, to Pctown.
182107 -
182108 - Initially Kevin thought he could simply change the folder name. He
182109 - tried this and it failed.
182110 -
182111 - He then re-installed the W98 and the other software.
182112 -
182113 - [On 990409 upgraded W98 with Internet Explorer and Outlook
182114 - Express. ref SDS 26 3553]
182115 -
182116 - ..
182117 - Product Key Not Entered Correctly
182118 -
182119 - I did not bring the W98 manual, because I was unaware that it is
182120 - needed to install the operating system.
182121 -
182122 - Turns out that the W98 manual has a product key on the front cover
182123 - that has to be entered in order to use the OEM W98 CD to install
182124 - the operating system.
182125 -
182126 - Since I did not bring the manual, Kevin used the product ID from a
182127 - manual for a CD available in the Pctown store.
182128 -
182129 - He said we need to change this to the product ID that corresponds
182130 - to our W98 CD that is on the manual.
182131 -
182132 - [On 981128 used regedit to make this change. ref SDS 22 2983]
182133 -
182134 - [On 990810 got new Product ID from Microsoft for purposes of
182135 - getting Technical support. ref SDS 27 5376]
182136 -
182137 -
182138 - ..
182139 - CD ROM Driver Installed on I:
182140 -
182141 - I asked Kevin to install the CD ROM driver in...
182142 -
182143 - i: 00 03
182144 -
182145 - [On 981228 installed RW CD ROM. ref SDS 24 2128]
182146 -
182147 - This time, he did not install the DOS drivers for the CD ROM and the
182148 - Soundblaster. This saved about 20K of RAM for SDS.
182149 -
182150 - We do not these for DOS, and we need the RAM.
182151 -
182152 -
182153 - ..
182154 - Custom Install Office 97 on W98 so that Tool Bar Displays
182155 -
182156 - Kevin installed Office 97, and used the "Custom" option, which is
182157 - required for installing Office 97 on W95 os. There is an listed item
182158 - for Office 97 in the middle of the screen. Double click on it and an
182159 - option to select the Task Bar is presented. Select it and complete
182160 - installation of Office 97.
182161 -
182162 -
182163 - ..
182164 - Keyboard Converter Instead of New Keyboard
182165 -
182166 - Purchased a keyboard converter, so I can use the Omni Key keyboard on
182167 - the new system that has a PS/2 slot. ref DRT 2 5937
182168 -
182169 - Will not need to purchase a new keyboard immediately, which was
182170 - investigated on 981112. ref SDS 15 0224
182171 -
182172 - When I got home it turned out that I purchased the wrong
182173 - converter. It plugs a PS/2 connection cable into an AT computer.
182174 - This converter can be used to connect the new keyboard to CPU08,
182175 - which is not needed very much.
182176 -
182177 - Need AT/PS2 converter for keyboard.
182178 -
182179 - [On 981116 purchased keyboard adapter. ref SDS 20 4340]
182180 -
182181 -
1822 -
Network, W95, EtherPCI
File Transfer
Network Setup Using Passwords for W95 Logon
Network Failing with CPU11
Network Failed CPU11 CPU10 W98
Network Computers
2710 -
271001 - ..
271002 -
271003 - Purchased another network cable to solve the problem of the orange
271004 - cable that will not work thorugh the hub, as occurred last night....
271005 - ref SDS 17 1261
271006 -
271007 - This cost $12.99
271008 -
271009 -
271010 - ..
271011 - Transferred SDS Files
271012 -
271013 - Follow up ref SDS 17 1515.
271014 -
271015 - As a result of Kevin having to install the OS again, I had to
271016 - transfer the SDS fils to C again, since that drive was formatted.
271017 -
271018 - [On 990114 had problems setting up network on CPU10. ref SDS 25
271019 - 6149]
271020 -
271021 - ..
271022 - All Network Drives Not Recognized Consistently - Fixed It
271023 -
271024 - Not getting consisten recognition on all network drives from CPU11.
271025 -
271026 - Everything works okay on CPU08.
271027 -
271028 - The network shows all of the drives, and W98 transfers files across
271029 - the network, but we cannot copy files from the DOS prompt on K or L,
271030 - etc. The failure is sproadic. Sometimes K is okay, but L or P are
271031 - not recognized. Other times the condition is different.
271032 -
271033 - Free command only shows a few drives on the network from CPU11, while
271034 - CPU08 shows all the drives.
271035 -
271036 - Tried removing netbuie and installing it again.
271037 -
271038 - This did not solve the problem.
271039 -
271040 - Tried turning off CPU08 and CPU11. Turning on CPU08 and not setting
271041 - up network by entering password. Then turned on CPU11 and entered
271042 - password. This time all of the drives passed.
271043 -
271044 - Tried free command.
271045 -
271046 - It recognized all of the drives.
271047 -
271048 - Tried xcopy batch file - failed again...
271049 -
271050 - It worked better, but still encountered about 10 error messages
271051 - of following type...
271052 -
271053 - Error copying file f:\02\05\02\60\98\02\2502 to
271054 - n:\02\05\02\60\98\02\2502
271055 -
271056 - Network access denied.
271057 -
271058 - Investigated Help, Network troubleshooting.
271059 -
271060 - Said to check that file sharing is enabled on drives where
271061 - tranfser is failing.
271062 -
271063 - Checked and found that "Read Only" was set on d, and several
271064 - other drives for CPU08. Changed everything to "Full."
271065 -
271066 - Tried batch file again.
271067 -
271068 - Everything seems to working correctly now.
271069 -
271070 -
271071 -
271072 -
2711 -
SDS Interface
DOS in Window; Not Full Screen
DOS Sessions Not Closing without Warning
SDS and Medit
Terminate DOS Apps without System Warning
Terminate DOS Session without System
DOS Close when Exit from SDS
3510 -
351001 - ..
351002 - Install and Configure SDS
351003 -
351004 - Follow up ref SDS 17 4408.
351005 -
351006 - Had to do this again also.
351007 -
351008 - Used instructions for CPU10 on 980225. ref SDS 8 1204
351009 -
351010 - We only have 560K free, where as on CPU08, we have about 615K free.
351011 -
351012 - The changes made by Pctown when I took the system in this afternoon,
351013 - we were able to get this up to about 610K.
351014 -
351015 -
351016 - ..
351017 - Configured Medit
351018 -
351019 - Follow up ref SDS 17 4660.
351020 -
351021 - Used instructions for CPU10. ref SDS 8 4069
351022 -
351023 -
351024 -
351025 - ..
351026 - DOS Sessions Not Closing Correctly - Fixed It
351027 -
351028 - We have set these sessions to close immediately, but there is still a
351029 - warning from OS that should not occur.
351030 -
351031 - The solution is to turn off the option under....
351032 -
351033 - Misc
351034 -
351035 - Warn if still active.
351036 -
351037 -
351038 -
351039 -
351040 -
3511 -
Dialer, IBM for W98
Modem Driver, CPU10
4005 -
400501 - ..
400502 - IBM Internet Dialer
400503 -
400504 - Follow up ref SDS 8 1392, ref SDS 4 2375.
400505 -
400506 - We have a US Robotics 56K modem 001787-B, per invoice. ref DRP 1 LO6L
400507 -
400508 - There is a record of installing the Dialer at ref SDS 4 2375.
400509 -
400510 - [On 990114 installed dialer and had problem getting modem
400511 - configured on CPU10. ref SDS 25 3008]
400512 -
400513 - This may simply require running the last setup file from IBM.
400514 -
400515 - The Dialer program is in...
400516 -
400517 - h: 00 19
400518 -
400519 - I just copied the file over, and then ran the last setup file
400520 - received from IBM a week or so ago.
400521 -
400522 - Got the IBM dialer program running.
400523 -
400524 - We are getting connected at 50K + or - using the 56K modem in San
400525 - Francisco. This is big improvement over using the same configuration
400526 - in Concord where we get connected most of the time at from 28800 to
400527 - 42000.
400528 -
400529 -
400530 -
400531 -
4006 -
Netscape Communicator, 4.4 W95
Netscape, 4.04 W95
Updated Versions
Address Book, Import, Export
Book Marks Import
4408 -
440801 - ..
440802 - Netscape
440803 -
440804 - I downloaded the current version of Netscape the other day, and have
440805 - not yet installed on CPU08.
440806 -
440807 - To day I copied the Netscape files from CPU08 to CPU11, and then
440808 - installed the setup up file for the new version of Netscape, on
440809 - CPU11.
440810 -
440811 - Initially, I made a mistake and installed version 4.04 which is a
440812 - year old. This was discovered the next day, when I noticed the
440813 - version number on CPU11 is older than the version on CPU08.
440814 -
440815 - Checking showed I installed a file in the netscape directory...
440816 -
440817 - h:00 07
440818 -
440819 - This was a mistake because I had downloaded the newer version, 4.5
440820 - into sd 10, and had not yet transferred it to the Netscape directory.
440821 - When I did the installation OA 0230 I had forgotten these minor
440822 - details.
440823 -
440824 - So I went back and installed the new version, 4.5 on both CPU10 and
440825 - CPU11.
440826 -
440827 -
440828 - ..
440829 - Address Book for Email
440830 -
440831 - I need the address book from CPU08.
440832 -
440833 - The procedure seems to be to create an export file, by doing the
440834 - following...
440835 -
440836 - ..
440837 - Export Address File
440838 -
440839 - Open the address book that has the addresses we want.
440840 -
440841 - Open the file menu and select "Export."
440842 -
440843 - Pick a file extension. The options are shown in a menu bar;
440844 - the easy one is ldif.
440845 -
440846 - Enter a file name and a path if this is being transferred
440847 - somewhere.
440848 -
440849 - ..
440850 - Import Address Book
440851 -
440852 - Open the address book.
440853 -
440854 - Open File and select Import.
440855 -
440856 - Browse to the directory where the import file was put, and
440857 - click "Okay."
440858 -
440859 -
440860 - ..
440861 - Bookmarks
440862 -
440863 - On 980227 I was unable to transfer bookmarks. ref SDS 10 1827
440864 -
440865 - On 980318 had long session obtaining help from Netscape. ref SDS 14
440866 - 2211 and at ref SDS 14 5236.
440867 -
440868 - When I set up CPU11, however, there was a way to transfer bookmarks
440869 - somehow.
440870 -
440871 - What may have occurred is that I copied the files from CPU08 to
440872 - CPU11, then ran installation, and this may have incorporated the
440873 - prior bookmarks.
440874 -
440875 - [On 990114 got instructions to import bookmarks from CPU11 to
440876 - CPU10. ref SDS 25 4902]
440877 -
440878 -
440879 -
440880 -
4409 -
Dial-up Network Connection
4904 -
490401 - ..
490402 - Dial-up Access to Internet
490403 -
490404 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000.
490405 -
490406 - Used record configuring CPU10 on 980317. ref SDS 12 0000
490407 -
490408 - We seem to be getting connected at about 40K + instead of 28.8.
490409 -
490410 - This could be a big improvement.
490411 -
490412 -
490413 -
4905 -
WS_FTPLE, Tucows
Web Site,
Dial-up Networking
5506 -
550601 - ..
550602 - Uploading, Transferring Files, Use Ws_ftp
550603 -
550604 - Follow up ref SDS 12 3553.
550605 -
550606 - I downloaded an updated version of this program a week or so ago.
550607 -
550608 - It was installed in h: 00 41. Installation on CPU11, simply required
550609 - copying the directory from CPU08 to CPU10.
550610 -
550611 -
550612 -
550613 -
550614 -
5507 -
Scanner, HP & OmniPage OCR software
Scanner, HP Scanjet IIc
Deskscan for Scanner
Omnipage for Scanner
Tape Drive
6109 -
610901 - ..
610902 - Scanner and Omnipage
610903 -
610904 - Follow up ref SDS 16 3060.
610905 -
610906 - Setup scanner.
610907 -
610908 - When I was at Pctown today, Keven said we can run the HP scanner
610909 - using the scsi card we purchased for the tape drive. We need an
610910 - adapter for the cable connector, so I purchased this for $30.
610911 -
610912 - Received invoice, ref DRT 1 5937.
610913 -
610914 - ..
610915 -
610916 - The scsi card we are using is shown in invoice. ref DRP 1 0408
610917 -
610918 - Looks like we also have to load the scanner driver into conventional
610919 - RAM in config.sys.
610920 -
610921 - On CPU08 there is a driver loaded in config.sys...
610922 -
610924 -
610925 - However, on CPU11 the scanner is listed in the Control Panel, showing
610926 - it has been recognized and configured, under W98 plug and play.
610927 -
610928 - Omnipage is not runnining correctly, mainly it is not recognizing the
610929 - scanner. I ran a test on the scanner configuration from Properties
610930 - in the scanner under Control Panel. The test said the scanner is not
610931 - set up correctly.
610932 -
610933 - We had difficulty connecting the scanner when CPU08 was
610934 - upgraded on.....
610935 -
610936 - 941228 memory address conflict. ref SDS 1 7497
610937 -
610938 - Using a 3rd party scsi controller was discussed in this
610939 - same record. ref SDS 1 4914
610940 -
610941 - Need to coordinate with HP on scanner configuration.
610942 -
610943 - [On 981116 called HP. ref SDS 19 3726]
610944 -
610945 - [On 981120 received new drivers from HP. ref SDS 21 4158]
610946 -
610947 - [On 990114 made same installation on CPU10. ref SDS 25 4883]
610948 -
610949 -
610950 -
6110 -
Project for W95
CPU #11, MS W98
6305 -
630501 - ..
630502 - MS Project Installation
630503 -
630504 - Follow up ref SDS 2 6490.
630505 -
630506 - The program was purchased on 970326. ref SDS 2 0000
630507 -
630508 - We have MS Project for W95, which has 7 disketts. There is no CD.
630509 -
630510 - This product is an upgrade, it has to be installed with prior program
630511 - code already on the hard disk.
630512 -
630513 - I actually installed this on 981204, but am recording it here for
630514 - convenience.
630515 -
630516 - Used the network to transfer the existing files from CPU09 to CPU11,
630517 - so that the installation program will find existing program code to
630518 - upgrade.
630519 -
630520 - Installed in...
630521 -
630522 - i: 00 02 04
630523 -
630524 - Installation asked where to put shared files. It proposed using the
630525 - location C:\MSOffice
630526 -
630527 - I decided to use...
630528 -
630529 - i: 00 02 04 Shared
630530 -
630531 -
630532 - [On 000620 installed MS Project again on c11, and changed the
630533 - shared file folder location to "MSOffice." ref SDS 29 4032
630534 -
630535 -
630536 -
6306 -
Visio, V 4.0 SN: 117 713 042036
6504 -
650401 - ..
650402 - Visio Organization Chart Program Installation
650403 -
650404 - Background on purchasing and installing the program is in the record
650405 - on 970426. ref SDS 3 0000
650406 -
650407 - Since we have nearly 3 times the space on CPU11, as on CPU08 where
650408 - Visio was originally installed, will use following location for the
650409 - program...
650410 -
650411 - i: 00 15
650412 -
650413 - [On 990114 changed installation on CPU10 also. ref SDS 25 4032]
650414 -
650415 - [On 000620 moved to h: 00 15. ref SDS 29 4032
650416 -
650417 - This program requires no special configuration. It appears that the
650418 - files can be copied to anywhere on the disk, and it will run
650419 - correctly.
650420 -
650421 -
650422 -
6505 -
Tape Backup, Exabyte 10 GB
Novaback SCSI
6806 -
680601 - ..
680602 - Tape Drive, Exabyte, Novaback Backup Software Not Installed
680603 -
680604 - Decided not to install the tape drive in CPU11, per analysis on
680605 - 981113. ref SDS 16 3060
680606 -
680607 - [On 981229 installed recordable CD ROM drive. ref SDS 23 0000]
680608 -
680609 - Since we have two CD ROM drives, there may not be sufficient IRQs to
680610 - also install a tape drive.
680611 -
680612 - [On 000302 installed Exabyte drive in CPU11. ref SDS 28 9077]
680613 -
680614 - We may be able to use the recordable CD ROM drive as another form of
680615 - backup.
680616 -
680617 -
680618 -
680619 -
680620 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"