440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 21, 1998 08:15 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received edits from Ivan on notes for mech meeting on 981014.

2...Structural and Civil Meetings on 981015

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...There is an action item for RJA to study the applicaiton of the

0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi    415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, AIA; Project Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation

Mechanical Meeting, 981014

0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
050502 -
050503 - I asked Ivan if he had any edits for mechanical meeting from last week
050504 - held on 981014. ref DIP 2 7788, ref SDS 6 0000,
050505 -
050506 - Ivan advised he had not had time to review the notes, but that these
050507 - need to get out today, so we can review with Mechanical consultant at
050508 - the meeting this morning.
050509 -
050510 - While the meeting with TEECOM was underway, Ivan brought over his
050511 - edits on the meeting with A&P.  I stepped away from the TEECOM
050512 - meeting briefly to clarify Ivan's writing.
050513 -
050514 - I suggested that he consider entering these notes as email, so the
050515 - writing is legible.
050516 -
050517 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - 1504
0509 -
050901 - Entered Ivan's edits.
050902 -
050903 - He gives the meeting notes number as "70."
050904 -
050905 - Entered the edits and transmitted to Ivan for distribution.
050906 - ..
050907 - The alignment problem that occurred in printed report in the
050908 - record on 981018, ref SDS 14 1520, does not seem to occurring now.
050909 -
050910 - Decided to make this a separate file, so Ivan can check the new
050911 - version against the prior version.
050912 -
050913 - Created ref DIT 1 7788, which is the edited version of ref DIP 2 7788
050914 - prepared on 981018. ref SDS 14 6050
050915 -
050916 -
050917 -
050918 -
0510 -

Structural Meeting, 981015
Civil Meeting, 981015

0905 -
090501 -  ..
090502 - Structural and Civil Meetings on 981015
090503 -
090504 - Ivan advised that Gensler prepared notes for the Structural meeting
090505 - and the Civil meeting, both held on 981015 last week. ref SDS 18 3920
090506 - As a result this indicates we do not need to edit those notes prepared
090507 - on 981018. ref SDS 14 1120 and submitted to KH on 981019. ref SDS 15
090508 - 4320
090509 -
090510 - I asked Boliver to send me Gensler's notes.
090511 -
090512 - This evening I received two files from Boliver saying this is all
090513 - that is in Gensler's directory.
090514 -
090515 - The notes for the structural and civil meetings are not included in
090516 - the files Boliver sent.
090517 -
090518 -     [On 981022 Gensler did not issue notes for Structural Meeting on
090519 -     981015. ref SDS 19 6478]
090520 -
090521 -
090522 -
0906 -

Life Safety Meeting, 981016
Grease Duct
Duct Wrap Elim 2 Hr Shaft

1606 -
160601 - Received ref DRT 1 0000 dated 981019 which is a memo for a meeting
160602 - held on 981016 with the Life Safety Consultant, RJA, prepared by
160603 - Clonia.
160604 -                             ..
160605 - There is an action item for RJA to study the applicaiton of the
160606 - fire rated blanket issue. ref DRT 1 2274, which was raised by A&P at
160607 - the meeting on 981014, ref SDS 5 8250, concerning the grease duct,
160608 - and other ductwork with respect to eliminating a 2 hour fire rated
160609 - duct shaft.
160610 -
160611 - I cross linked the meeting note files.
160612 -
160613 -
160614 -
1607 -
1608 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"