440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 16, 1998 10:21 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Denis about Mission Bay project and Communication Metrics.

2...Mission Bay Project Can be Supported by "Intelligence"
3...Bill Will Review Communication Metrics Web Site
4...Communication Metrics Supports KW's Objective to Use Internet
5...Marketing Strategy Requires Demonstration of Added Value

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0201 - Kwan Henmi                           415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Executive Vice President
0202 - Kwan Henmi                           415 777 4770 fax 5102
020201 - Mr. William Long

Developing Leads, Design Firms
Design Professionals
Kwan Henmi, Mission Bay
Demo SDS via Web Site

1206 -    ..
1207 - Summary/Objective
1208 -
120801 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
120802 -
120803 - Mission Bay project seems conducive to using Communication Metrics.
120804 - Denis and Bill indicated that the Welch web site shows features that
120805 - support Kwan Henmi objectives for using the Internet, but we need to
120806 - demonstrate cost effectiveness.  Will meet tomorrow to explain web
120807 - site and map plans for marketing to complex projects that need
120808 - "intelligence". ref OF 1 0582
120809 -
120810 -     [On 980917 visited Denis and Bill Long, showed Communication
120811 -     Metrics on the Internet. ref SDS 17 0000]
120812 -
120813 -
120814 -
1209 -
1210 -
1211 - Progress
1212 -
121201 -  ..
121202 - Mission Bay Project Can be Supported by "Intelligence"
121203 -
121204 - Follow up ref SDS 13 5610.
121205 -
121206 - The lead editorial in the SF Chronicle today is on Mission Bay,
121207 - indicating it has the backing of the mayor, and seems to be a viable
121208 - project.  There is a figure of $4B for the project in the editorial,
121209 - which indicates this will be a complex undertaking where effective
121210 - communication is essential.
121211 -
121212 -     [On 990302 article on Mission Bay and UCSF. ref SDS 20 3472]
121213 -
121214 -
121215 -
121216 -
121217 - Bill Will Review Communication Metrics Web Site
121218 -
121219 - Denis is out of the office.  Talked to Bill Long.
121220 -
121221 - Bill said he received my letter ref DIP 9 0000 submitted on 980908
121222 - that confirms our discussion about the potential for Communication
121223 - Metrics to support KW's objectives for using the Internet. see the
121224 - record at ref SDS 14 8424
121225 -
121226 - Bill said he has not reviewed the web site because the matter has
121227 - completely slipped his mind.  He said things have very busy since he
121228 - returned from vacation.
121229 -
121230 - He will review the Communication Metrics web site this morning, and
121231 - try to discuss it with Denis, so that Denis and I can consider the
121232 - matter later today.
121233 -
121234 -
121235 -
121236 -
1213 -
1214 -
1215 - 1412 called Denis
1216 -
121601 - Communication Metrics Supports KW's Objective to Use Internet
121602 -
121603 - Denis has talked to Bill about the Welch methods.  Bill has reviewed
121604 - the Welch web site, and indicated to Denis that it supports their
121605 - objectives to use the Internet for management support, per discussion
121606 - with Denis on 980902. ref SDS 13 7566
121607 -
121608 - Denis and Bill are concerned about how to pay for this new dimension
121609 - of engineering management.
121610 -
121611 -     We did not review the USACE report on 971008 that Communication
121612 -     Metrics saves money with ROI of 10:1, ref DRP 6 0129, received at
121613 -     ref SDS 3 0000, and issued to KW on 971015. ref SDS 4 0000
121614 -
121615 -
121616 -
121617 - Marketing Strategy Requires Demonstration of Added Value
121618 -
121619 - We considered doing some joint marketing, with principals of their
121620 - larger projects, to explain the Communication Metrics and see if they
121621 - would be willing to support the effort.
121622 -
121623 - Denis recognizes that Communication Metrics should result in cost
121624 - savings as reported by the Corps of Engineers, ref DRP 6 0129, for the
121625 - same reason that investing in a Project Manager reduces the cost of
121626 - the work; however, this is still a "hard sell."
121627 -
121628 - I offered to do some pro-bono work to demonstrate the capability by
121629 - providing "intelligence", ref OF 1 0582, on meetings with client
121630 - principals.
121631 -
121632 - This would enable Denis to introduce me and indicate Kwan Henmi is
121633 - evaluating the benefits of adding "metrics" to communication that
121634 - supplements cost and schedule control.  We could explain cost savings
121635 - reported by USACE, ref DRP 6 8555, and explain the need for testing
121636 - new methods, as suggested by Andy Grove at Intel. ref SDS 7 3416
121637 -
121638 - Client would get "intelligence" delivered via Internet, which they can
121639 - assess for effectivenss and cost savings.
121640 - ..
121641 - Denis suggested that I do a lunch meeting for Kwan Henmi to
121642 - introduce Communication Metrics.
121643 -
121644 - Denis will contact Ferez, who schedules the speakers for their
121645 - Thursday lunch meetings.
121646 -
121647 -     [On 980917 met with Denis. ref SDS 18 8436]
121648 -
121649 -     [On 980921 Denis met with Ferez. ref SDS 19 4510]
121650 -
121651 - Denis, Bill and I will meet tomorrow at 1030 for an explanation of the
121652 - web site.
121653 -
121654 -            
121655 -
121656 -
1217 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"