440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 16, 1997 11:23 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom for Richmond scope of services on Luster.
2...The audit for Luster's contract has been approved. It sounded like
3...Award of the Richmond contract to Manson has been delayed until about
4...As a result discussions on Task Order 1 will be deferred until funding
5...Communication Metrics in Task Order 2 Going Forward
6...Tom advised that DE declined to review the report because he was
7...DE Requests Added Scope for District Management Support
8...DE May Have Approved Using Welch
9...CBD Procurement Communication Metrics
10...Direct Award to Welch
11...Payment to Welch
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
Corps of Engineers, 970115
Richmond Harbor Deepening
Award, 5a, Audit, Scope
Task Order 1 and 2
Communication Metrics
PPM and Automated Management Contract
CSB, Sausalito Office
Communication Metrics Advertise for Bids, CBD
DE Review Comm Metrics Report
Time - Too Busy Being Busy
1712 - ..
1713 - Summary/Objective
1714 -
171401 - Followed up work at ref SDS 23 line 65, ref SDS 20 line 136.
171402 -
171403 - Tom has met with DE and obtain additional scope for procurement of
171404 - management support in SFD. May have approval to use Welch. Award of
171405 - Richmond contract to Manson has been deferred due to Congressional
171406 - budget approval delays, and this defers Luster TO1. Seems like audit
171407 - on Luster has been completed.
171408 -
171409 -
171410 -
171411 -
1715 -
1716 -
1717 - Discussion
1718 -
171801 - Tom said the files I submitted for Task Orders 1 and 2 worked fine,
171802 - per his request at ref DRP 3 line 30, and my letters, ref DIP 4 line
171803 - 30 and ref DIP 5 line 30 setting out considerations for negotiations
171804 - with Luster on TO2 for Communication Metrics.
171805 -
171806 - The audit for Luster's contract has been approved. It sounded like
171807 - Luster's SB contract rates have been approved.
171808 -
171809 - Award of the Richmond contract to Manson has been delayed until about
171810 - mid-July due to lack of Congressional Budget approval, similar to what
171811 - happened last year with the Welch contract on Oakland, ref SDS 1 line
171812 - 101. This approval is needed for O&M funding which is part of the
171813 - Richmond project, even though the Manson construction contract is
171814 - already funded. Tom said they received a notification from Washington
171815 - D.C that the project cannot be awarded at this time.
171816 -
171817 - As a result discussions on Task Order 1 will be deferred until funding
171818 - is approved.
171819 -
171820 -
171821 - ..
171822 - Communication Metrics in Task Order 2 Going Forward
171823 -
171824 - Followed up work at ref SDS 23 line 83.
171825 -
171826 - Tom said he met with DE two days ago and offered to review the report
171827 - on Communication Metrics, ref DRP 2 line 118, per planning at ref SDS
171828 - 7 line 215 and ref SDS 8 line 196.
171829 - ..
171830 - Tom advised that DE declined to review the report because he was
171831 - already familiar with it. Possibly Max provided the report to DE. Tom
171832 - did not discuss this point.
171833 -
171834 - [On 970624 DE reports not having seen the Communication Metrics
171835 - report, ref SDS 25 8492.]
171836 -
171837 -
171838 - DE Requests Added Scope for District Management Support
171839 -
171840 - Tom said DE requested in their meeting additional management support
171841 - for Task Order 2, following up understandings at ref SDS 7 line 208.
171842 -
171843 - This additional support seems to be for the District and therefore not
171844 - specifically for the Richmond project.
171845 -
171846 - An implication from this record is that DE views Task Order 2 on
171847 - Richmond as generic support for the District, which was not the intent
171848 - of Task Order 2, although the current plan has been to use Task Order
171849 - 2 for that purpose during the pendency of a CBD procurement.
171850 - ..
171851 - Communication Metrics has been discussed with Max and Tom...
171852 -
171853 - On 970403, ref SDS 5 5839, when Max aabout progress on a
171854 - CBD procurement for Communication Metrics, ref SDS 5 8822, for
171855 - the scope set on 970324. ref SDS 4 4444
171856 -
171857 - On 970409 Tom planned to discuss it with Max, ref SDS 7 1980.
171861 -
171862 - On 970422 DE requests suggestions on scope of TO2 and needs
171863 - for mangement support in the District, ref SDS 8 4829. Memo
171864 - was prepared to answer DE's request for recommendations, see
171865 - ref SDS 9 0000
171866 -
171867 - On 970423 Tom advised the draft memo to DE reflects his ideas
171868 - for District management support, ref SDS 10 8888 On the same
171869 - day the draft memo was discussed with Max. ref SDS 10 8844
171870 -
171871 - On 970424 Tom received comments from Max on draft memo ref SDS
171872 - 11 5555. He expects to finalize the memo to DE next week.
171873 -
171874 - On 970428 provided organization charts showing position of
171875 - Communication Metrics for management support requested by DE
171876 - to support presentation memo; Tom advised he is finalizing
171877 - memo to DE. ref SDS 13 0000
171878 -
171879 - On 970501 Max was concerned that it was taking too long for
171880 - CESPN to start the Communication Metrics CBD procurement, see
171881 - ref SDS 14 2207. He added a requirement for environmental
171882 - reporting. ref SDS 14 4884
171883 -
171884 - On 970502 Tom met with Max to finalize memo to DE on CBD
171885 - procurement for Communication Metrics; however, the meeting
171886 - turned out to focuse on changes to CON OPS under consideration
171887 - by DE, ref SDS 17 6994.
171888 -
171889 - On 970506 Tom received additional input from Max on
171890 - organization of CON OPS and continued to consider memo to DE
171891 - on Communication Metrics management support, ref SDS 17 line
171892 - 111.
171893 -
171894 - On 970509 Tom reported articles in April issue of PM Network
171895 - on project management in governemnet, were helpful. He made
171896 - copies for distribution among District managers. Articles
171897 - support using outside help to develop PM processes and make
171898 - changes to organizational culture. ref SDS 20 6693
171899 -
171900 - [On 970530 follow up discussion with Max, ref SDS 24 5662.]
171901 -
171902 - [On 970624 met with DE who indicated disapproval of Communication
171903 - Metrics that conflicts with experience in CESPN. ref SDS 25 0000]
171904 -
171905 -
171906 - ..
171907 - DE May Have Approved Using Welch
171908 -
171909 - Tom seemed to indicate he advised DE that he and Max want to use Welch
171910 - for District support of automated management and Tom's assignment to
171911 - develop a project management implementation process, per draft memo,
171912 - ref OF 8 line 119.
171913 -
171914 - Tom further indicated he he got the impression that DE gave approval
171915 - for using Welch.
171916 -
171917 - It is unclear how strong the approval is on the basis of this record.
171918 -
171919 - [On 970624 met with DE who indicated disapproval of Communication
171920 - Metrics that conflicts with experience in CESPN. ref SDS 25 0000]
171921 -
171922 -
171923 - ..
171924 - CBD Procurement Communication Metrics
171925 -
171926 - It seems that Tom has not yet submitted the memo, ref OF 8 line 21,
171927 - prepared at ref SDS 9 line 88, to DE setting out recommendations for
171928 - accomplishing management support for the District that is not related
171929 - to Richmond, per ref SDS 8 line 182.
171930 -
171931 - Tom indicated this morning he plans to develop a revised memo setting
171932 - out his recommendations to DE for District management support using
171933 - Communication Metrics, based on new objectives cited by DE in their
171934 - meeting two days ago, per above. He will work on it over the weekend.
171935 -
171936 - We will meet next Wednesday to review Tom's draft, because he is busy
171937 - with automated management PM stuff on Monday and Tuesday. We noted
171938 - his challenge to find the time to procure help needed to perform
171939 - District assignments in the face of a busy schedule performing these
171940 - assignment. This is the classic delimma of being too busy as seemed
171941 - to have occurred previously, ref SDS 2 line 688.
171942 -
171943 -
171944 - ..
171945 - Direct Award to Welch
171946 -
171947 - We considered this morning awarding this support directly to Welch
171948 - rather than through Luster, per discussion with Max on 970403, ref SDS
171949 - 5 line 195. The procedure based on ideas advanced by Marcus Tikotsky
171950 - would reflect understandings from the meeting on 970110, ref SDS 2
171951 - line 798.
171952 -
171953 - An immediate award can be made to perform DE's objectives, in a
171954 - contract for under $100K, and a CBD procurement can commence for a
171955 - contract covering the next several years.
171956 -
171957 - This will accomplish the goal for COE to have direct control of
171958 - Communication Metrics as set out in Welch letter to Tom, ref DIP 5
171959 - line 58 issued at ref SDS 23 line 177.
171960 -
171961 -
171962 -
1720 -
Invoice period 961111 961226
1804 -
180401 - Payment to Welch
180402 -
180403 - Tom asked if I have been paid for COE work? I explained having
180404 - received payment in March for the work ending on 961226. Tom said he
180405 - was asked if Welch has been paid.
180406 -
180407 -
180408 -
180409 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"