440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 13, 1997 07:54 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Received request from Tom for Richmond scope of services on Luster.

2...Communication Metrics in Task Order 2
3...Submit COE Report on Communication Metrics to COE SAD
4...RMS Implementation Research

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480

Richmond Harbor Deepening
Award, 5a
Task Order 1
Communication Metrics

0907 -    ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000.
090902 -
090903 - Received ref DRT 1 line 30 requesting the Task Orders on a disk so
090904 - Contracting Division can edit them easier, ref DRT 1 line 24.
090905 -
090906 - I submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 advising I will submit a disk later
090907 - today with the files Tom requests. Tom sent a reply, ref DRT 3 line
090908 - 30, requesting the files be in separate disks.  I prepared the disks
090909 - in Wordperfect and in MS Word format and took them to Tom's office.
090910 -
090911 - Tom in the meantime sent another email saying he wanted the stuff in
090912 - MS Word format.  I sent another letter, ref DIT 2 line 30 confirming
090913 - this was done, and also setting out considerations for negotiations
090914 - with Luster on TO2 for Communication Metrics.
090915 -
090916 -
090917 -  ..
090918 - Communication Metrics in Task Order 2
090919 -
090920 - I requested at ref DIT 1 line 34, consideration for incorporating,
090921 - through the negotiation process, Communication Metrics into Task Order
090922 - 2 as presently formulated in ref OF 5 line 19.  This reflects
090923 - understandings at ref SDS 2 line 255 and ref SDS 3 line 253.
090924 -
090925 - There is also a question whether Tom will be involved in the
090926 - negotiations.  He mentioned the other day that he was told by Sue
090927 - Fairchild or someone that DE wants to limit people who negotiate with
090928 - vendors.  We considered at that time the need for the Project Manager
090929 - to be involved in such negotiations in order to ensure alignment with
090930 - project objectives for cost, schedule and quality, which requires
090931 - effective management.
090932 - ..
090933 - I suggest that if the negotiations involve more COE staff than
090934 - Tom, then they meet internally to review the Communication Metrics
090935 - issue in advance of meeting with Luster.  At that meeting, Tom can
090936 - review the Communication Metrics report and show how COE has adopted
090937 - this term to cover the scope in TO2, which is appendix d of the COE
090938 - report, ref DRP 2 line 87.
090939 -
090940 -
090941 -
090942 -
0910 -
0911 -
0912 - 1046 called Tom
0913 -
091301 - Asked what file format they want.  We can use Wordperfect or Word or
091302 - ASCII.
091303 - ..
091304 - He will let me know.
091305 -
091306 - Actually, I think I already put them in Wordperfect for Teri over in
091307 - Sausalito.
091308 -
091309 -
091310 -
091311 -
0914 -
0915 -
0916 - 1127 Prepared Task Order File Disketts
0917 -
091701 - To create these files, I should first create a file in Wordperfect,
091702 - then transfer it to Word 97, since it can translate Wordperfect into
091703 - Word.
091704 -
091705 -
0918 -
0919 -
0920 - 1405
0921 -   ..
092101 - Delivered the two disks.  One is marked:
092102 -
092103 -                          970513
092104 -          From:  CON OPS; PPMD
092105 -
092106 -          Richmond AE Scope Svcs
092107 -             Task Order 1
092108 -
092109 -
092110 -                          970513
092111 -          From:  CON OPS; PPMD
092112 -
092113 -          Richmond AE Scope Svcs
092114 -             Task Order 2
092115 -
092116 - Each disk has two files.  One has the TO in Wordperfect format and
092117 - the other uses MS Word.
092118 - ..
092119 - When I arrived, Tom was working with Evon on budget matters.
092120 -
092121 -
092122 -
092123 -
0922 -
0923 -
0924 - 1549 received and responded to Tom
0925 -
092501 - Tom sent another email saying to submit the Task Orders in MS Word
092502 - format.  I had already done this per above.
092503 -
092504 - I sent him a response, ref DIT 2 0000, suggesting that negotiations
092505 - use the language for Task Order 2 on Communication Metrics from the
092506 - file at ref OF 5 line 19.
092507 -
092508 - The second letter relates Max's objective to specify Communication
092509 - Metrics as a contractor requirement, ref SDS 1 1008.  It explains the
092510 - advantage for COE to have direct control of Communication Metrics so
092511 - it has command and control of the record, per discussion with Max on
092512 - 970403, ref SDS 4 8499, and with Tom on 970403, ref SDS 4 8822.
092513 -
092514 -     [See follow up on 970516 ref SDS 13 5005.]
092515 -
092516 -
092517 -
092518 -
0926 -
0927 -

Send product information, requesting give
Virtual Office, Paperless Office
Paperless Office

1206 -
120601 -  ..
120602 - Submit COE Report on Communication Metrics to COE SAD
120603 -
120604 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 6994.
120605 -
120606 - Tom says in his email this morning that he will submit the COE report
120607 - on Communication Metrics to Daniel L. Parrott, in COE SAD, who wrote
120608 - the article in PM Network at ref OF 1 0000 received at ref SDS 6 2187,
120609 - per my letter at ref DIP 3 5005.
120610 -
120611 -
1207 -
1208 -
1209 - 1405 visited Tom per above
1210 -
121001 - Tom advised he has sent a LAN message to Dan, but has not heard
121002 - anything.
121003 -
121004 - Tom might mention ideas at ref SDS 12 6994.
121005 -
121006 -    [On 970521 Tom had not received reply from Dan. ref SDS 14 1275]
121007 -
121008 -
121009 -
1211 -

Keesling PM Develop District PM Process,
Resident Management System (RMS)
CEFMS, PROMIS, Tom Keesling's Assignment
RMS Review, CPM, CTM
RMS Report (T15d(2))

2208 -
220801 -  ..
220802 - RMS Implementation Research
220803 -
220804 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 line 182.
220805 -
220806 - Tom did not respond to this issue in his email today, which is raised
220807 - at ref DIP 3 line 47.
220808 -
220809 -
220810 -
220811 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"