440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 6, 1997 02:00 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Contract Admin meeting -42' Navigation Improvement, Oakland Harbor.

2...Project Status: Ocean Disposal on Schedule; Todd-Schnitzer no Effort
3...Paul Lee Performing Emergency Flood Control Off-Site
4...DB #24 Expected to Start on Oakland Project Tomorrow
5...Antone is working in OH3; Bob estimates it is about 75% complete.
6...Dutra Will Submit Analysis of Cut Depth on Production and Schedule
7...Weather Delay Procedures, Coordination Dutra/Gahagan & Bryant
8...Contractor to Request Confirmation of Discharge Protocols
9...Dutra Did Not Submit Test Reports on Todd-Schnitzer
10...Dutra Will Submit Letter on Methodology for Todd/Schnitzer Wings
11...Navy Sewer Line UPRR Crossing Design on Schedule
12...NSL Open Cut Submittal Appears Suitable for Submission to UPRR

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...He advised Dutra is submitting a letter on this to COE.
2...Dutra will submit tomorrow (970107) a list of attendees and the issues
3...Rick Oleniczak advised that Gahagan & Bryant will submit a letter to
4...Bob Johnston advised that Dutra has prepared a letter requesting
5...Dutra and COE will meet on 970115 at UPRR facility, to expedite review

0201 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0202 - COE, Oakland Harbor Project        510 532 4838 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Thomas W. White; Project Engineer =510 532 4838
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager =415 977 8467
020302 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
0204 - Dutra Dredging Company             415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020401 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
0205 - Dutra Dredging Company             415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020501 - Mr. Richard M. Rhoads, P.E.; Chief Estimator =415 258 6876
020502 - Estimating Department  =Telephone/fax
0206 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc.  415 883 7683 fax 1589
020601 - Mr. Rick Olejniczak; Vice President

Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Contract Admin Meeting, 970106

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Project Schedule was reviewed separately; Dutra is generally close to
040604 - its new schedule despite recent bad weather and delays in mobilizing
040605 - added equipment intended to increase production.  Dutra indicates
040606 - today it is withholding release of test results on Todd and Schnitzer
040607 - Wings, pending receipt from COE of test results.  Dutra receives
040608 - results of daily tests at Galbraith; and Dutra seems to hold that
040609 - "hazardous" materials have been encountered in the Todd and Schnitzer
040610 - Wings.  To date, no materials on the project have been classified as
040611 - "hazardous."  Test results are consistent with original findings that
040612 - Todd and Schnitzer contain contaminated materials.  Navy Sewer Line
040613 - work appears to be progressing with respect to obtaining permit from
040614 - UPRR for crossing its track facilities.
040615 -
040616 -    [Issued at ref SDS 23 0000.]
040617 -
040618 -
040619 -
0407 -

Commencement, Prosecution, Status
Antone Production Rates

0605 -
060501 -  ..
060502 - Project Status: Ocean Disposal on Schedule; Todd-Schnitzer no Effort
060503 -
060504 - Leonard SooHoo reviewed following project status issues:
060505 -
060506 -    a.  The Production report on "Hard Digging" for the period ending
060507 -        961229 was not distributed; Tom White reported the Contractor
060508 -        averaged 4500 CY/Day over the past 10 days.
060509 -
060510 -    b.  Antone is working in area OH3 at station 52+50; it is about 75%
060511 -        complete with this area.  Paula Lee is off-site; DB #24 is
060512 -        being prepared to begin work on the project.
060513 -
060514 -    c.  The schedule was reviewed today in a separate meeting, and
060515 -        corrections will be issued per ref SDS 20 line 79.
060516 -        ..
060517 -    d.  Dutra is issuing a series of letters in next few days on
060518 -        pending matters.
060519 -
060520 -    e.  Dutra has made submissions per schedule for obtaining a permit
060521 -        to perform contract work on UPRR facilities.
060522 -
060523 -
060524 -
0606 -

DB 24
Paula Lee
Work Area, Production

0906 -
090601 -  ..
090602 - Paul Lee Performing Emergency Flood Control Off-Site
090603 -
090604 - Bob advised during the schedule review meeting this morning that the
090605 - Paula Lee has been moved to a location in the Delta to support
090606 - emergency flood control, as a result of unusually severe weather the
090607 - past month.
090608 -
090609 - He advised Dutra is submitting a letter on this to COE.
090610 -
090611 -
090612 -
090613 -  ..
090614 - DB #24 Expected to Start on Oakland Project Tomorrow
090615 -
090616 - Bob advised that the DB #24 is being rigged for working on this
090617 - project and is expected to be in production tomorrow.
090618 -
090619 -
090620 - Antone is working in OH3; Bob estimates it is about 75% complete.
090621 -
090622 -
090623 -
090624 -
090625 -
0907 -
0908 -

Communication Metrics Policy and Procedures
Review of Meeting Notes

1005 -
100501 - Bob Johnston and others read the notes for the meeting on 961230.
100502 -
100503 -
100504 - Dutra will submit tomorrow (970107) a list of attendees and the issues
100505 - it wishes to address at a meeting on 970109, previously addressed by
100506 - Dutra's letter dated Oct 29, 1996, ref DRP 1 line 21.
100507 -
100508 -
100509 -
1006 -
1007 -
1008 -

Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Extension of Time, 1 CD/8K CY
Plan of Operation
Cure Notice

1608 -
160801 -  ..
160802 - Dutra Will Submit Analysis of Cut Depth on Production and Schedule
160803 -
160804 - A separate meeting was held today at 1200 on Dutra's schedule
160805 - submission dated 961231, per understandings at Contract Administration
160806 - meeting last week, ref SDS 17 line 275.  Notes of the schedule review
160807 - meeting supplement the record of this Contract Administration meeting.
160808 -
160809 - Dutra did not submit on 961231 analysis of Cut Depth on production, as
160810 - discussed last week, ref SDS 17 line 295.
160811 -
160812 - Bob Johnston advised today that Dutra will submit analysis of Cut
160813 - Depth on project production rates to complete the project, per
160814 - Schedule Review meeting earlier today, ref SDS 20 line 387.
160815 -
160816 -
160817 -
160818 -  ..
160819 - Weather Delay Procedures, Coordination Dutra/Gahagan & Bryant
160820 -
160821 - Rick Oleniczak read understandings from the Contract Administration
160822 - meeting last week on QA reporting procedures for weather delays.
160823 -
160824 - Bob Johnston reviewed the benefits of QA reporting on weather delays
160825 - as set out in the notes of the Contract Administration meeting last
160826 - week.
160827 -
160828 - Rick Oleniczak advised that Gahagan & Bryant will submit a letter to
160829 - Leonard SooHoo at COE on or before 970109, explaining recommended
160830 - procedures for recording "sea state" impact on entitlement to weather
160831 - delay.
160832 -
160833 -
160834 -
1609 -
1610 -

Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Todd Turning Basin, Debris Removal
Galbraith Disposal Requirements
0019   Remove concentrated debris Todd and
Cleanup & Abatement Order #96-148, 961114
Protocols, 30 Day Floating Average

2109 -
210901 -  ..
210902 - Contractor to Request Confirmation of Discharge Protocols
210903 -
210904 - Bob Johnston advised that Dutra has prepared a letter requesting
210905 - confirmation of changes in discharge protocols, per understandings at
210906 - the Contract Administration meeting on 961219, ref SDS 12 line 402,
210907 - and that it will be signed later today or tomorrow for submission to
210908 - COE.
210909 -
210910 -
210911 -  ..
210912 - Dutra Did Not Submit Test Reports on Todd-Schnitzer
210913 -
210914 - Bob Johnston advised that Dutra will not submit its test results to
210915 - COE until and unless COE submits to Dutra results of tests it has
210916 - taken of material at the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings.
210917 -
210918 -      [See Dutra's serial letter #0212 dated 961220 received into the
210919 -      SDS record on 970110, where Dutra calls for a meeting to prepare
210920 -      a plan, ref SDS 22 line 221; also Dutra's serial letter #0229
210921 -      dated 970107, received at ref SDS 22 line 242.]
210922 -
210923 - Leonard SooHoo advised that COE tested these locations in order to
210924 - design the project, and the results are part of the public record. The
210925 - Todd and the Schnitzer Wings were found to contain contaminated
210926 - materials and as a result the Galbraith site was designed and created
210927 - for disposal of such contaminated materials.
210928 -
210929 -      [See COE serial letter #0126 dated 961231 received into the SDS
210930 -      record on 970110 where COE advises there has been no showing that
210931 -      hazardous materials exist at Todd/Schnitzer, ref SDS 22 line 200
210932 -      (supported by POO's draft response to Dutra's serial letter
210933 -      #0229, ref SDS 22 line 267); COE's serial letter #0126 was not
210934 -      available nor mentioned by the parties during the meeting today.]
210935 - ..
210936 - Effluent decant water contained in holding ponds is tested daily
210937 - to determine suitability for discharge of the water back into the Bay.
210938 - The results of those tests are provided to Dutra.  The project design
210939 - intends for materials unsuitable for discharge into the Bay to settle
210940 - out of the water in the holding ponds, prior to discharge.
210941 -
210942 - The character of solids suspended in the San Francisco Bay, and here,
210943 - the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings, which are "unsuitable" for general
210944 - discharge back into the Bay under controlled conditions, as exist at
210945 - Galbraith, cannot be measured accurately enough to predict the precise
210946 - amount of time decant water must be held to permit sufficient settling
210947 - for general discharge back into the Bay.  Therefore, certain discharge
210948 - parameters were specified in the contract to enable contractors to bid
210949 - the work competitively with the understanding that if actual
210950 - conditions changed, then an equitable adjustment could be made.
210951 - ..
210952 - In this case, Dutra failed to follow contract requirements to
210953 - perform the work in the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings using a clamshell
210954 - mud bucket, as reported at the Progress Meeting on 961118, ref SDS 2
210955 - 8405, and this may have caused increased turbidity resulting in higher
210956 - concentrations of contaminants per unit volume of decant water at the
210957 - Galbraith site, than would otherwise have occurred.  The specification
210958 - was aimed at minimizing turbidity in order to avoid high
210959 - concentrations of contaminants and thereby avoid prolonged settlement
210960 - periods that delay discharge of decant water into the Bay.
210961 -
210962 - Such higher concentrations of contaminants resulted in failed tests of
210963 - decant water which require adjustments to discharge protocols to meet
210964 - permit requirements.  The adjustment has been reduced and delayed
210965 - discharge of decant water into the Bay in order to permit a longer
210966 - settling period in the holding ponds.
210967 -    ..
210968 - Dutra's comments, correspondence and conduct over the past three
210969 - (3) months (e.g., meeting at COE on 961113, ref SDS 1 line 282), seem
210970 - to reflect belief that tests showing water is unsuitable for discharge
210971 - into the Bay is evidence that the material from Todd and the Schnitzer
210972 - Wings is not suitable for disposal at Galbraith, and therefore
210973 - requires a change in disposal sites and procedures (Dutra's schedule
210974 - shows activities for disposal at "Redwood Landfill", ref SDS 8 line
210975 - 208).
210976 - ..
210977 - That belief is incorrect and unsupported by the record;
210978 - Galbraith was designed for disposal of contaminated materials.
210979 -
210980 - Dutra indicates in its serial letter #0189 dated 961118, and its
210981 - serial letter #0190 dated 961119, discussed at the Progress Meeting on
210982 - 961119, ref SDS 2 line 670, that Dutra encountered "hazardous"
210983 - materials in performing work in the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings, ref
210984 - DRP 4 line 32, ref DRP 5 line 29, which, if true, may require special
210985 - handling and expense, beyond what was reasonably evident to a prudent
210986 - contractor in bidding the work.
210987 -
210988 - To date, Dutra has cited failed tests of decant water at Galbraith
210989 - which have delayed discharge into the bay, as evidence of the
210990 - character of the material in the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings, per
210991 - Dutra's serial letter #0189 dated 961118, ref DRP 4 line 27, and
210992 - serial letter #0198 dated 961127, ref DRP 6 line 33, received at ref
210993 - SDS 5 line 186.
210994 -
210995 -      [Dutra later cited only failed bioassy tests as evidence of its
210996 -      evaluation of the character of the material at Todd/Schnitzer,
210997 -      ref DRP 10 line 38, received at ref SDS 21 line 256.]
210998 -
210999 - ..
211000 - COE maintains that tests showing decant water requires a longer
211001 - period for settlement do not establish, per se, that material in the
211002 - Todd and in the Schnitzer Wings contain hazardous materials, since
211003 - such test results fall within the potentialities of the original
211004 - design for contaminated materials, i.e., that concentrations of
211005 - contaminated materials can cause failed tests of decant water even
211006 - though the materials do not rise to the definition of "hazardous"
211007 - materials.
211008 -
211009 -      [See support from POO's draft response to Dutra's 970107 serial
211010 -      letter #0229, ref SDS 22 line 268.]
211011 -
211012 - Dutra reported at the Progress Meeting on 961119 that it has taken new
211013 - and additional tests of materials from the Todd and Schnitzer Wings.
211014 - This new information could support a finding of "hazardous" material,
211015 - as contended by Dutra.  Dutra reported at the Contract Administration
211016 - meeting on 961219 that it had received results of its tests but had
211017 - not examined them to see if they show hazardous materials were
211018 - discovered that require special handling or that are unsuitable for
211019 - disposal at Galbraith.  Dutra advised on 961219 that it would submit
211020 - its test results on 961224, ref SDS 12 line 448, but has not done so.
211021 - Today, Dutra advises it will not submit results of its tests.
211022 - ..
211023 - To date, Dutra has offered no evidence that materials in the
211024 - Todd and Schnitzer Wings contain hazardous materials, nor that the
211025 - contaminated materials in these locations are different in character
211026 - from original contract design criteria calling for disposal at
211027 - Galbraith.
211028 -
211029 -      [See meeting on 970224 with Dutra and its agents, that evidently
211030 -      produced no new evidence, ref SDS 24 line 415.]
211031 -
211032 -  ..
211033 - Dutra Will Submit Letter on Methodology for Todd/Schnitzer Wings
211034 -
211035 - Dutra did not submit a letter to COE on its proposed methodology for
211036 - completing the work in the Todd and the Schnitzer Wings, contrary to
211037 - understandings at the Contract Administration meeting last week....
211038 - ref SDS 17 7402
211039 -
211040 - Bob Johnston advised that Dutra has prepared this letter and it will
211041 - be signed and issued to COE later today or tomorrow.
211042 -
211043 -      [On 970122 letter from Dutra that seeks meeting to develop work
211044 -      plan, but did not submit a proposed methodology. ref SDS 22 1656]
211045 -
211046 -
2111 -

Sewer Line Installation

2204 -
220401 -  ..
220402 - Navy Sewer Line UPRR Crossing Design on Schedule
220403 -
220404 - Bob Johnston advised Dutra is on schedule to submit tomorrow on 970107
220405 - the corrections to its design and construction Operations Plan for the
220406 - original contract design method, per COE serial letter #0128 dated
220407 - 970103 issued at ref SDS 19 line 101.
220408 -
220409 - This reflects COE review of Dutra's submission on 961231 for
220410 - conformance with understandings from meeting with Dutra and COE on
220411 - 961212, per Contract Administration meeting on 961219, ref SDS 12 line
220412 - 588.
220413 -
220414 -
220415 -  ..
220416 - NSL Open Cut Submittal Appears Suitable for Submission to UPRR
220417 -
220418 - Leonard SooHoo advised that Dutra's submittal of an alternate "Open
220419 - Cut" method was received by COE at the Oakland Project office on
220420 - 970103.  Dutra's submission to the Oakland Project office was
220421 - incorrect, since transmittals are to be made to the Sausalito office,
220422 - as directed previously.
220423 -
220424 - COE has examined Dutra's transmittal for the Open Cut method and finds
220425 - it now appears suitable for submission to UPRR in that it otherwise
220426 - meets COE format requirements and appears to reflect understandings
220427 - reached with UPRR in the meeting on 961212. ref SDS 7
220428 -
220429 - Dutra and COE will meet on 970115 at UPRR facility, to expedite review
220430 - and approval of construction methodology and design for crossing the
220431 - UPRR tracks.
220432 -
220433 -
220434 -
2205 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"