440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 15, 1996 06:48 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Received call from Bill re meeting with Sherrill on Asilomar theme.

2...Theme, Thesis
3...Stephen Covey

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Interview Zells, Bea, Wink
2...interviewed about this, since he is now looking for a new assignment.

0202 - Raychem Corporation                415 361 3333 fax 5090                                                                                                           O-00000609 0201

PMI Event Program, Proposal
Contract/Charter, Buy In, Shared Vision
Theme, Agenda, Schedule, Speakers
Zells, Lois (may replace Walsh)

0906 -    ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 47 line 92, ref SDS 44 line 78, 
090802 - line 77, ref SDS 40 line 73, ref SDS 37 line 53 re Bill's report on
090803 - PMI Event Team progress.
090804 -
090805 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming the issues in the discussion
090806 - today.
090807 -
090808 -      [See follow up at ref SDS 54 line 87.]
090809 -
090810 -
090811 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - Discussion
0912 -
091201 - Theme, Thesis
091202 -
091203 - Bill has read my email last night, ref DIP 6 line 28 and ref DIP 7
091204 - line 31.  I advised the agenda he submitted ref DRP 2 line 24, has
091205 - good ideas.  We will try to meet tomorrow to develop these and the
091206 - results of the meeting with Morris later today.
091207 -
091208 -
091209 -
091210 -
091211 - Interview Zells, Bea, Wink
091212 -
091213 - We will try to schedule with Sherrill submitting the New World Order
091214 - paper and interviewing the new speakers Sherrill has in mind, per my
091215 - email ref DIT 1 line 47.
091216 -
091217 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 50 line 96.]
091218 -
091219 -
091220 -
0913 -

PMI Event Program, Proposal Covey
7 Habits Highly Effective People

1105 -
110501 -  ..
110502 - Stephen Covey
110503 -
110504 - Follow up ref SDS 48 line 145.
110505 -
110506 - Bill said Sherrill has proposed Doug Ballon at Raychem talk about
110507 - Stephen Covey's ideas at Asilomar.  It was unclear if Doug has been
110508 - interviewed about this, since he is now looking for a new assignment.
110509 -
110510 - When is Doug's work product due?
110511 -
110512 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 53 line 38.]
110513 -
110514 - Bill did not mention how the meetings with Doug and John Kahl last
110515 - year have been considered in this initiative, ref SDS 7 line 71 and
110516 - at ref SDS 7 line 202.
110517 -
110518 - This is a good opportunity to review Covey's ideas and how they are
110519 - applied by practitioners, under the scrutiny of Communication Metrics,
110520 - ref SDS 11 line 237.
110521 -
110522 -     [See follow up considering Dr. Brusman for this scope also, ref
110523 -     SDS 52 line 111.]
110524 -
110525 -
110526 -
1106 -

Brusman, Dr. Maynard
Turner, Alan Wetzel, Steve Rule
Buoncristiani, Dave, TMJB

1406 - Summary/Objective
1407 -
140701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 49 line 61, ref SDS 43 line 267, ref DIT 1
140705 - line 30 advising that David Buoncristiani accepted understandings from
140706 - our meeting on his scope and how we will advertise his presentation,
140707 - ref SDS 49 line 61, as shown in the current agenda, ref OF 2 line 37.
140708 -
140709 - I asked in the email if the meeting with Turner has been scheduled,
140710 - per our discussion at ref SDS 43 line 269, ref DIT 1 line 27.
140711 -
140712 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 51 line 126.]
140713 -
140714 - I asked if Dr. Brusman should be notified we are not going to use him,
140715 - per our discussion at ref SDS 43 line 127.
140716 -
140717 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 50 line 67.]
140718 -
140719 -
140720 -
140721 -