440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 18, 1996 09:04 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Develop ideas with Dr. Maynard Brusman re Communication Metrics; PMI.
2...Stephen Covey - Facilitator
3...We Did Not Discuss
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0201 - Working Resources 415 546 1252 fax or 800...
020101 - Dr. Maynard Brusman
PMI Event, Planning, Speakers, Jul Event
Brusman, Dr. Maynard
Covey, Facilitator
Evaluation, Review, Lessons
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 9 line 76. ref SDS 5 line 73.
070802 -
070803 - Advised the PMI Committee is working on finalizing the speaker slate
070804 - and will likely be able to finalize this with respect to using
070805 - Maynard, within the next 2 weeks.
070806 -
070807 -
070808 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Discussion
0712 -
071201 - I confirmed receipt of his message last Friday, and advised of my
071202 - discussion with Bill DeHart on Saturday on this matter, ref SDS 9 line
071203 - 76.
071204 -
071205 - I explained considerations on the PMI Asilomar Committee about scope
071206 - and speakers. A lot of effort has been needed to develop "buy-in" of
071207 - the new ideas in the New World Order paper and the speakers needed to
071208 - support them, since the members of the committee do not work with
071209 - these issues regularly, and the committee meets only sporadically,
071210 - incidental to their regular work. The result is that the time line
071211 - for effective communications has been stretched, as anticipated
071212 - originally in seeking to engage the Committee's attention last year.
071213 - That effort was only partially successful because members of the
071214 - committee had difficulty seeing why work, investigation, options,
071215 - ideas on an event in July could not be taken up March or April, rather
071216 - than last August and September. They did not know they had to be
071217 - educated about the value of the new ideas to be presented at Asilomar
071218 - in order to approve the presentation aimed at educating conferees,
071219 - rather than present ideas and methods they already know, which are not
071220 - working, as seen from the epidemic of downsizing. Therefore, the
071221 - effort to build understanding on the committee to position them to
071222 - approve the agenda is only now coming to fruition. They in turn find
071223 - there is not enough time to consider new ideas.
071224 -
071225 - I advised we should be able to confirm our agenda within the next two
071226 - weeks with respect to his participation.
071227 -
071228 - [See follow up at ref SDS 11 line 64.]
071229 -
071230 - I advised that after Maynard is retained, we need to meet on the scope
071231 - of issues to be presented. He then needs to prepare an
071232 - outline/narrative showing how his remarks will fit the agenda and the
071233 - remarks of the other speakers.
071234 -
071235 -
071236 - Stephen Covey - Facilitator
071237 -
071238 - I asked Maynard about his work with Stephen Covey's ideas, since he
071239 - recommended Covey's work during our meeting at ref SDS 5 line 497,
071240 - showing he has familiarity with them, and Sherrill has suggested these
071241 - be presented at Asilomar, ref SDS 7 line 123.
071242 -
071243 - Maynard said he incorporates Covey's ideas in his communication
071244 - training for executives and in team building support he provides. I
071245 - asked if he has ever provided facilitator support? Maynard said this
071246 - is also part of his practice.
071247 -
071248 - We discussed if he would feel comfortable incorporating Covey and
071249 - other communication methods in his Asilomar presentation. Maynard
071250 - indicated he can do this.
071251 -
071252 - Analysis
071253 -
071254 - The above indicates we can accomplish Sherrill's goal of
071255 - presenting Covey's ideas at Asilomar and place them in the context
071256 - of the larger objective to integrate Covey's ideas into the New
071257 - World Order under the theme of leadership and technology, as
071258 - considered at ref SDS 7 line 150.
071259 -
071260 - Bill has reported that Sherrill indicated Doug Ballon may be able
071261 - to do this, per discussion at ref SDS 8 line 130.
071262 -
071263 - My sense from the presentation at the PMI dinner meeting where
071264 - Doug spoke, ref SDS 6 line 268, is that if Doug does the Covey
071265 - presentation at Asilomar this will be all he can present. A Covey
071266 - presentation could actually take up the entire conference, whereas
071267 - our objective is to see how they integrate into a larger mosaic.
071268 -
071269 - It is further my impression from interviewing Doug at Raychem
071270 - about this point, that he would require considerable effort to
071271 - educate about Communication Metrics. For example, he did not
071272 - understand the distinction between management communications, and
071273 - communications management, per discussion with Johan Kahl and
071274 - Doug, ref SDS 2 line 173.
071275 -
071276 - A psychologist is positioned to integrate Covey's ideas into a
071277 - broader presentation on communication challenges that are manifest
071278 - in psychological problems and breakdowns in morale. This builds
071279 - the point we want to expose at Asilomar, i.e., technology can help
071280 - people implement Covey's ideas. To make this point Covey's ideas
071281 - need the larger contextural explanation.
071282 -
071283 -
071284 - We need Maynard's biography.
071285 -
071286 - He will mail it to me today.
071287 -
071288 - [Received this at ref SDS 10 line 347.]
071289 -
071290 -
071291 - We Did Not Discuss
071292 -
071293 - Developing joint presentation opportunities, ref SDS 5 line 486.
071294 -
071295 - Advocating need for new work discipline, ref SDS 1 line 268.
071296 -
071297 - Explaining SDS advantage to expose conflicting understandings early,
071298 - per ref SDS 5 line 323.
071299 -
071300 -
071301 -
071302 -
071303 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"