440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 6, 1995 01:23 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Submitted follow up on video conference sponsored by UC Extension.
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0201 - Chips & Tech. 408 434 0600
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Vice President =Ext. 4283
020103 - Advanced Products =fax 434 0765
Kerzner PM Video Conference, 950202
Send product information, requesting give
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris via internet, linked to the seminar on
050604 - 950202, where I developed ideas about "Communication Metrics,"
050605 - ref SDS 3 8402, per our discussion on 950204. ref SDS 5 0001 Included
050606 - discussion on Emphatic Design in the record on 940508, ref SDS 1 9448,
050607 - and the discussion with Don Harms on defining communication metrics in
050608 - the record on 950201. ref SDS 2 0756
050609 -
050610 - ..
050611 - Sent ref DIT 2 0001 to Dwight French at Lucas Management, per
050612 - our discussion on 950202. ref SDS 4 0001 Included paper on POIMS,
050613 - ref OF 1 line 15, and notes of Kerzner lecture on "Communication
050614 - Metrics" at ref SDS 3 6603.
050615 -
050616 - [Followed up at ref SDS 6 line 36.]
050617 -
050618 -
050619 - Sent ref DIT 3 line 30 to Nino Borsoni, who I met at the Kerzern video
050620 - conference, ref SDS 3 line 308, included same materials sent to Lucas
050621 - Management.
050622 -
050623 - Submitted via fax question for Kerzner, ref DIT 4 line 33, asking
050624 - about the ideas at ref SDS 3 line 144. Included Bill DeHart's
050625 - comments on SDS at PG&E, ref DRP 1 line 16.
050626 -
050627 -
050628 -
050629 -
050630 -
050631 -
050632 -
050633 -
0507 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"