440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: June 20, 1994 10:13 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Received call from Brian at PMI re status of review on paper.


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PMI'94 Annual Symposium
Vancouver B.C., 941010
Present SDS & POIMS Paper, Contact #261
PMI Comments
Final Edits
Prepare paper
Delivery/Presentation Ideas

0910 -    ..
0911 - Summary/Objective
0912 -
091201 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000.
091202 -
091203 - Brian Boone called to followed up call at ref SDS 9 8849 and also at
091204 - ref SDS 10 8472.
091205 -
091206 -                 Brien's number:  604 731 5543
091207 -
091208 - I made the changes he recommended this morning, per below.  I will
091209 - submit the final paper by the end of this week.
091210 -
091211 -
091212 -
091213 -  ..
0913 -
0914 -
0915 - Discussion
0916 -
0917 -
091701 - What questions does he have about substance that could be clarified in
091702 - the paper, without making it any longer.
091703 -    ..
091704 -    Brian said he has no questions or suggestions on substance,
091705 -    except to recommend that I modify the first paragraph to state I
091706 -    will demonstrate SDS.  He feels this will make the paper more
091707 -    attractive to attendees.
091708 -
091709 -        [See follow up on 940621. ref SDS 15 1903]
091710 -
091711 -    I explained my concern about avoiding commercialism on the one
091712 -    hand, and my hope of focusing on the concepts.  Brian said that
091713 -    since this is a tools track, it is expected that technological
091714 -    capability will be demonstrated.  He feels strongly that POIMS
091715 -    concepts require some demonstration in order to give them
091716 -    credibility.
091717 -
091718 -
091719 - Presentation
091720 -
091721 -    I explained my intent to avoid making the presentation an SDS
091722 -    demonstration.  Brian feels a fair amount of demonstration should
091723 -    be included.  I suggested we try to meet prior to my presentation,
091724 -    to coordinate further on this point.
091725 -
091726 -  ..
091727 -
091728 -    I am seeking a dialog on things like "Murphy's Law" and how
091729 -    technology can avoid that problem.  Mentioned the seminar at
091730 -    Asilomar, ref SDS 12 5882, that focused on managing details.
091731 -
091732 -        [Next day added a few more references to Murphy's Law in the
091733 -        paper per work at ref SDS 15 9043.]
091734 -
091735 -    Discussed the paper that hopefully will be published in PMJ or
091736 -    Pmnetwork that will provide a predicate based on the idea of NWO
091737 -    needs old time religion.
091738 -
091739 -
091740 -
091741 - Editing grammar/format
091742 -
091743 -    He said there are several typos which someone else prepared for
091744 -    him.  He wants to fax them after we go over them on the phone.  I
091745 -    gave him our fax number.
091746 -
091747 -    I mentioned the corrections submitted in response to Lesley's
091748 -    suggestions at ref SDS 13 line 61.
091749 -
091750 -    Brian asked about the sentence at ref OF 1 line 113, p 2 par 2:
091751 -
091752 -           It is more difficult to make sure the message is accurate by
091753 -           checking available sources; insuring follow up of silent
091754 -           initiatives (the things left out of the letter for tactical
091755 -           reasons) days, weeks, or months later; creating a variety of
091756 -           paths to the letter for future research (e.g. a dispute, or
091757 -           to support a procurement effort).
091758 -
091759 -       ...Brian asked if the word "whether" should be inserted so the
091760 -       last line reads:
091761 -
091762 -           whether to support a procurement effort).
091763 -           -------
091764 -
091765 -       I explained this change would not help the meaning which is to
091766 -       give two examples of "research" for which correspondence might
091767 -       be applied.
091768 -
091769 -
091770 -    Brian asked about the sentence at ref OF 1 line 150, p 2 item #5
091771 -    under "Investing Intellectual Capital":
091772 -
091773 -         5.  Banking and ecology show investing and recycling time
091774 -             and information, magnify knowledge and ideas.
091775 -
091776 -       ...should "magnify" be changed to "magnifies"?
091777 -
091778 -       I explained magnify is correct because it applies to two items,
091779 -       investing and recycling.  However, I decided to add a comma
091780 -       after "information," to help the reader recognized the intent.
091781 -
091782 -
091783 - Brian said the rest of the suggestions are matters of style.  He
091784 - decided not to send them via fax.
091785 -
091786 -
091787 -
091788 -
0918 -

PMI'94 Annual Symposium
Vancouver B.C., 941010
Present SDS & POIMS Paper, Contact #261
PMI Comments
Visual Aids

1109 -
110901 - Do we need a poster, per ref SDS 3 line 160.
110902 -
110903 -    We do not need a poster.  The poster feature is a separate program.
110904 -
110905 -
110906 -
110907 - Brian will arrange to have the equipment I need to demonstrate SDS
110908 - to a large audience, as he recommends.
110909 -
110910 -
110911 -
110912 -