440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 3, 1994 07:26 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Continue analyse PMI articles on SDS applications.

2...Concurrent engineering is a component of a fast track method to
3...The article says "communication" is essential between project manager
4...Partnering to Improve Communication, Avoid Disputes

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Should send SDS information to these authors.
2...Should send Joan articles on either Cal Tech seminar and/or review of

0201 - Project Management Mentors         415 922 4706
020101 - Ms. Joan Knutson; Vice President

SDS Marketing, Application to market
Overview of Methods
Concurrent PM (Engineering)
Technology Transfer
Automation, Implementing, 930119
Fast Track, Time to Market

0908 -    ..
0909 - Summary/Objective
0910 -
091001 - Scanned artical on concurrent management at ref OF 3 line 15
091002 - which is largly about using PM to successfully transfer new technology
091003 - to an organization.  This is a basic requirement for successfully
091004 - marketing SDS.
091005 -
091006 - Concurrent engineering is a component of a fast track method to
091007 - shorten time to market, ref OF 3 line 16.
091008 -
091009 -     [On 970724 communication problems from concurrent engineering
091010 -     cause rework, increased cost and delay. ref SDS 13 0866]
091011 -
091012 - I assigned it a subject "Implementing Automation" because it relates
091013 - to steps and challenges on doing this.
091014 -
091015 - Article cites at ref OF 3 line 55, competing forces arising from
091016 - technology transfers:
091017 -
091018 -            1.  Greater product sophistication
091019 -            2.  Quality
091020 -            3.  Global competitiveness
091021 -
091022 -    ...these objectives are opposed by:
091023 -
091024 -            1.  Lower cost.
091025 -            2.  Faster time-to-market
091026 -            3.  Better market predictability
091027 -
091028 -   These seem to be competitive forces in any endeavor.  The author
091029 -   contends at ref OF 3 line 60, Concurrent Project Management can "...
091030 -   support many of the objectives that lead to an effective utilization
091031 -   of company resources and favorable long-range competitive position.
091032 -
091033 -
091034 - The article seems to arise from a field study of management practices
091035 - associated with new product development, ref OF 3 line 72.
091036 -
091037 -
091038 - The article emphasises the need for greater "understanding" by project
091039 - managers (part of which is the idea of converting "information" into
091040 - "knowledge); and the linkages between functions and task groups, both
091041 - of which are implemented by SDS and POIMS technology.
091042 -
091043 - Should send SDS information to these authors.
091044 -
091045 -    Give them a broader perspective on the idea of "linkage" and
091046 -    "understanding."  There is a great deal of discussion about doing
091047 -    various things, but there is no tool to do them.
091048 -
091049 - "Concurrent Engineering" should be defined in this article, but so
091050 - far I have not seen anything on it.
091051 -
091052 -
091053 -
091054 -
0911 -

SDS Marketing, Application to market
Overview of Methods
Project Management, Fundamentals & Overview
Project Management, Methods, Procedures
Executive Training, 930726
Proposals, Preparation to Win New Business
Investor Considerations for Projects
Communication 90% Manager's Time

2011 -
201101 - Article at ref OF 7 line 11 has good general explanation of project
201102 - management fundamentals, which investors consider in deciding to fund
201103 - a project or enterprise.  I assigned "Proposals, Preparation..."
201104 - because a successful proposal needs to reflect the considerations of
201105 - investors.
201106 -
201107 - Author defines at ref OF 7 line 167, "strategic functions" as:
201108 -
201109 -        ...large scale planning and direction of operations.  In the
201110 -        project context, it pertains to a process by which the project
201111 -        manager searches and analyzes the project's environment and
201112 -        resources in order to:
201113 -
201114 -             •  Select opportunities to minimize investor risk and
201115 -                capital exposure.
201116 -
201117 -             •  Make discrete decisions to invest resources in order to
201118 -                achieve the identified objectives.
201119 -
201120 -
201121 - The article says "communication" is essential between project manager
201122 - and investor stakeholders, ref OF 7 line 240.
201123 -
201124 -
201125 -
2012 -

SDS Marketing, Application to market
Overview of Methods
Project Management, Fundamentals & Overview
Project Management, Methods, Procedures
Executive Training, 930726
Leadership & Change, 930119
Conflict resolution in management

2610 -
261001 - Scanned ref OF 13 line 11, focusing the leadership attributes of
261002 - being a project manager.
261003 -
261004 -        Interest in job, ref OF 13 line 79.
261005 -        Action-Oriented, ref OF 13 line 90.
261006 -        Tolerance for Ambiguity and Change, ref OF 13 line 115.
261007 -        Vision, ref OF 13 line 142.
261008 -        Objectives and Priorities, ref OF 13 line 155.
261009 -        Team Development, ref OF 13 line 173.
261010 -        Motivate People, ref OF 13 line 190.
261011 -        Managing Conflict, ref OF 13 line 204.
261012 -        Assisting in Decision Making, ref OF 13 line 216
261013 -        Gaining Organizational Support, ref OF 13 line 232
261014 -        Communicating, ref OF 13 line 258.
261015 -        Having Credibility, ref OF 13 line 271.
261016 -        Visibility, ref OF 13 line 282
261017 -        General Interpersonal Skills, ref OF 13 line 293
261018 -
261019 -
261020 - The comments on "conflict resolution" as a source of innovation and
261021 - creativity, ref OF 13 line 204, are similar to those at ref SDS 7
261022 - line 141177.
261023 -
261024 -
261025 -
261026 -
2611 -

SDS Marketing, Application to market
Overview of Methods
Project Management Trends, Changes,
Overview of Methods

3008 -
300801 -  ..
300802 - Partnering to Improve Communication, Avoid Disputes
300803 -
300804 - Article at ref OF 20, explains a new contracting practice called
300805 - "partnering" which is a form of "joint venturing."
300806 -
300807 - Partnering has frustrated practitioners. ref OF 20 3445
300808 -
300809 -     [On 940105 article provides partnering agreement. ref SDS 8 7493]
300810 -
300811 -     [On 990127 executives are "frustrated" by continual small snafus
300812 -     in communication that "should never occur," but do, and then grow
300813 -     into big problems that "partnering" cannot solve. ref SDS 17 7399]
300814 -
300815 - Two types of implementation. ref OF 20 8493
300816 -
300817 -        1.  Multi-project cooperation over long-term relationship.
300818 -        2.  Single-projects under competitive bidding
300819 -
300820 - Common elements of partnering, ref OF 20 8394
300821 - ..
300822 - Problems in partnering, ref OF 20 2492 and ref OF 20 0640
300823 -
300824 -     "Partnering" does nothing to solve the cause of mistakes that lead
300825 -     to disputes.  Partnering tries to improve "communication" by
300826 -     getting everybody together and talking about things, but this
300827 -     compounds problems of "meaning drift" and information overoload.
300828 -
300829 -         [On 940609 Henry Kissinger says management is an "Alice in
300830 -         Wonderland" environment using talking and pictures in place of
300831 -         analysis. ref SDS 9 4238
300832 -
300833 -         [On 950327 small snafus that grow into big problems make
300834 -         management an exercise in continual bumbling. ref SDS 10 0200]
300835 -
300836 -         [On 970815 communication problems from internal management are
300837 -         worse than on contracts. ref SDS 15 7800
300838 -
300839 -         [On 980518 Cognitive Science shows more talk, more information
300840 -         cause "meaning drift." ref SDS 12 3734]
300841 -
300842 -         [On 990303 scientific paper cites challenge of information
300843 -         overload. ref SDS 18 6120]
300844 -
300845 -     The only way to improve "communication" is to align information
300846 -     day-to-day with requirements and commitments so people are alerted
300847 -     they are drifting off course, in time to take corrective action
300848 -     before mistakes are made that cost money.  Once money is spent,
300849 -     talking about it in partnering meetings will not avoid conflict.
300850 -     It is too late.  People who spent the money want to recover it,
300851 -     and often need to recover it in order to survive.  The remedy is
300852 -     to use good practice, rather than "feel good" management defined
300853 -     on 911123. ref SDS 2 1331  This requires SDS. ref SDS 2 0477
300854 -
300855 -         [On 950721 ISO management standards call for traceability to
300856 -         original sources. ref SDS 11 1740]
300857 -
300858 - Example of failed partnering, ref OF 20 4218
300859 -
300860 -     [On 981027 USACE paid $30M to settle claims on a $42M job that
300861 -     used partnering. ref SDS 16 9152]
300862 -
300863 - Steps to enhance partnering, ref OF 20 3718
300864 -
300865 -     [On 990328 proposed Common Administration using Communication
300866 -     Metrics to solve the cause of mistakes and disputes. ref SDS 19
300867 -     9641]
300868 -
300869 - Study of Partnering benefits, ref OF 20 4261
300870 - ..
300871 - Corp of Engineers Chief Counsel says partnering saves money....
300872 - ref OF 20 7391
300873 -
300874 -     [On 970728 contractor used partnering against Corps. ref SDS 14
300875 -     8760]
300876 -
300877 -     [On 981027 USACE paid $30M to settle claims on a $42M job that
300878 -     used partnering. ref SDS 16 9152]
300879 -
300880 -     [On 990328 proposed Common Administration to make partnering
300881 -     effective. ref SDS 19 9641]
300882 -
300883 -     [On 990507 HQUSACE review Common Administration. ref SDS 20 4956]
300884 -
300885 -
300886 -
300887 -
3009 -

SDS Marketing, Advertizing, Articles on POIMS
Project Management Journal, 910611
Executive Training, 930726
Joan Knutson
Publishing Articles
PM Steering Committee

3509 -   ..
350901 - The article at ref OF 24 line 11 describes a new feature to be
350902 - written and/or editied by Joan Knutson with Project Management
350903 - Mentors, an executive training organization, which is identified at
350904 - ref OF 24 line 108.
350905 -
350906 -     The article recommends a "Project Steering Committee" for execu-
350907 -     tive management to provide the support (time funding, expertise
350908 -     and equipment, and follow through), to make PM practices effec-
350909 -     tive, ref OF 24 line 56.
350910 -
350911 -         Not sure how this would apply to external projects which have
350912 -         budgets based on contract prices.
350913 -
350914 -
350915 - I submitted our SDS survey form to PMM at ref SDS 3 line 37, and have
350916 - asked PMM to support SDS from time to time, ref SDS 1 line 28, so far
350917 - without any luck.
350918 -
350919 - Joan requests submission of articles for publication in this new
350920 - feature, per ref OF 24 line 79.
350921 -
350922 - Should send Joan articles on either Cal Tech seminar and/or review of
350923 - Stephen Covey's book, or Van Kasper's "Knowledge Revolution."
350924 -
350925 -     I got a little nibble from my submission at ref SDS 4 line 77, and
350926 -     responded at ref SDS 5 line 52, have received no further response,
350927 -     despite follow up at ref SDS 6 line 41.
350928 -
350929 -
350930 -
3510 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"