440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 26, 2010 07:38 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Pam reports canceling cable television channels at 1158 St Matthew Pl.


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Real Estate Property Living Quarters Continue Lease 1158 St Matthew

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 27 0000. ref SDS 26 0000.
050502 -
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050504 -
050505 -
050506 -
050508 -  ..
0506 -
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0508 - Background
0509 -
050901 - On 100729 0510 1700 Millie died suddenly after a 9 year struggle to
050902 - survive cancer. ref SDS 5 EK4I
050904 -  ..
050905 - On 100808 1217 Millie's children packing her clothing into black bags
050906 - for donating to Hospice. ref SDS 9 WB7O  Found pearl earring in back
050907 - seat of car; could be one missing for some months. ref SDS 9 LH6L
050909 -  ..
050910 - On 100809 0811 letter to friends and family transmitting record of
050911 - memorial services for Millie on 100807. ref SDS 10 WB7O
050913 -  ..
050914 - On 100809 1218 letter from Kim notifying that the kids plan to remove
050915 - Millie's belongings on 100822. ref SDS 11 WB7O
050917 -  ..
050918 - On 100809 1321 letter from Ross appreciated memorial services for
050919 - Millie. ref SDS 12 WB7O  Extends invitation to visit the family in
050920 - Connecticut. ref SDS 12 GO5S
050922 -  ..
050923 - On 100815 1645 letter thanks Ross and Claudia for condolences on
050924 - Millie, and asks about visiting, per Ross' letter today. ref SDS 17
050925 - WB7O
050927 -  ..
050928 - On 100816 0607 Ross and Claudia say okay to visit on 100828.
050929 - ref SDS 18 PC4O
050931 -  ..
050932 - On 100817 0003 letter notify Ross transmitting itinerary for visit
050933 - leaving SFO 100828 1000, and arrive 100829 0700. ref SDS 20 WB7O
050935 -  ..
050936 - On 100819 0823 Pam asks about future plans on staying in Concord
050937 - apartment, and consideration about visiting Ross and Claudia in
050938 - Connecticut. ref SDS 25 PR8I
050940 -  ..
050941 - On 100819 0852 letter to Pam explains planning being considered for
050942 - future living arrangements. ref SDS 26 0089
050944 -  ..
050945 - On 100825 2010 letter to Pam coordinates time for leaving to take BART
050946 - to SFO airport for flight to New York, ref SDS 27 0089, and reviews
050947 - changes in television service Pam ordered for 1158 St Matthew PL.
050948 - ref SDS 27 3K6S
050950 -  ..
050951 - On 100826 0728 letter from Pam reporting she canceled cable television
050952 - channels in addition to Showtime, discussed recently. ref SDS 0 0089
050953 -
050954 -
050956 -  ..
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - Progress
0513 -
051301 - Letter from Pam says...
051302 -
051303 -    1.  Subject: RE: Ride to BART on Saturday
051304 -        Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 04:27:56 +0000
051311 -         ..
051312 -    2.  I did stop the HBO and Showtime and the Digital stuff.  I was
051313 -        told that HD channels were on between 2 and 80 or something
051314 -        like that.  I don't know the channels you watch.  Frankly, I
051315 -        didn't think you watched much TV at all. [...responding to the
051316 -        letter reporting loss of cable TV channels on 100825 2010.
051317 -        ref SDS 27 3K6S
051319 -         ..
051320 -    3.  You can always start up what you want later.  Keep in mind that
051321 -        every additional thing is extra.  So depending on your budget
051322 -        you might have to consider the value of the other channels.  I
051323 -        know that here at my house we do not subscribe to any HBO,
051324 -        Showtime etc. because we wouldn't watch it enough to make it
051325 -        worth our while. [...responding to the letter planning to
051326 -        assess cable television support after the trip to New York.
051327 -        100825 2010, ref SDS 27 3K7R...]
051329 -         ..
051330 -    4.  Yes, since you will be gone, you can always pick up other stuff
051331 -        later if there are channels you are not getting now.  I was
051332 -        surprised to hear that they already stopped the HBO and
051333 -        Showtime.  Hmmmm, they don't waste any time.
051335 -         ..
051336 -    5.  Talk to you soon.  Good luck with the virus. [...citing the
051337 -        letter to Pam on 100825 2010. ref SDS 27 3K7U
051338 -
051341 -
051342 -
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051344 -
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0514 -