440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 23, 2010 04:00 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Millie visits Pam and family for 74th birthday party.


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0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
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0408 - Background
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040901 - On 090630 1237 Millie sent a letter thanking Kim for sharing with
040902 - family and friends an inspirational movie clip, ref SDS 6 IY5H; and,
040903 - Millie explained difficulties the past 6-months getting medical
040904 - services to treat "Stage V" cancer as a "chronic disease." ref SDS 6
040905 - 349Q  Millie suggested that Kim share with family and friends this
040906 - extraordinary record for inspiration and guidance on leadership
040907 - overcoming resistance to using good management for accomplishing
040908 - complex, difficult tasks. ref SDS 6 356S
040910 -  ..
040911 - On 090701 0720 Kim's letter dated 090630 cites Millie's strength and
040912 - courage enduring the ravages of cancer, that inspires using good
040913 - management to cope with complex problems obtaining medical services in
040914 - time to be effective, ref SDS 7 IY5H, rather than give up and accept
040915 - the doctor's proposal on 090213 for Millie, who is ECOG performance
040916 - score 0 patient, to enter Hospice and die, ref SDS 7 4Q7M  Kim
040917 - appreciates Millie's thanks for sending an inspirational movie clip on
040918 - the Internet, and for encouraging Millie to continue helping the
040919 - medical team provide effective case management. ref SDS 7 WV8P
040921 -  ..
040922 - On 090706 1447 Millie received a letter from Ross encouraging Millie's
040923 - competitive drive that has been a "winner" helping Kaiser and UCSF
040924 - overcome resistance to performing case management to treat Millie's
040925 - "stage V" cancer as a chronic disease, ref SDS 8 IY5H; Ross invites
040926 - Millie to visit on a trip she is planning with Marilyn in September;
040927 - he also provides an update on Hutch and Stu making their way in the
040928 - world.
040930 -  ..
040931 - At Christmas a few weeks agon on 091225, Pam commented that Millie has
040932 - taken a lot of pictures, but has not shared them with the family.
040934 -  ..
040935 - On 100121 0923 Millie's birthday, she is 74. ref SDS 11 OV6O
040937 -  ..
040938 - On 100121 2010 Millie sent a letter to family members thanking Kim and
040939 - Ron for hosting Christmas dinner, ref SDS 12 BR7W, and providing a
040940 - link to pictures from the Chirstmas day gathering. ref SDS 12 BR4M
040942 -  ..
040943 - On 100123 1600 party for Millie's 74th birthday hosted by Pam and
040944 - Bill, ref SDS 0 WV5H; Pam and Kim planning another trip to Europe in
040945 - May, and invited Millie to join them. ref SDS 0 U96M  Stephanie gave
040946 - Millie a letter for her birthday. ref SDS 0 L057
040947 -
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040950 -  ..
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0412 - Progress
0413 -
041301 - Millie was pleased to see everybody, including Ron Sr.  Mat is still
041302 - at home sick, and Amanda also stayed home to care for Mat.  Amy is
041303 - attending college for this year in Spain, but Stephanie made the trip
041304 - from San Diego to help everyone celebrate Millie's 74th birthday.
041305 - Millie has not seen Steph for over a year, because her life in San
041306 - Diego is busy with study, work, and a passion for beach vollyball.
041308 -  ..
041309 - Lilly reported some probress with Mat recovery from severe digestion
041310 - problems that have landed him in the ER several times the past month.
041311 - She thinks Mat is improving, but his condition is still no diagnosed.
041312 - They are getting a referral to a GI specialist in San Francisco for
041313 - examination in a few weeks.
041315 -  ..
041316 - Millie loves seeing her grandchildren.  She was disappointed that Mat
041317 - could not attend, but understands that illness kept him home today,
041318 - and also stayed home Amanda to care for Mat.  Emily looks wonderful,
041319 - seeming to have grown up in only a year or so from a child of 10 to
041320 - the bearing of young adult at 20.  At age 14, Emily has blossomed
041321 - beautifully.  Like Emily, Nolan, who is also a sophomore in high
041322 - school this year, has matured byond his years as well.  He has a good
041323 - vocabulary and easily converses with adults.  Millie enjoyed meeting
041324 - Nolan's girl friend, who attended the party today, and is a senior.
041326 -  ..
041327 - Millie was thrilled to see Stephanie, who travelled from her home in
041328 - San Diego for Millie's birthday party today.  Steph at age 25, is
041329 - Millie's first grandchild.  She graduated a few years ago with a
041330 - double major, possibly biology and psychology.
041332 -  ..
041333 - Kim reported that she and Pam are planning another trip to Europe for
041334 - a 2-week Medeterrnean in May.  The cruise ends in Barcelona, Spain so
041335 - they will be able to visit Amy who is attending her junior year of
041336 - college in Barcelona.
041338 -  ..
041339 - Pam suggested that Millie take the trip with them.  She recalled
041340 - Millie had a good time last year on the Medeterranian cruise with Pam
041341 - that left on 090424, ref SDS 4 XE5H, and returned 14 days later on
041342 - 090507, reported in travel arrangements listed on 090114 0957.
041343 - ref SDS 2 AQ9X
041345 -  ..
041346 - Millie was unsure about being well enough in May to do another trip to
041347 - Europe.
041349 -  ..
041350 - Pam and Kim feel that planning a big trip, and making preparations can
041351 - bring relief from worry and stress about medical problems, reported in
041352 - Millie's letter to the medical team on 100120, ref SDS 10 BW8I, which
041353 - was attached to Millie's letter to the family sent 2-days ago on
041354 - 100121, ref SDS 12 IY5H, which happened to be Millie's birthday, being
041355 - celebrated today at Pam and Bill's home, and transmitting pictures
041356 - from Christmas on 091225, at Ron and Kim's home.
041358 -  ..
041359 - Kim encouraged Millie to consider the trip.  Planning and travel can
041360 - help block out hassels and problems getting Kaiser and UCSF to provide
041361 - medical treatment for Millie's 10th relapse of cancer.  Kim remarked
041362 - that Millie's letter to the medical team on 100120, demonstrates
041363 - unbelievable effort required to manage complex problems. ref SDS 10
041364 - BW8I  She recalled Millie's letter on 090630 commending Kim for
041365 - inspiring Millie to make extra effort overcoming resistance at Kaiser
041366 - and UCSF against treating Millie's 7th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 6
041367 - IY5H
041369 -  ..
041370 - Pam suggested revising prior plans for Pam, Kim, and Kim's sister to
041371 - stay in one room, and instead, she and her mom could get an ajoining
041372 - room.
041374 -  ..
041375 - Millie was elated.  She had a wonderful time sharing a room with Pam
041376 - on the cruise last year.  She had vacationed in Europe 2-years earlier
041377 - sharing a room with Ron and Kim, reported on 070907 0430. ref SDS 1
041378 - 6T6F
041380 -  ..
041381 - Millie has been feeling stronger the past few days as a result of not
041382 - getting chemotherapy, while recovering from shingles, reported in the
041383 - letter to the medical team on 100120 0217. ref SDS 10 HL3X  She agreed
041384 - to consider taking the trip, with the understanding that her health
041385 - may prevent going abroad by the time May comes.
041387 -  ..
041388 - Pam will coordinate planning and investigate pricing, and let Millie
041389 - know dates and costs next week.
041391 -  ..
041392 - Stephanie gave Millie a hand-written (difficult to read, ref SDS 0
041393 - 049L), birthday letter expressing feelings for grandmother...
041394 -
041395 -    1.  Subject:  Happy Birthday Grandma!!
041396 -        Date:  January 23, 2010
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