440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 21, 2010 03:13 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Millie's letter to Kim on inspiration getting treatment for 8th relapse


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Health Care Millie Story Inspirational Overcome Resistance Against T

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6304 - Summary/Objective
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630501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000.
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6308 - Progress
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630901 - On 090630 Millie sent a letter to Kim for sharing with the family on
630902 - experience getting medical services treating cancer as a chronic
630903 - disease. ref SDS 17 IY5H  Millie's experience might inspire her
630904 - children, and grandchildren to tackle worthwhile, but difficult tasks.
630905 - ref SDS 17 356S
630907 -  ..
630908 - At Christmas a few weeks agon on 091225, Pam commented that Millie has
630909 - taken a lot of pictures, but has not shared them with the family.
630911 -  ..
630912 - Millie sent the following letter to her family...
630913 -
630914 -    1.  Subject: Christmas Pictures
630915 -        Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:34:59 -0800
630927 -         ..
630928 -    2.  Hi all,
630930 -         ..
630931 -    3.  As you know, I place great store in getting things done, under
630932 -        the rule...
630934 -         ..
630935 -        I am always prompt, no matter how long it takes!!
630937 -         ..
630938 -    4.  Here are pics from xmas, and a few from past events, especially
630939 -        for those MIA on Christmas.  Click on the link, and click the
630940 -        list of jpg files.  They should open in your browser.
630941 -
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630944 -         ..
630945 -    5.  Thanks to Kim for hosting a wonderful Christmas day dinner.  It
630946 -        was especially nice to see all my grandkids, except Matthew,
630947 -        who got a sick leave pass, and to Amy, who is attending school
630948 -        in Spain, but shared time with all of us in a video conference.
630950 -         ..
630951 -    6.  A week after Christmas, I looked like the "Joker" in Batman.
630952 -        Attached is progress on clearing up shingles, and moving
630953 -        forward on treatment.
630955 -         ..
630956 -    7.  I met with the doctor today [see attached agenda reporting
630957 -        progress, reported on 100120 0217. ref SDS 18 BW8I], and he
630958 -        said I had a very severe case of shingles.  Normally recovery
630959 -        occurs in 2 weeks.  My treatment has been extended 20 days.
630960 -        Yesterday, my skin began to clear up.  Treatments however cause
630961 -        extreme headaches.  Hopefully, this will end in another week or
630962 -        so.
630963 -
630964 -            [On 100123 1600 AT Millie's birthday party, the family
630965 -            encouraged Millie to plan a vacation cruise in the
630966 -            Meeteranian during May; hopefully, will relieve stress and
630967 -            worry handling difficult case manaqgement. ref SDS 19 XJ86
630969 -         ..
630970 -    8.  Young people these days, change email addresses as often as
630971 -        they change cell phone numbers.  Please let me know if anyone's
630972 -        address has changed -- thanks.
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