440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 7, 2004 09:41 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Kaiser request transfer medical records to UCSF for 2nd opinion.
................Authorization for Use and/or
................Disclosure of Member/Patient
................Health Information
........Specify the records to be disclosed...
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2nd Opinion Verify Scope of Problem and Treatment Planning Tumor Boa
2nd Opinion Requested from UCSF, Stanford, UC Davis Cancer Centers
Medical Records Transfer Authorize from Kaiser to UCSF Breast Care C
Medical Records Transfer Authorize from Kaiser to UCSF Breast Care C
1006 -
1006 - ..
1007 - Summary/Objective
1008 -
100801 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000. ref SDS 7 0000.
100802 -
100803 - After Millie completed getting blood drawn for chemo treatment at 1100
100804 - this morning, we went to the Business Office at Kaiser in Walnut
100805 - Creek, and ordered medical records for transfer to UCSF Med Center and
100806 - Stanford Med Center to get second opinions.
100807 -
100808 - [On 060712 inquiry on process and steps for obtaining 2nd
100809 - opinions, and working with Kaiser. ref SDS 17 VQ6N
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100811 -
100812 -
100814 - ..
1009 -
1010 -
1011 - Discussion
1012 -
101201 - Visited Tangi in Kaiser's Business Office to implement planning for
101202 - getting 2nd opinions, reported on 041002. ref SDS 6 0001
101203 -
101204 - [On 050811 planning for 2nd opinion #2 improved process.
101205 - ref SDS 14 0001
101207 - ..
101208 - Tangi said she could not find paperwork issued by the primary care
101209 - physician ordering medical records for a 2nd opinion two (2) days ago
101210 - on 041005. ref SDS 8 4D9H
101211 -
101212 - [On 050908 more problems with Business Office getting medical
101213 - records for 2nd - second opinion. ref SDS 16 11D8
101215 - ..
101216 - [On 060810 head nurse in Oncology ordered and assembled packet
101217 - of documents for 2nd opinion #3; saved a lot of time and
101218 - effort. ref SDS 18 U76O
101220 - ..
101221 - Millie asked if she needs to go to Oncology and ask the doctor what to
101222 - do?
101223 -
101224 - [On 060712 another patient asks about process and worried about
101225 - bureaucracy requiring complex steps for obtaining 2nd opinions,
101226 - and working with Kaiser. ref SDS 17 VQ6N
101228 - ..
101229 - Tangi said she can take care of everthying.
101231 - ..
101232 - Tangi filled out a form with Millie's Kaiser account.
101233 -
101234 - Authorization for Use and/or
101235 - Disclosure of Member/Patient
101236 - Health Information
101238 - ..
101239 - Millie signed the authorization.
101241 - ..
101242 - In the section that says...
101243 -
101244 - Specify the records to be disclosed...
101245 -
101246 - ...Tangi attached the UCSF due diligence checklist for oncology
101247 - patients, ref DRP 2 7R8Y, which was received with Sheridan's letter
101248 - yesterday, ref DRP 2 0001, on 041006, and which shows the scope of
101249 - medical records required for review to prepare a second opinion.
101250 - ref SDS 9 RK6M Tangi looked at the document from Sheridan calling for
101251 - actual slides on biopsy and other tests, ref DRP 2 3B8N, and decided
101252 - to highlight this explanation, and to attach both documents to
101253 - Kaiser's form for transferring records in order to avoid delay of
101254 - review for diagnosis and treatment.
101255 -
101256 - [On 041014 attachments to the Authorization form are not
101257 - included with the form in the set of documents received from
101258 - the Business Office. ref SDS 12 IZ8J
101260 - ..
101261 - Tangi said to consolidate records transfer requirements on a single
101262 - form, following up work yesterday, ref SDS 10 HG6R, including notice of
101263 - planning by Doctor Johnson. ref SDS 9 VR9U
101265 - ..
101266 - Tangi said that normally transfer of medical records takes a month.
101267 - We reviewed the record showing Millie has meetings scheduled for
101268 - 041015 and the following Tuesday on 041019. Tangi indicated that
101269 - since Millie suffers a life threatening disease of cancer, transfer
101270 - of records will be expedited. She stamped the records transfer order
101271 - "Urgent."
101273 - ..
101274 - We need to confirm these arrangements are actually performed, so that
101275 - when Millie shows up for the meetings at UCSF and at Stanford Med
101276 - Center, the doctors are prepared to work.
101277 -
101278 - [On 041011 called Business Office and learned that medical
101279 - records are prepared for transfer by several departments, and
101280 - that the Business Office failed to submit copies of the
101281 - Athorization for transferring medical records to the
101282 - appropriate departments; made corrections and decided to pick
101283 - up the records for hand carrying, because there would not be
101284 - enough time for submission by US mail. ref SDS 11 GI9F
101286 - ..
101287 - [On 041018 Doctor Benz at UCSF did not examine imaging scan
101288 - films, ref SDS 13 L246, and the doctor did not review meeting
101289 - notes and other handwritings by Kaiser professional staff.
101290 - ref SDS 13 EN63
101292 - ..
101293 - [On 050826 applied experience from using medical records for
101294 - the 1st 2nd opinion to order a reduced set of medical records
101295 - for the 2nd opinion #2. ref SDS 15 668F
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