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1...Letter to Cliff Joslyn at LANL.
Analysis Follow Up Strategy Planning to Set Direction Support Drives
Aerospace company Procurement Discuss NDA for IP Protections on Purchas Order 05
Aerospace company Agreement Use SDS for Communication Metrics 06
Life-style MS Word Outlook People Only Use 5% of Capability so Even
Plan Perform Report SDS New Way Working Augment Intellignece Thinkin
SDS Firepower Rich Record of Experience Organization Everything in R
Add Value Productive Meetings Regardless of What Was Actually Said B
6609 -
6609 - ..
6610 - Summary/Objective
6611 -
661101 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 1 0000.
661102 -
661103 - There are actually several letters needed...
661104 -
661105 -
661106 - 1. Morris respond to 031008 when Morris wrote to Gary suggesting
661107 - more analysis to drive strategy and planning. ref SDS 1 KR5Y
661109 - ..
661110 - On 040304 Morris wrote to Gary with suggestions on forming the
661111 - agreement with Aerospace company, ref SDS 6 LX4I, and requested that Gary
661112 - get back to him with his thoughts. ref SDS 6 RB7W
661114 - ..
661115 - Address Gary's ideas about business model and SDS being a
661116 - hobby, in Gary's letter on 040229. ref SDS 5 QV8K
661117 -
661276 - ..
661277 - 2. Letter to Cliff Joslyn at LANL.
661279 - ..
661280 - 3. Letter to Curt Carlson at SRI.
661282 - ..
661283 - 4. Letter to Pat Lincoln.
661285 - ..
661286 - 5. Letter to Tom Munnecke
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661289 -
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6613 -