440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 4, 2004 07:23 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Morris writes to Gary on progress at Aerospace company, suggests 1 year evaluation of SDS.
2...Morris Agrees to Gary's Role Gatekeeper on Aerospace company Evaluation
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0202 - Intel Corporation O-00000704 0201
020201 - Mr. Morris E. Jones;
Johnson, Gary Letter Prepared by Morris to Identify Issues to Address
Evaluation Morris Jones Asks How Long the Agreement will Last and Wha
Agreement with Aerospace company on Using SDS for Organizational Memory n combat P
Evaluation 1 Year SDS Agreement with Aerospace company on Using SDS for rganiza
Gatekeeper Gary's Role on Aerospace company Evaluation Morris Agrees
3107 -
3107 - ..
3108 - Summary/Objective
3109 -
310901 - Follow up ref SDS 4 DW8R, ref SDS 3 0000
310902 -
310903 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris with copy to Gary following up the
310904 - letter on Tuesday, 040302, ref SDS 4 DV5X, and saying...
310906 - ..
310907 - 1. As we discussed, Gary has done a terrific job expediting SDS
310908 - through the Aerospace company procurement process, shown by the attached
310909 - correspondence, ref DIT 1 0001,, which is listed in the record
310910 - on 040302, beginning with a letter from Gary asking for an
310911 - address of the Welch Company. ref SDS 4 YW84 Looks like they
310912 - are setting up for an "evaluation," per Cindi's letter to Carl
310913 - on 040302, that talks about a "special license agreement."
310914 - There was also discussion of a no cost PO. ref SDS 4 TZ6V
310916 - ..
310917 - 2. This will give Gary a chance to continue using SDS, hopefully
310918 - distributed on an intranet so more people can benefit,
310919 - especially from accessing the links, which a number of his
310920 - people on the job have requested.
310922 - ..
310923 - 3. I really don't know what they have in mind on IP, NDA, etc.
310924 - Mentioned this to Gary on 040302, but he is pretty busy. Do
310925 - you have any thoughts we should be considering to make this as
310926 - smooth as possible, without throwing a wrench in the machinery
310927 - Gary has going. Feel free to contact Gary on this. Your
310928 - knowledge of corporate culture and practices can be a big help.
310930 - ..
310931 - 4. Thanks.
310933 - ..
310934 - 5. Rod
310935 -
310937 - ..
310938 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary responding to the letter to Morris,
310939 - ref DIT 1 0001, requesting suggestions to support Gary, per above.
310940 - ref SDS 0 LW9H Gary says...
310941 -
310942 - My take is that since I will be taking "delivery" of the SDS
310943 - software, and will be the only direct user, we are already
310944 - covered.
310946 - ..
310947 - Is Gary proposing that he be named in the agreement as the responsible
310948 - Aerospace company representative for taking "delivery" and managing use and
310949 - access to the SDS program?
310951 - ..
310952 - This is generally acceptable under under the agreement on 030126.
310953 - ref SDS 2 Q38K How will this be incorporated into the agreement with
310954 - Aerospace company?
310956 - ..
310957 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Morris responding to Gary's letter,
310958 - ref DRT 2 0001 and following up on the letter to Morris this morning,
310959 - ref DIT 1 0001, per above. ref SDS 0 LW9H
310961 - ..
310962 - Morris says...
310963 -
310964 - 1. Nice to see you are making progress on the SDS activities at
310965 - Aerospace company. I hope things work out for you there.
310967 - ..
310968 - 2. Knowing how these things go, you typically place some form of
310969 - time and/or other limits in the evaluation PO. (My experience
310970 - has been with P.Os to evaluate engineering tools) Normally
310971 - they run to a term that does not exceed 1 year. (For some
310972 - obscure reason I forget).
310973 -
310974 - [On 040317 a 1 year term was set for the evaluation
310975 - contract on SDS. ref SDS 6 9Z5F
310977 - ..
310978 - Time limits were discussed with Jackie when she called earlier today
310979 - to ask about the agreement with Aerospace company. ref SDS 5 KG7R
310980 -
310981 -
310983 - ..
310984 - Morris Agrees to Gary's Role Gatekeeper on Aerospace company Evaluation
310985 -
310986 -
310987 - Morris continues...
310988 -
310989 - 3. I agree that Gary can be the gate keeper of information, but
310990 - the PO will be with Aerospace company, and I'm not sure what that means if
310991 - anything.
310993 - ..
310994 - Morris agreeing to Gary being the "gatekeeper" responds to Gary's
310995 - letter this morning proposing to take "delivery" of SDS and cover
310996 - protection for IP, per above. ref SDS 0 TT9H, and fits the agreement
310997 - with Gary developed on 030126 for Morris' participation. ref SDS 2
310998 - MW4M
310999 -
311000 - [On 040317 Gil Caughman was identified as responsible
311001 - Aerospace company employee for taking receipt of the SDS software,
311002 - and Gary will be the only user. ref SDS 6 914K
311004 - ..
311005 - Morris continues...
311006 -
311007 - 4. You should have some understanding of what residual use of the
311008 - program is allowed at Aerospace company, etc after the evaluation period.
311010 - ..
311011 - Residual use can be incorporated into Gary's scope for taking
311012 - "delivery" that he reports having covered in his letter today.
311013 - ref SDS 0 TT9H
311015 - ..
311016 - Gary continues...
311017 -
311018 - 5. In a typical evaluation agreement, often the purchasing company
311019 - will want to know what the price will be if they decide to keep
311020 - the product. You may not be that far down the road with them,
311021 - and this is simply a Aerospace company CYA to keep legal folks happy and
311022 - out of the loop.
311024 - ..
311025 - Morris is correct, in the afternoon, Jackie in Aerospace company procurement
311026 - asked how much the software costs. ref SDS 5 KG7R
311027 -
311028 - [On 040317 Jackie in suggested using "In Development" for
311029 - the Declared Value in the Aerospace company contract form.
311030 - ref SDS 6 2O9I
311032 - ..
311033 - Morris concludes...
311034 -
311035 - 6. Let me know what you think,
311037 - ..
311038 - This is a good letter asking Gary for feedback. Morris is in danger
311039 - of transformation to Com Metrics, per telecon on 911123. ref SDS 1
311040 - 4930
311047 - ..
311048 - [On 040404 Gary answers Morris' letter. ref SDS 8 0001
311049 -
311050 -
311051 -
311052 -
311053 -
311054 -
311055 -
311056 -
311057 -
311058 -
311059 -
311060 -
3111 -