440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 22, 2002 10:02 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Brandon called about solving memory problem for SDS under DOS, W2K.

2...Vmare and Similar Capabilities Suggested to Solve 640K Memory Problem

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0201 - Microsoft Corporation
020101 - Mr. Brandon Robinson, MCSA MCP MCSE
020102 - Windows Enterprise Support =469 775 6165
020103 -
020104 - Windows 2000 Support  =800 936 4900
020105 - Applications and Performance

SRX020519601479 Microsoft Called and Got Incident Number to Investiga
DOS Memory Get 750K Instead of 634K
DOS Technical Support
DOS Memory Program for More than 640K
Memory Above 640K Submit SDS Program for Review by Brandon
DOS Memory Above 640K
640K Memory Limit for DOS Need Solution
Submitted E Exe to Brandon at Microsoft

1110 -    ..
1111 - Summary/Objective
1112 -
111201 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
111202 -
111203 -                       SRX020519601479
111204 -
111205 - Brandon called responding to ref DIP 1 008N, submitted yesterday on
111206 - 020521, ref SDS 9 VU4J, following up on his idea to investigate the
111207 - SDS program (e.exe) for ways to increase RAM allocated by the mem
111208 - command diagnostic...
111209 -
111210 -                   largest executable program size
111211 -
111212 - ...above 700K, as we discussed on 020519, ref SDS 8 LQ4M, since it
111213 - appears that the virtual machine idea is not a solution, per below.
111214 - ref SDS 9 JG9L
111215 - ..
111216 - Brandon said to zip e.exe and send to him for evaluation.  We
111217 - did not have time for extended discussion because I have a meeting
111218 - this morning at 1000.
111219 - ..
111220 - Brandon may be able to provide support needed to implement
111221 - Morris' ideas on the record on 930814 for enabling SDS to use the full
111222 - 1 MB that Medit is designed to address. ref SDS 1 OX3L
111223 -
111224 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Brandon, linked to this record for
111225 - context and attached zipped e.exe for review.
111226 -
111227 - Brandon will examine e.exe and advise of findings in a few days.
111228 -
111229 -   [On 010530 submitted follow up letter to Brandon asking about
111230 -   progress of review. ref SDS 10 0001
111231 -
111232 -   [On 020606 Microsoft received e.exe is reviewing for solutions.
111233 -   ref SDS 11 WO5N
111234 -
111235 -   [On 020611 Brandon reports investigation shows SDS (e.exe) is
111236 -   written in 8088 assembly language and is limited to 640K in DOS;
111237 -   recommends re-writing the program to improve memory. ref SDS 12 OL5I
111238 -
111239 -
111240 -
111241 -
111242 -
111243 -
111244 -
111245 -
111246 -
111247 -
111248 -
111249 -
111250 -
1113 -

Memory Above 640K Vmware and Similar Programs May Solve Problem
Vmware and Similar Programs Medit Microsoft Suggests Might Solve 640K
Vmware and Similr Programs Use to Solve 640K Memory Problem
Vmware Evaluation Failed

1507 -
150701 -  ..
150702 - Vmare and Similar Capabilities Suggested to Solve 640K Memory Problem
150703 -
150704 - Follow up ref SDS 9 JG9L, ref SDS 8 JG9L.
150705 -
150706 - Brandon advised that he received ref DIP 1 0001 responding to his
150707 - letter and requesting comments on the record for 020519 showing that
150708 - evaluation of Vmware and Virtual PC do not appear to solve the
150709 - problem. ref SDS 8 I67M
150710 - ..
150711 - Brandon indicated that he reviewed the record and did not see
150712 - anything that can be done differently using Vmware to increase RAM for
150713 - largest executable program size.
150714 -
150715 - Brandon reported that he has configured DOS using Vmware in the manner
150716 - he proposed on 020519, ref SDS 8 JG9L, and this resulted in showing
150717 - the largest executable program size 617K.  Since this is 20K less than
150718 - 634K we are getting using NTVD (DOS) under W2K, there is no evident
150719 - benefit for using Vmware to run SDS.
150720 - ..
150721 - Provided link to POIMS for reference, since Brandon is an expert
150722 - for enterprise management solutions. ref DRP 1 KD9G
150723 -
150724 -     Brandon did not mention anything about POIMS.
150725 -
150726 -
150727 -
150728 -
150729 -
150730 -
150731 -
150732 -
150733 -
1508 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"