440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 14, 2002 10:28 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Wayne Wetzel on the job at new assignment with BLM.


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0201 - Bureau of Land Management            406 538 1920
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; 406 538 1920
020102 -

SDS Cancellation in 890324 Cost Tudor DNRC Extra Cost 8 Years Later
Case Study Broadwater Lessons Learned
SDS Saves Time and Money by Improving Management
Saves Time and Money by Improving Management
Wayne Begins Assignmetn for BLM in Lewistown MT Cannot Use SDS
BLM Wayne Wetzel Cannot Use SDS Nor Write Paper Stake President
SDS Cannot Load Unauthorized Software on Computers
Paper for Conklin Conference on Facilitating Meetings Wayne Does Not
Paper Faith in Intelligence Transforms Literacy from Information to K

1411 -    ..
1412 - Summary/Objective
1413 -
141301 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
141302 -
141303 - Wayne has a new email address....
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141309 - ...and phone number for his new assignment with BLM...
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141312 -                       406-538-1920
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141315 - The BLM will not permit the staff to use SDS, so for now he is cut off
141316 - from management support he has had the past 10 years.  On 970711 Wayne
141317 - reported SDS had been helpful. ref SDS 5 3003  On 010725 Wayne
141318 - confirmed this understanding. ref SDS 11 0001
141319 - ..
141320 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 suggesting that Wayne submit a 3-5 page
141321 - paper on using SDS to facilitate management, as Wayne explained on
141322 - 911205, ref SDS 2 8402, rather than to facilitate sessions, citing the
141323 - record on 020301. ref SDS 17 XP8H
141324 -
141325 - This follows up the letter to Jeff Conklin on 020310. ref SDS 18 0001
141326 -
141327 - Wayne could fashion a paper on faith in intelligence based on faith in
141328 - literacy under the rule that God builds mountains over the long haul,
141329 - per review of Covey on 921205. ref SDS 3 8493  Mountains usually don't
141330 - just pop up over night.  Even educated people don't succeed, unless a
141331 - range of enabling forces come into alignment.  Therefore, it takes
141332 - faith to sustain use of SDS to improve management for a number of
141333 - months before results begin to occur, as Wayne discovered on the
141334 - Broadwater Dam project.
141335 -
141336 - It seems likely that "faith" in religion stems from the wonder of
141337 - literacy, as related in NWO, ref OF 3 5541, reviewed recently in a
141338 - paper, ref DIP 1 EN5K, on 020117. ref SDS 16 P25K
141339 -
141340 - Transforming faith in literacy for creating "information" in a book,
141341 - such as the Bible, to faith in intelligence for creating a culture of
141342 - knowledge enabled by SDS, could make an interesting paper.  Actually,
141343 - the Bible is a closer analogy to SDS than other books, because the
141344 - Bible assiduously uses traceablity to original sources, which is the
141345 - source of the term "religion," per NWO, ref OF 3 4723, and so likely
141346 - gives it much greater power and impact than other books.  SDS extends
141347 - this power and impact as seen by the record on 011003. ref SDS 13 PS7I
141348 -
141349 - Additionally, or alternatively, Wayne could explain the difference
141350 - between the common approach to facilitating a meeting that focuses on
141351 - avoiding hurt feelings and encouraging participation, and the SDS way
141352 - of expanding span of attention to augment intelligence for improving
141353 - management, as explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 2050 and ref OF 1 68G5, by
141354 - helping people remember all of the issues that require consideration,
141355 - and recognize relevant history and controlling authority, as Wayne and
141356 - I discussed on 880907. ref SDS 1 6006
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1416 - 1348
1417 -
141701 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Wayne saying his schedule for the period
141702 - ahead requires travel from Lewistown to Helena, and so he will
141703 - probably not have time to do a paper for Jeff Conklin's workshop.
141704 - ref DRT 1 0J8L
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"