440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 16, 2001 02:12 PM Friday; Rod Welch

John Deneen called on meeting with Jim Spohrer at IBM in San Jose.

2...Infotelsys Business Lost Association with Netherlands Partner
3...Command Center and Control Room Application for SDS
4...SRI Plans to Develop Hyperscope Independently from BrowseUp

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0201 - Deneen Consulting                    925 229 1858
020101 - Mr. John Deneen
020102 -
0202 - IBM Almaden Research Center          408 927 1898
020201 - Mr. Jim Spohrer, Ph.D.; 408 927 xxxx
020202 -
020203 - User Systems Ergonomics Research

Meeting Jim Spohrer, Jack Park on OHS Project Open Source
IBM Meeting Planned on Open Source Project for OHS, SDS Jack Park's I
Meeting Planned by John Deneen at IBM on Open Source OHS Project
Wireless Sattalite Communication Can Combine with SDS to Provide Comm
Infotelesys Satallite Wireless Communication Business Model with SDS,
Infotelysis Assignment Ending
Business Model Submitted Matt Conover to Prepare Meeting Jim Spohrer
Meeting Jim Spohrer for IBM Support
Conover, Matt's Business Model

1811 -    ..
1812 - Summary/Objective
1813 -
181301 - Follow up ref SDS 67 XH4M, ref SDS 65 0001.
181302 -
181303 - John has received the email linked to the record on 010211,
181304 - ref SDS 67 0001, reviewing his letter, ref DRP 7 0001, to Jack Park
181305 - notifying about meeting planned to discuss open source OHS project
181306 - with Jim Spohrer, and Matt Conover.
181307 - ..
181308 - John indicated he has not had time to review the record.  He has
181309 - not confirmed a meeting date with Jim Spohrer, because he wants to
181310 - have a discussion with Jack, Matt and I to prepare for the meeting.
181311 -
181312 -     [On 010221 John reported progress with Pacific Consultants yielded
181313 -     ideas for meeting with Jim Spohrer. ref SDS 71 K4RK
181314 -
181315 -     [On 010223 John and Matt met with Pacific Consultants, SRI and Jim
181316 -     Spohrer at IBM. ref SDS 72 008G
181317 -
181318 - There are two issues for meeting with Jim Spohrer....
181319 -
181320 -    1.  SDS project to develop KM, per our planning on 010103.
181321 -        ref SDS 54 0001
181322 -
181323 -        This meeting with Jim can take place on its own merits, in the
181324 -        same way that Jim met with BrowseUp.
181325 -
181326 -
181327 -    2.  Matt Conover's business model applying Jack's ideas for an open
181328 -        source OHS project, set out in John's letter on 010211.
181329 -        ref SDS 67 XH4M
181330 -
181331 -        To proceed with the proposed meeting on this subject, John,
181332 -        Jack and Matt need to review the record on 010211, ref SDS 67
181333 -        9R8N, then we can discuss our common goals for meeting with Jim
181334 -        Spohrer.
181335 -
181336 -        There is an impression from this call that Doug Engelbart may
181337 -        be expected to be involved in this OHS project>
181338 -
181339 -        John feels that after we complete our review and set a goal for
181340 -        the meeting, he will finalize a date to meet with Jim.
181341 -
181342 -           [On 010220 meeting with Jim seems to be deferred.
181343 -           ref SDS 70 CE4K
181344 -
181345 -
181346 -
181347 -  ..
181348 - Infotelsys Business Lost Association with Netherlands Partner
181349 -
181350 - John said his assignment with Infotelysis is now in the air, because
181351 - there was a joint venture with a company in the Netherlands that
181352 - provided expertise for managing or otherwise applying the satallite
181353 - communications part of the business, and these people have disolved
181354 - their relationship with Infotelysis because of nobody can work with
181355 - the principal.
181356 -
181357 - John said his contact, Larry, is putting a new venture for the
181358 - Netherlands group, and has invited him to participate, once he severs
181359 - his relationship with Infotelysis.
181360 -
181361 - Larry has previously spoken favorably about SDS; whereas, the Clyde,
181362 - the principal at Infotelysis, refused to consider SDS, either to
181363 - support daily management nor as part of a product package to
181364 - commercialize the wireless capability Infotelsys is attempting to
181365 - market.
181366 -
181367 -
181368 -
1814 -

New Development Contact Software Engineers Want to Use SDS for Contro
Control Room Management, John Deneen New Contact

2005 -
200501 -  ..
200502 - Command Center and Control Room Application for SDS
200503 -
200504 - John reported in his call this afternoon making a new contact at a
200505 - recent Wireless conference, and spent several hours explaining and
200506 - demonstrating SDS on the web.  This new contact, also, named John,
200507 - expressed interest in developing SDS for government requirements to
200508 - manage control rooms, which require careful records to pass between
200509 - shifts.
200510 -
200511 - John plans to follow up on this opportunity in the next week.
200512 -
200513 -     [On 010221 John setting up meeting. ref SDS 71 K4RK
200514 -
200515 -
200516 -
2006 -
2007 -

SRI Linking Technology BrowseUp Demonstrated for OHS/DKR Project
Beta Pilot Testing by OHS/DKR
Hyperscope Linking Presentation by Engineer from Isreal
BrowseUp Supports Linking Needed for Hyperscope
BrowseUp Getting Open API's for SRI
BrowseUp Not Supported; SRI to Develop Hyperscope Independently Using

2909 -
290901 -  ..
290902 - SRI Plans to Develop Hyperscope Independently from BrowseUp
290903 -
290904 - Follow up ref SDS 69 0001, ref SDS 66 0001.
290905 -
290906 - John advised that Doug and SRI have sent the CDs back to BrowseUp
290907 - under a decision that BrowseUp does not support open source
290908 - development model that SRI and Doug plan to follow, as reported in the
290909 - record on 001025. ref SDS 43 ADK1
290910 -
290911 - John understands that SRI wants to develop Doug's Hyperscope
290912 - capability independently, rather than use BrowseUp.
290913 -
290914 - On 010214 Alon advised he is creating APIs for SRI to try BrowseUp,
290915 - which may indicate effort to work through open source issue.
290916 - ref SDS 69 KJ2H
290917 -
290918 -
290919 -
290920 -
290921 -
290922 -
290923 -
290924 -
290925 -
290926 -
290927 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"