440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 3, 2001 05:18 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
John Deneen called about using SDS in his new venture.
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0201 - Deneen Consulting 925 229 1858
020101 - Mr. John Deneen
020102 -
SDS Introduced to Mel Chew, John Deneen
Investor Support for SDS, Letter to Prospective Investor
Sales Presentation Ideas
Proposal Ideas, Terms, Scope of Services
Deneen, John, Support Com Metrics
SDS Part of Marketing Plan for John's New Venture in Wireless Technol
Sporher, Jim IBM Venture Capital, John Deneen
Infotelesys Use SDS for IPO Management and Commercialization
Infotelesys Use SDS for Management Support Prepare Daily Diary
IBM Jim Returned to Work at Almaden Research Center, John Deneen
Meeting Planned Review SDS OHS, John Deneen
SDS KM Project Support by IBM
1714 - ..
1715 - Summary/Objective
1716 -
171601 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 18 0000.
171602 -
171603 - John has sent a letter to Jim Spohrer, and left a voice mail for Jim,
171604 - but has not heard from his, probably due to the holidays.
171605 -
171606 - We want to schedule a meeting with Jim to develop financial support
171607 - from IBM for SDS development in KM market.
171608 -
171609 - [On 010119 Jim has not responded to John's letter; offered to meet
171610 - for breakfast. ref SDS 23 0001
171611 -
171612 - [On 010127 Jim scheduling meeting with Jim. ref SDS 24 MS5R
171613 -
171614 - [On 010211 scope of meeting planned with Jim is OHS open source
171615 - venture. ref SDS 25 XH4M
171616 -
171617 - [On 010211 sent letter to Jim Spohrer on reengineering education.
171618 - ref SDS 25 RX3K
171619 -
171620 - [On 010223 John reports meeting on 010222 with Jim, Lee Iverson
171621 - and Pacific Consultants about an initiative on wireless, which may
171622 - facilitate consideration of SDS. ref SDS 26 008G
171623 - ..
171624 - John also has ideas for combining SDS with developments from SRI
171625 - to support the wireless communication products and services that
171626 - John's company, Infotelesys, is developing.
171627 -
171628 - John will prepare a summary explanation of how SRI and SDS will fit
171629 - with what Infotelesys is doing. He will submit a draft, then we will
171630 - submit to SRI about meeting to discuss.
171631 -
171632 - [On 010211 received planning ideas on this issue. ref SDS 25 UP5K
171633 - and. ref SDS 25 9R8N
171634 -
171635 - [Also on 010211 Jim Spohrer has interest in wireless to support
171636 - education and learning. ref SDS 25 X8RJ
171637 -
171638 - John discussed on 001220, while driving me home from the event at SRI
171639 - honoring Doug Engelbart, ref SDS 22 0001, that he wants his company,
171640 - Infotelesys, to use SDS for management support.
171641 -
171642 - He discussed learning SDS to teach to his children, and to demonstrate
171643 - SDS for his management team and Infortelesys.
171644 -
171645 -
171646 -
171647 -
171648 -
171649 -
171650 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"