440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 20:38:33 -0800

04 00067 61 00111501

OHS DKR Project
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Subject:   Listening to Doug
KM Requires Links to Sources


Responding to your question today, "you" in Eric's letter may have refered to Adam, who wrote a letter earlier today rhetorically asking "....Shouldn't the repository be called a DKR and not an OHS? Things will get too confusing with respect to Doug's existing documents if OHS starts to mean a repository instead of a tool set."
Adam proposes avoiding confusion by focusing on Doug's documents. At issue is the meaning of a "repository," of "knowledge," and the meaning of "dynamic," and how the meaning relates to a system of documents that are linked, called "hyper documents."

The meaning and scope of DKR was discussed on January 20, 2000, and you explained on April 26, 2000 that architecture is the business process that defines DKR, which was still pending at that time.
More recently, On October 17, 2000 Eugene advised that the new core team will set the architecture.
So, in effect, we still have not settled these issues, as reported previously on June 15, 2000 during a meeting at SRI.
Yet, even though DKR is not established, it seems clear that knowledge is a key part of a DKR that needs attention, as Eric noted on May 3, 2000.
One aspect of "knowledge" is aligning information with context, per your letter to Paul Fernhout on October 25, 2000.
Context positions information in relation to history, also, called "chronology," because sequence imparts cause and effect. Understanding causation is useful for computer programming, building a bridge, baking a cake, lots of things. Context, also, positions information in relation to objectives, requirements and commitments.
It is not enough to call for "context." We have to produce it. We have to take action. So, in my view, here is a big secret of Knowledge Management: it is all about action.
For example, on 000424 Adam proposed listening to Doug, and, you concurred. That sets a standard, or requirement, for the DKR team to do business by looking to see what Doug says, and has said.
So, how do we do that?
On October 27, 2000 Doug requested that comments be linked to relevant parts of original sources. That is an important request, because cross posting, which you called out, as well, in a letter on October 19, shows alignment with objectives, requirements, commitments, and history....
That sounds like a good way to "listen."
"Listening" is one of those happy words that we all toss around, when frustrated that other folks are not following our common sense view of things.
However, "listening," when applied in the manner Doug requests, has a deeper meaning. It will lead the team to an OHS and a DKR, based on a working understanding of "knowledge," "intelligence," and other issues that are foundational to Knowledge Management, as discussed by Mary Keeler at SRI on May 18, 2000, and, also, set out in Charles Peirce's semiotics, reviewed on May 15.
So, we have Chuck, Mary and Doug all pointing the way.
On the merits of Eric's question about the correlation of a DKR and OHS. Doug's Launch Plan on October 25, 2000 sets out a weak correlation. Adam seems correct that OHS sounds like a set of tools primarily to link, translate and manipulate "views." DKR is the stuff that is linked, translated and manipulated....
Note, that Doug discusses support by skilled operatives to support the DKR capability, which is a Communication Metrics approach.
As noted, Doug requested comments on the OHS Launch Plan; but, so far this work has not been done, because attention is on DTD's Java, Python, XML, Topic Maps and other methods, rather than figuring out what these important methods need to accomplish.
As set out in the letter to Henry, copied to the team, on November 9, 2000, experience over the past 15 years, particularly the past 10 months, and more broadly over Doug's 40 years working on this matter, indicates that Knowledge Management is a secret which can only discovered by doing Knowledge Manageent... to transition from an information to a culture of knowledge.
Let's listen to Doug.



Rod Welch