440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 19, 1996                                                                          03 00069 96041902

Ms. Jeannette Cabais
News Editor
PMI Communications
40 Colonial Square
Sylva, NC  28779

Subject:  PMI Asilomar Conference, Jul 12 - 14, 1996
                Leader and Technology, Partnership for the Future

  1. Telecon Jeannette/Rod Apr 18, 1996
  2. Welch letter to PMI Comm, Apr 19, 1996
  3. Fluor letter to McDonald, Apr 2, 1996
  4. Telecon Jim/Rod Mar 26, 1996
  5. Telecon Bill/Rod Apr 3, 1996

Dear Jeannette,

Sorry this is a day late, but, per our discussion yesterday, here is my letter to Jim, attached as a zipped Word document at ref b. This letter to Jim shows the correlation between the Asilomar agenda and the NWO paper being published in May.

Jim and I discussed in a call on Mar 26, ref b, that he could do an editorial to support Asilomar. My letter to Jim offers ideas on the correlation between the NWO article, the Asilomar theme, and the downsizing situation addressed in recent media stories, including your piece in this month's PMNETwork. If it makes sense, you could use the first para and a para or two from the last page on Johanna's Neuman's book, to fashion a quote from me supporting Asilomar following up on the NWO ideas.

I am also linking an Apr 2 letter from General Hank Hatch, ref c, who is a">I am also linking an Apr 2 letter from General Hank Hatch, ref c, who is a former commander of the Corps of Engineers, now VP of Fluor Daniel. This letter is in a separate ascii file along with his bio. Hatch's letter accepts a speaking engagement for Asilomar, but a mixup results in him being omitted from the official agenda at this time. His former deputy at the Corps, Pete Offringa, has been substituted for General Hatch. Whether Hatch makes any formal remarks at Asilomar, his quote may be appropriate to rally interest in the event. Bill DeHart and I met with Hank last week and he continues to support the Asilomar agenda. You can reach General Hatch at his Arlington, VA office 703 247 7723 and at his Irvine, CA office 714 975 4795.

Here is the quote General Hatch has approved:

We must ensure the New World Order of the Information Highway is not a world of "disorder" imploding through constant rounds of downsizing from misunderstanding, miscalculation and conflict. At Asilomar I look forward to building a better partnership between leadership and technology by bridging the gap between culture and technology. The consequences of not doing so will be devastating: expensive, frustrating, divisive, demoralizing, and dysfunctional. The constant flow of information from meetings, calls, documents and email in the modern era, must be converted into useful knowledge that is organized for action by priority on personal and team objectives. Join us at Asilomar.

Finally, Bill DeHart on the PMI Asilomar Program Committee wants to approve any quotes, so I am sending him this email. His email address is and his voice number is 510 757 7976.



Rod Welch


Complete article to PMI on Asilomar Conference. Continue article to PMI on Asilomar Conference. Received call from PMI Publications re NWO article. Began article to PMI Com on Asilomar conference.

Copy to:

  1. Bill DeHart