440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:16:18 -0800

03 00050 61 02032703

Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Dynamic Alternatives
City, St Zip
Subject:   SDS Design Requirements Prepare Software

Dear Gary,

Here is a letter received today from Michael Poremba who contacted us some weeks ago expressing interest in contributing to SDS development.
Michale recently left a dotcom company in San Francisco. His background and age are good factors for possibly contributing to an SDS project. So, this is just information to alert you that you are not alone in wanting to do something to advance SDS.
One thing that struck me from your recent letter explaining work at Boeing (which I am still reviewing) is that a first step toward formalizing SDS in a next generation commercial product might be to write up a set of specs using the current product as a prototype for functionality. This is a big job, but apart from fixing the memory issue and ensuring continued viability of SDS on Windows for next 10 years, as we discussed the other day, writing up a set of specs to formally explain SDS is likely the next most important task. A lot of people have been trying to develop requirements (e.g., OHS/DKR, LANL, I suspect some group in Microsoft and in Oracle, etc.) and we know that IBM crashed with Raven, as reported on 001130....

...because the underlying design seems to be a secret of SDS for reasons discussed with Morris on 010924....

So we know the secret, and this should provide an advantage on creating something useful. Just a thought.


Rod Welch
