440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 25, 2000

03 00050 61 00042502

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Business Unit Manager
Cable Network Operation
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP3-105
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject:   KM is a Secret of SDS
KM = I + T + S

Dear Morris,

Thanks for your comments on Eric's planning for a DKR. Work with the SRI team, and research the past few years indicates that we have a secret....

K = I + T + S

...where K=Knowledge, I=Information, T=Time, and S=Subject, which might also be called C=Context, or even O=Organization.

As well, the process that combines these elements is "intelligence," i.e., knowledge is the result of an "intelligence" process or "intelligence" work..

This is the simple, straightforward idea you can explain in 25 words or less.

Have been trying to get the SRI group to think along these lines, but except for Jack Park, who at least is aware that subject management is a big part of KM, this framework seems beyond comprehension. Jack wants me to take the lead on the SRI track, but there is really nothing to lead, and of course Doug Engelbart is the dominant force. Doug came up with useful tools and ideas in the 60s and 70s, which are being promoted now as the basis for KM objectives. However, there is no evident unifying theory, or process that pulls everything together, with the result that his work product looks like the stuff everyone else produces, just more information. Moreover, the notion that a really useful solution can emerge from an open source project, flies in the face of 5,000 years of experience managing projects.

In a separate letter, I sent you a copy of coordination for a presentation to the guys at Los Alamos National Lab who have expressed interest in SDS. I wish you would think more carefully about helping this effort. SDS is the only way to do KM; or, stated another way it is the only engine for helping people generate "knowledge." A lot of people are looking for this secret, but not everyone is positioned intellectually to grasp it. You have been instrumental in developing phase I to discover the secret of knowledge. With a little effort, you could do a lot to move the world forward. I know you would have a good time with this, if we could get started on phase II of SDS. We know what needs to be created and nobody else does, i.e., we have a secret.

You are the best man for this job, because you have experience that nobody else has, and that experience is extremely helpful for moving forward effectively.

Thanks for thinking about this.



Rod Welch