440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 14, 1999 07:57 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Kathleen called on making arrangements for Bob.

2...Memorial Arrangements for Bob - Thanksgiving, and Saturday
3...Review the Record for Orientation on Status and Planning
4...James Walker Filing Medical Entitlement Claim, CMISP Letter
5...Memorial for Bob on 991127, Saturday.
....Robby Will Try to Attend Bob's Memorial
....Patty was pleased with the Rememberance.

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0206 - Microfit                             800 982 2626 fax 408 662 8654                                                                                                 O-00000310 0102
020601 - Mr. Rob Rideout; Vice President Sales  =Telephone                                                                                                                O-00000310 0102
020602 -                                                                                                                                              O-00000310 0102

Kathleen and Bob
Patti and Pablito
Rob & Marsha

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Kathleen called and said she wants to be alone today.  Received a
060704 - letter indicating she has reviewed the record. ref SDS 0 2535  We
060705 - discussed a memorial event for Bob on 991127.  Rita called later and
060706 - indicated Kathleen agreed to that Rita should visit so Kathleen is not
060707 - alone. Rita made progress on organizing the record for the meetings on
060708 - 991117.
060709 -
060710 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 to notify the family of a memorial on
060711 - Saturday, 991127, per below. ref SDS 0 2184
060712 -
060713 -
060714 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Discussion
0611 -
061101 -  ..
061102 - Memorial Arrangements for Bob - Thanksgiving, and Saturday
061103 -
061104 - Follow up ref SDS 26 5328, ref SDS 25 5328.
061105 -
061106 - Kathleen got a good nights rest.  She has talked to Patty this
061107 - morning.
061108 -
061109 - Kathleen wants to be alone today, not talk to anyone or answer the
061110 - phone.
061111 -
061112 - Tomorrow she will visit the Neptune Society and arrange to have Bob
061113 - creamated.
061114 - ..
061115 - She will go ahead with plans for a family Thanksgiving and this
061116 - can be a memorial for Bob.  The following week, she and Patty will fly
061117 - up to Washington and visit Bob's daughter Pollette, and Bob's good
061118 - friend. They will take a boat ride on Pugent Sound and together
061119 - scatter Bob's ashes.
061120 -
061121 - We talked about having a family event on Saturday for people who want
061122 - to pay their respects to her and Bob, but already have plans for
061123 - Thanksgiving.
061124 -
061125 - Kath said that would be fine.  She asked me to let people know about
061126 - this, and if anyone can bring a dish that would help.
061127 -
061128 -     (below sent notice to people on this. ref SDS 0 2184)
061129 -
061130 -
061131 -
0612 -
0613 -
0614 - 0851 Rita called
0615 -
061501 - She talked to Kathleen after Kath called me.
061502 -
061503 - Kathleen agreed that Rita can come over today, to be there for
061504 - anything that might be needed, so that Kathleen is not alone today
061505 - afterall.
061506 -
061507 - I thanked Rita for helping Kathleen, and mentioned my discussion with
061508 - Amy earlier.
061509 -
061510 - Rita will visit with Kathleen, and see how things go.  If it seems
061511 - appropriate, she will suggest to Kathleen that Kathy and Amy would
061512 - like to come over and help out.  They can get started on the
061513 - paperwork that Kath said is piled high on the dinning room table.
061514 -
061515 - Rita asked for Kathy's phone number.
061516 -
061517 -
061518 -
061519 -  ..
061520 - Review the Record for Orientation on Status and Planning
061521 -
061522 - Follow up ref SDS 26 2544, ref SDS 25 2544.
061523 -
061524 - After Kathleen called, I received a letter from her sent earlier this
061525 - morning, indicating she has reviewed the record. ref SDS 0 2535
061526 -
061527 -
0616 -
0617 -
0618 - 0818 called Kathy and Amy
0619 -
061901 - After Kathleen called below, I called and talked to Amy.
061902 -
061903 - Explained possible plan for a "paperwork party" on Monday where maybe
061904 - Kathy and/or Amy can visit Kathleen with Rita to help organize the
061905 - record to prepare for the meetings on Wednesday, and to help plan
061906 - other arrangements for the period ahead.
061907 -
061908 - They can go through the mountain of paperwork on the dining room
061909 - table, per discussion with Kath yesterday. ref SDS 26 4690
061910 -
061911 - Amy will talk to her Mom, she thinks they can both help out today or
061912 - tomorrow.
061913 -
061914 -     (below Rita seems to have most everything organized. ref SDS 0
061915 -     7544)
061916 -
061917 -
061918 -
061919 -  ..
061920 - James Walker Filing Medical Entitlement Claim, CMISP Letter
061921 -
061922 - Follow up ref SDS 26 3966, ref SDS 25 3966.
061923 -
061924 - When Kath called this morning, per above, I mentioned again that Kathy
061925 - and Amy can help her and Rita sort through the paperwork on Monday,
061926 - per our discussion yesterday. ref SDS 26 4690
061927 -
061928 - Kathleen said this would be fine.
061929 -
061930 - Rita and eveyone can go through all the papers on Kathleen's dining
061931 - room table, which evidently includes a lot of letters from me the
061932 - past few weeks.
061933 -
061934 - They can print and highlight the letter, ref DIP 16 0001, submitted on
061935 - 991111 for planning the meetings on 991117. ref SDS 25 5312
061936 -
061937 - Kathleen said she received the post card from Katie Lynch that has a
061938 - map on how to get to Walker's office on Watt Avenue.
061939 -
061940 - We reviewed briefly consolidating the legal work in the Walker office,
061941 - since he seems to also specialize in Estate planning.  Madeline has
061942 - done a good job, but it should cost less if the work is consolidated.
061943 -
061944 - One scenario may be that Madeline remains as Bob's attorney of record
061945 - as a result of having assisted in preparing a will.
061946 -
061947 -
061948 -  ..
0620 -
0621 -
0622 - 0919 received letter from Kath
0623 -
062301 - Kath sent a letter, ref DRT 1 0001, this morning at 0508, before she
062302 - called, above, which says she has printed and reviewed the letter to
062303 - her, ref DIP 16 0001, sent on 991112, ref SDS 25 5312, per our
062304 - discussion yesterday. ref SDS 26 0744
062305 -
062306 - She mentions discussing with Patty the carbon blanket initiative,
062307 - ref DRT 1 1596, reported on 991111. ref SDS 23 0001  Patty related
062308 - this discussion when she called yesterday. ref SDS 26 2166
062309 -
062310 -
062311 -
062312 -  ..
0624 -
0625 -
0626 - 1409 Rita called
0627 -
062701 - She is at Kathleen's place.  Kathleen is sleeping.
062702 -
062703 - Rita has gone through and organized information into folders.  She
062704 - said Kathleen or somebody has an excellent organizing method, because
062705 - she has found most everything to be in order, except for recent
062706 - correspondence on Bob the past two weeks.
062707 -
062708 - A blue folder has identification for Bob.
062709 -
062710 - Bob's Will and a copy is at the house.
062711 -
062712 -    This will be included with information taken to Walker's office.
062713 -
062714 - CMISP letter has a response date of 991115, tomorrow.
062715 -
062716 -    I explained work on 991110 to get the CMISP letter to James
062717 -    Walker's office, per my letter, ref DIP 13 0338, to him on 991110.
062718 -    ref SDS 21 0899
062719 -
062720 -    On 91111 Katie Lynch in James' office requested the CMISP letter
062721 -    and Madeline also called about it. ref SDS 24 2576  Madeline said
062722 -    she would submit the letter to Walker's office via fax. ref DIP 14
062723 -    1260
062724 -
062725 -    I will call Katie tomorrow morning to ask if anything needs to be
062726 -    done on this.
062727 -
062728 -       [On 991115 called Katie Lynch at Walker's office. ref SDS 27
062729 -       3408]
062730 -
062731 -
062732 -
062733 -  ..
062734 - Memorial for Bob on 991127, Saturday.
062735 -
062736 -
0628 -
0629 -
0630 - 1119 notify family of memorial for Bob
0631 -
063101 - Per Kath's request, will notify the same people that were notified
063102 - about Stephanie.
063103 -
063104 - On 990107 planning shows address and directions to Kathleen's place.
063105 - ref SDS 1 1947
063106 -
063107 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 explained what has happened, and that a
063108 - memorial event will be held at Kath's on 991127.
063109 -
063110 - Sent it to...
063111 -
063112 -          Eddie               (Eddie does not have an email address)
063113 -          Robby
063114 -          Candy and Larry
063115 -          Judy and Norman
063116 -          Rita and Bob
063117 -          Jim and Barbara         (don't have email)
063118 -          Sally, Mike and Mother
063119 -
063120 -             I called Sally's and talked to Mother.  Everyone is in
063121 -             Portland at a soccar event for Katie.
063122 -
063123 -             Mother has heard about Bob.
063124 -
063125 -             She will ask Sally to send me a new email address for
063126 -             them.
063127 -
063128 -
063129 -
063130 -     ..
063131 -    Robby Will Try to Attend Bob's Memorial
063132 -
063133 -    Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Rob saying he can attend the event on
063134 -    Saturday, to remember Bob.
063135 -
063136 -    Mom Lil told him that Bob had died.
063137 -
063138 -        [On 991127 Rob could not attend. ref SDS 28 0001]
063139 -
063140 -        [On 991201 Rob was sick on 991127. ref SDS 29 0001]
063141 -
063142 -
063143 -    Patty was pleased with the Rememberance.
063144 -    ref DRT 3 0001
063145 -
063146 -
063147 -
063148 -
063149 -
063150 -
063151 -
063152 -
063153 -