440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 26, 1999 08:49 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Kathleen on configuring her computer.


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0202 - IP Micro                             916 635 0126                                                                                                                  O-00000182 0102
020201 - Mr. Jim Brendle                                                                                                                                                  O-00000182 0102

Software Installation
Apr 29, 1999
586 Upgrade, 990429
Hard Drive upgrade, 8 GB
W98 Crashing when Downloading from Internet

1008 -    ..
1009 - Summary/Objective
1010 -
101001 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
101002 -
101003 - Doom is a game program that is crashing.
101004 -
101005 - Bob gets to a certain level and program will not allow him to save it.
101006 -
101007 -      [On 990801 Bob delivered computer system and demonstrated this
101008 -      problem. ref SDS 8 5478]
101009 -
101010 - Patty has mailed the CD, and suggested he re-install the program.
101011 -
101012 - Email is not working for Rita and others, but seems to be working for
101013 - me.
101014 -
101015 - Kathleen's email program is provided by Lanset, her ISP.
101016 -
101017 - Kathleen likes to download radio programs, and this is causing the
101018 - computer to freeze up.
101019 -
101020 - She and Bob and Rita are visiting Mother and Bob on 990806.  I
101021 - suggested they drop off the computer and I will take a look at
101022 - configuring it.  They can stop by on the way back and pick it up, and
101023 - we can do some testing.
101024 -
101025 - Kathleen indicated this might not work because they will be in a
101026 - hurry to accomodate Rita's schedule.
101027 -
101028 - Kath thinks Bob might bring the system by on a trip to visit his
101029 - family in San Mateo.
101030 -
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101034 -
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1011 -
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