440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 15, 1998 04:30 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Ivan on presenting Communication Metrics to team.
2...Robert Rudeen Joining Team for Coordination with Clonia
3...Communication Metrics Present at Team Meeting
4...Team Meeting - Work Planning, Gensler Action Items and Issues
5...Communication Metrics Scope Revisions, Improve Value of Scribe
6...Team Members Develop Notes of Meetings, Integrated by Comm Metrics
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0201 - Gensler 415 433 3700 fax 627 3700
020101 - Ms. Clonia Cautis
020102 - Project Director/Manager
020103 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0202 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020201 - Mr. Bolivar Puyol; Architect
020202 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020203 - Interior Design/Documentation
0203 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020301 - Mr. William N. Long, AIA; Architect
Team Meetings
Work Plans
Scribe, Communication Manager until Tools
Team Mtgs, Comm Metrics, Ivan
Organizational Memory Intelligence Organization Analysis Alignment Su
1208 - ..
1209 - Summary/Objective
1210 -
121001 - Follow up ref SDS 21 4994, ref SDS 18 0000.
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121003 -
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1211 -
1212 -
1213 - Discussion
1214 -
121401 - ..
121402 - Robert Rudeen Joining Team for Coordination with Clonia
121403 -
121404 - After the civil meeting at 1300, Ivan and I met in the hallway.
121405 -
121406 - Ivan indicated that Robert Rudeen is joining the team next week on a
121407 - full time basis to work with Clonia.
121408 -
121409 -
121410 - ..
121411 - Communication Metrics Present at Team Meeting
121412 - Team Meeting - Work Planning, Gensler Action Items and Issues
121413 -
121414 - Follow up ref SDS 21 8568.
121415 -
121416 - I mentioned the disucssion with Bolivar this morning about the team
121417 - meeting Ivan held last week, and asked if Ivan plans to continue this
121418 - practice, i.e., holding weekly team meetings? ref SDS 21 8568
121419 -
121420 - Ivan indicated there will be a meeting tomorrow at 1600. He feels the
121421 - meetings enable the team to think together about progress, things to
121422 - do and coordination.
121423 -
121424 - We did not expressly discuss correlating work plans to WBS work
121425 - packages, scope and schedules relative to Gensler milestones, e.g.,
121426 - 50% package.
121427 -
121428 - I asked if it might be possible for me to explain Communication
121429 - Metrics at the team meeting?
121430 -
121431 - Ivan agreed to this.
121432 -
121433 - We can provide orientation on Communication Metrics per planning on
121434 - 980917, ref SDS 1 8436, discussion on 980921, ref SDS 4 4510, and
121435 - the meeting with Bill on 981012. ref SDS 16 6480
121436 -
121437 -
121438 - ..
121439 - Communication Metrics Scope Revisions, Improve Value of Scribe
121440 -
121441 - Follow up ref SDS 18 3240.
121442 -
121443 - I advised of difficulties keeping up with the volume of the record,
121444 - per letter to Denis on 980914. ref SDS 18 3240
121445 -
121446 - We considered the problem of producing a useful record without
121447 - feedback from asking questions at meetings to obtain the context of
121448 - the discussion and clairify objectives and impacts, which is the
121449 - purpose of the record, as developed in analysis on 981014 submitted to
121450 - Denis. ref SDS 18 3240
121451 -
121452 - Several consultants at these meetings have commented on the importance
121453 - of useful notes, and have requested they be provided the record. After
121454 - the meeting with AGS, Michael Laderman and Ed Slintak commented on the
121455 - benefit of a "scribe" at meetings. They are not aware that adding
121456 - intelligence to information adds value; but, the baseline desire for
121457 - useful notes is the foundation for adding intelligence to management,
121458 - which is our goal.
121459 -
121460 -
121461 - ..
121462 - Team Members Develop Notes of Meetings, Integrated by Comm Metrics
121463 -
121464 - I asked Ivan about the possibility of having each architect, who
121465 - attends a meeting, prepare a short note of one or two paragraphs on
121466 - what was important to their work that flowed from the meeting.
121467 -
121468 - With everybody investing a little time, useful intelligence can be
121469 - produced without overburdening anyone, per analysis on 981014.......
121470 - ref SDS 18 3575
121471 -
121472 - The process of thinking to write up a short note will help the
121473 - architect focus on important meaning, and identify questions that
121474 - require follow up, which were not initially evident during the
121475 - meeting. This is vital intelligence.
121476 -
121477 - I can use these notes to prepare an SDS record that ties everything
121478 - together, provides organization, alignment and anlaysis, which is our
121479 - goal in Communication Metrics.
121480 -
121481 - The record would then be accessible to everyone on the Internet, using
121482 - SDS records and document logs, per submission today, ref SDS 21 5292,
121483 - so that important information is not buried in thousands of notes and
121484 - printed documents.
121485 -
121486 - Ivan suggested we present idea to the team tomorrow.
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121490 -
121491 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"