440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 22, 1997 11:57 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Dale Ames on review of Communication Metrics report.


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0201 - Van Kasper & Company               415 391 5600 fax 397 2744
020101 - Mr. Dale L. Ames
020102 - Private Brokerage =800 652 1747

Computers Have Not Improved Productivity
Psychological Anger Discover Communication
Computers Reduce Management Focus on Analysis Because Attracted by Le

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 line 76, ref SDS 11 line 43.
050702 - ..
050703 - Dale has not had time to read the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'
050704 - report on Communication Metrics.  He skimmed it over the weekend.  He
050705 - did not say anything about the review of Tom Landauer's book,
050706 - submitted via ref DIP 2 line 28, which I hand carried to his office
050707 - last week, ref SDS 12 U17F
050708 -
050709 - We discussed the Giants baseball teams recent success.  Dale noted the
050710 - resurgence of Rod Beck, the Giants' star relief pitcher.  He said a
050711 - large part of reduced performance by athletes is the psychological
050712 - burnout that occurs in having to perform at peak level consistently.
050713 -
050714 - Dale noted this is also a dimension of management that Communication
050715 - Metrics resolves.
050716 -
050717 - We discussed this point is made in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'
050718 - report at ref DRP 2 line 511.
050719 -
050720 - It is also part of the article on "Winning People Over" which I
050721 - delivered last week, ref SDS 11 line 59, calling for "feedback," ref
050722 - OF 1 line 38.  There is a lot of emotional trauma that causes acrimony
050723 - due to inevitable differences in understandings, that grow over time.
050724 - The desire to avoid acrimony retards use of "feedback," which is
050725 - essential for effective communication.
050726 -
050727 - This makes the job of a Communication Manager critical to an
050728 - organization, because that person can be target of complaints that
050729 - others want to avoid, and the Communication Manager can work at
050730 - formulating language that minimizes acrimony without covering up
050731 - conflicts that require attention.
050732 -
050733 - The scope is summed up by the notion of command and control of the
050734 - record.
050735 -
050736 - I asked Dale if he saw the article on the Internet saying that
050737 - computers are causing managers to lose about 100 minutes per week when
050738 - new systems are being introduced, ref OF 5 line 17.  Since new systems
050739 - are constantly being introduced, the drain is continuous and
050740 - significant, which explains the cause of the results reported in the
050741 - article that Dale submitted.
050742 - ..
050743 - Dale said he did not see the article.  He said though that this
050744 - morning he had to spend about 2 hours working to fix a problem with
050745 - his computer, so he recongizes the problem.
050746 -
050747 -
050748 -
050749 -
050750 -
050751 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"