440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 24, 1997 07:59 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom on Communication Metrics procurement memo to DE.
2...Memo to Submit Communication Metrics Report to DE
3...Communication Metrics Report Submitted to DE
4...DE Says Communication Metrics Not Cost Effective
5...Lost in a Sea of Details on the Information Highway
6...Litigation Report Lost, Information Overload Needs Comm Metrics
7...Luster's Task Order for RMS
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020202 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
Corps of Engineers, 970115
Richmond Harbor Deepening
Organization Changes, Planning
1205 - ..
1206 - Summary/Objective
1207 -
120701 - Follow up ref SDS 19 line 67, ref SDS 18 line 80.
120702 -
120703 - Tom has not submitted Communication Metrics procurement memo to DE. He
120704 - has done some work on analysing DE's Operation Plan. He submitted the
120705 - District's report on Communication Metrics to DE requesting approval
120706 - to procede with its recommendations for further use. He received
120707 - negative response from DE. I asked for this communication to prepare
120708 - analysis and develop a response, but it seems to be lost. Tom will
120709 - try to find it in his email folders and send to me. Merry Goodenough
120710 - also lost the 50 page report submitted on 970417 to support litigation
120711 - work on the Oakland project. Max asked me to submit another copy.
120712 - Tom expects the prime contract to be awarded to Manson at the end of
120713 - July. He has a meeting with Luster on 970625 and is thinking of
120714 - creating a special Task Order to get support for RMS implementation,
120715 - since District personnel have been unable to fit this into their
120716 - existing work schedules.
120717 -
120718 -
120719 -
120720 -
120721 -
1208 -
1209 -
1210 - ë0C09 Discussion
1211 - ..
1212 -
121201 - Memo to Submit Communication Metrics Report to DE
121202 -
121203 - Followed up work at ref SDS 19 line 81, ref SDS 18 line 102, and my
121204 - letter, ref DIP 7 line 30 to Tom to confirm this point, submitted a
121205 - copy to Max via ref DIP 8 line 30.
121206 -
121207 - Tom said he has been in a class on the past week on civil works
121208 - planning, that was held in Cincinati, Ohio.
121209 -
121210 - He has done some work on the memo to DE concerning the DE's District
121211 - planning memo and on submitting the Communication Metrics report, ref
121212 - DRP 2 line 118, using the memo, ref OF 2 line 7, to DE for procurement
121213 - of Communication Metrics to support DE's Operation Planning, ref DRP 3
121214 - line 13.
121215 - ..
121216 - He expects within the next few days he will complete his
121217 - analysis and make a submission to DE requesting a meeting to discuss
121218 - it.
121219 -
121220 - I asked if there is anything I should be doing to support this effort.
121221 - but did not ask specifically about my letter, ref DIP 7 line 25, and
121222 - Tom did not indicate that he had received it.
121223 -
121224 -
121225 -
121226 - ..
1213 -
1214 -
1215 - 1148 visited Tom
1216 -
121601 - I gave Tom a copy of the PM Network for June 1997 that has a series
121602 - of articles on "Project Failure."
121603 -
121604 - ..
121605 - Communication Metrics Report Submitted to DE
121606 -
121607 - Tom said that before he left for the class in Cincinnati last week, he
121608 - submitted the Communication Metrics report to DE and sent him an email
121609 - about implementing the recommendations in the report on the Richmond
121610 - project and to support Tom's project to implement automated management
121611 - in the District. This reflects my request at ref DIP 7 0000, issued
121612 - at ref SDS 18 7381, and prior work on 970521. ref SDS 10 7405
121613 -
121614 - [On 970624 DE did not get the report. ref SDS 20 8492.]
121615 -
121616 - [On 970625 report was given to DDE with intent that it be given to
121617 - DE, ref SDS 21 7503.]
121618 -
121619 - [On 9722 developed agenda for meeting on procurement to obtain
121620 - Welch support for litigation. ref SDS 24 9599]
121621 -
121622 -
121623 - ..
121624 - DE Says Communication Metrics Not Cost Effective
121625 -
121626 - Tom said he got an email from DE in response to his email expressing
121627 - concern that SDS is not a Windows program, and stating an opinion that
121628 - the Communication Manager role is not cost effective, which reflects
121629 - the reasoning given on 961226. ref SDS 4 0549
121630 -
121631 - I asked Tom for a copy of DE's email and of Tom's transmittal email to
121632 - the DE on the Communication Metrics report, so it can be addressed
121633 - constructively.
121634 -
121635 - [Later on 970624 met with DE and he cited belief that
121636 - Communication Metrics is not cost effective. ref SDS 20 7388]
121637 -
121638 - [On 970625 submitted District report to DE to reconsider his
121639 - response to Tom's email on cost effectiveness. ref SDS 21 8488]
121640 -
121641 - [On 981027 District Counsel said Comm Metrics saved government
121642 - $200k. ref SDS 27 7315]
121643 -
121644 -
121645 - ..
1217 -
1218 -
1219 - 1215 visited Herb Cheong
1220 -
122001 - While meeting with Tom, Herb joined us. He asked how soon I will be
122002 - on board to help with Oakland. I explained the work Tom and I have
122003 - done to formulate a scope of services, that Tom has submitted this to
122004 - DE and the DE has expressed concerns about added value and cost
122005 - effectiveness.
122006 -
122007 - While Tom searched for the email with DE on Communication Metrics,
122008 - Herb explained that John Azaveda has been assigned as a central figure
122009 - to issue and receive communication on Oakland, since most everything
122010 - at this point impacts claims. Leonard and Marc are now reporting to
122011 - John on the Oakland project.
122012 -
122013 - [On 970625 Max asked me to meet with John about supporting his
122014 - Cliam Team effort, ref SDS 21 7377.]
122015 -
122016 -
122017 -
122018 - ..
1221 -
1222 -
1223 - 1243 meeting with LTC Thompson
1224 -
122401 - Tom took a phone call while searching for the email to and from DE on
122402 - Communication Metrics report. ref SDS 0 6388
122403 -
122404 - I noticed LTC Thompson come by Tom's cubical and walk to Herb's desk
122405 - where he, Herb and another person viewed a computer screen, seemingly
122406 - trying to get some new "system" to do something useful. After about 5
122407 - or 10 minutes, DE left Herb's desk. I greeted him and requested a
122408 - meeting. We went to his office.
122409 -
122410 - The meeting is entered at ref SDS 20 0000.
122411 -
122412 -
122413 -
122414 -
1225 -
Email Needs Organization
Internet Reduces Communication,
Sea of Details, Information and Managers
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to
SDS Saves Time by Organizing Record,
Email Does Not Improve Productivity,
Email Management, organization
Information Highway Causes Faster
2311 -
231101 - ..
231102 - Lost in a Sea of Details on the Information Highway
231103 -
231104 - Tom spent 20 minutes or so looking through directories and folders in
231105 - his Windows 95 environment, to find the email to and from the District
231106 - Engineer on Communiation Metrics, per above. ref SDS 0 6388
231107 -
231108 - He could not find it.
231109 -
231110 - He spent about 20 minutes looking through the printed copies of his
231111 - email which he has organized in binders, but he could not find these
231112 - documents.
231113 -
231114 - Tom said he will locate them and send them to me via Internet.
231115 -
231116 - [See humorous example today. ref SDS 20 7006]
231117 -
231118 - [Below, email still missing. ref SDS 0 6321]
231119 -
231120 - [On 970625 documents could not be found, ref SDS 21 8388.]
231121 - ..
231122 - This is similar to problem on 961218 on RFP #19. ref SDS 2 5790
231123 -
231124 - I asked if this experience could be cited as an example of the cost
231125 - effectiveness for Communication Metrics, since it reflects the
231126 - antithetical inability to command the record caused by conventional
231127 - technology as stated in the New World Order paper. ref OF 1 3118
231128 -
231129 -
231130 - ..
231131 - Litigation Report Lost, Information Overload Needs Comm Metrics
231132 -
231133 - I asked if we could help the DE recognize cost effectiveness by citing
231134 - the SDS report on the Dutra litigation that was provided to District
231135 - Counsel on 970417? ref SDS 6 1536
231136 -
231137 - Tom recalled that on 970530 the report was very effective for the
231138 - government. ref SDS 15 8455
231139 -
231140 - I suggested that Tom ask Merry to prepare a memo confirming this
231141 - understanding.
231142 -
231143 - Since the report took about 10 seconds to pull and another 15 minutes
231144 - for so to format and draft a transmittal letter, ref SDS 6 1536, this
231145 - saved the District several weeks work for someone to perform the
231146 - research and prepare the report. It expedited the time for obtaining
231147 - the report by several months, since that is how long it would take for
231148 - staff to perform the 2 weeks of work. In fact, however, it would have
231149 - been impossible for the District to get such a report because, but for
231150 - the Communication Metrics contract, the record would not exist to
231151 - assemble such a report, as seen from the discussion with Monti Jaggers
231152 - on 970110. ref SDS 5 2487
231153 - ..
231154 - Tom said that the report has been misplaced, i.e., lost.
231155 -
231156 - He asked if we could submit it again to District Counsel? (see below
231157 - discussion with Max. ref SDS 0 4993)
231158 -
231159 - On 941206 IBM has similar difficulties managing documents and
231160 - action items. ref SDS 1 2952
231161 -
231162 - This supplements the example above, ref SDS 0 8445, of information
231163 - overload that overwhelms span of attention, resulting in delay, rework
231164 - and extra cost, which is described in the New World Order... paper.
231165 - ref OF 1 3118
231166 -
231167 - [See humorous example today. ref SDS 20 7006]
231168 -
231169 - [On 970625 submitted report, ref SDS 21 6399; nearly lost again.
231170 - ref SDS 22 2450
231171 -
231172 - [On 970829 book reviews span of attention. ref SDS 25 2878]
231173 -
231174 - [On 970926 similar problem at HQ. ref SDS 26 0552]
231175 -
231176 - [On 981027 report saved government $190K. ref SDS 27 7315]
231177 -
231178 - [On 990127 communication problems pervasive. ref SDS 28 7399]
231179 -
231180 -
231181 - ..
2312 -
2313 -
2314 - 1408 discussion with Tom
2315 -
231501 - After meeting with DE, I briefed Tom on the results. ref SDS 20 0000.
231502 -
231503 - Tom still had not found the missing email, discussed above, ref SDS 0
231504 - 8445, but said he will locate it and forward to me.
231505 -
231506 - He had a strong recollection of having submitted the Communication
231507 - Metrics report to DE.
231508 -
231509 - [On 970625 it turned out that Tom had submitted the report to
231510 - Deputy District Engineer, with understanding that LTC Thompson
231511 - would get a copy, which evidently did not occur. ref SDS 22 8488.]
231512 -
231513 - [On 970625 could not find missing email. ref SDS 22 8388]
231514 -
231515 -
231516 - ..
2316 -
2317 -
2318 - 1438 called Max
2319 -
231901 - Explained meeting with DE, ref SDS 20 0000, and discussions with Tom
231902 - per above. ref SDS 0 6615
231903 -
231904 - We considered the need to give DE the opportunity to work with
231905 - Communication Metrics in order to experience the benefits in the way
231906 - that Max, Tom and others have.
231907 -
231908 - Max said he was suprised DE met with me because Max has gotten a very
231909 - negative reaction from DE when he has mentioned Communication Metrics
231910 - over the past few months. This suprised me a bit, because I got the
231911 - impression last month that Max has not discussed Communication Metrics
231912 - with DE. ref SDS 10 6388
231913 - ..
231914 - I asked if Max would ask Merry about submitting a memo on the
231915 - usefulness of the report Tom Keesling gave her.
231916 - ..
231917 - Max asked if I could provide another copy to replace the one
231918 - that was misplaced, per above. ref SDS 0 9045
231919 -
231920 - I agreed to do this.
231921 -
231922 - [On 970625 submitted report for Merry, ref SDS 21 6399.]
231923 -
231924 - [On 981027 report saved government $190K. ref SDS 27 7315]
231925 -
231926 -
2320 -
2321 -
Task Order 1, RMS Support
Award, 5a
Award Manson Contract
2606 -
260601 - ..
260602 - Luster's Task Order for RMS
260603 -
260604 - Followed up work at ref SDS 19 line 116, ref SDS 18 line 162, ref SDS 23 line 101.]
260620 -
260621 -
260622 -
260623 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"