440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 23, 1997 01:30 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Rich Estes re Luster's contract on Richmond project.
2...Task Order 1
3...Schedule review did not occur, because Rich has not reviewed the
4...Task Order 2
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Richmond, AE Contract, Scope, Award, Audit
Richmond Luster Contract, 970417
Task Order 1
Negotiations, Start to Start Work
Richmond Luster Contract, 970423
1108 - ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
111002 -
111003 - Made substantial progress on Luster's understanding of Task Order 1.
111004 - Luster is working on finding adequate personnel. There were
111005 - discussions of using outside support for Communication Metrics under
111006 - Task Order 2.
111007 -
111008 -
111009 -
111010 -
111011 -
111012 - ..
1111 -
1112 -
1113 - Discussion
1114 -
111401 - Task Order 1
111402 -
111403 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000.
111404 -
111405 - Continued discussions to clarify requirements as specified in
111406 - checkpont 1, section 5a, ref OF 4 line 373. Luster did not provide a
111407 - Communication Manager specified at ref OF 4 line 384.
111408 -
111409 - Personnel - Project Manager, Inspection Team
111410 -
111411 - Rich asked Tom for recommendations on personnel who can meet the
111412 - Project Manager qualifications in section 8b(2), ref OF 4 line
111413 - 661.
111414 -
111415 - Rich also asked for assistance in finding inspectors, per section
111416 - 8b(1), ref OF 4 line 663.
111417 -
111418 -
111419 - ..
111420 -
111421 - Schedule review did not occur, because Rich has not reviewed the
111422 - Communication Metrics report.
111423 -
111424 - Luster will present its ideas on the schedule when they meet with COE
111425 - next week, OA Thursday, 970501, after Rich has time to review the
111426 - Communication Metrics report, per below.
111427 -
111428 - Audit results should be available next Monday or Tuesday.
111429 -
111430 -
111431 -
111432 - ..
111433 - Task Order 2
111434 -
111435 - Followed up work at ref SDS 13 line 131.
111436 -
111437 - Richard had not had a chance to review Task Order 2 nor the
111438 - Communication Metrics report issued on Tuesday, ref SDS 13 line 154.
111439 - Rich did not submit a proposal for performing this work.
111440 -
111441 - There was discussion of using outside support for Communication
111442 - Metrics, per telecon with Ahmet Taspinar at ref SDS 1 line 77.
111443 -
111444 - [See letter from COE on this at ref SDS 14 line 113.]
111445 -
111446 - There were no detailed discussions of Communication Metrics.
111447 -
111448 -
111449 -
111450 -
1115 -