440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 21, 1997 08:30 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Prepared edits requested by Tom for Richmond scope of services.

2...Task Order 1
3...Task Order 2

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Scope of Services

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 line 114, ref SDS 12 line 268.
050602 -
050603 - Entered edits requested by Tom at ref SDS 13 line 71.  Corrected
050604 - cross-references from edits.
050605 -
050606 -     [See follow up submitting revised docs to Tom, ref SDS 15 line
050607 -     134.]
050608 -
050609 -  ..
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 - Task Order 1
051002 -
051003 - Prepared a new file, 0401 to apply Tom's edits of file 0201 and post
051004 - changes to cross-references per, ref SDS 8 line 108.
051005 -
051006 - Para 3c(7) was changed from the 0201 version, ref OF 1 line 314, to
051007 - state the government will provide computers for its use, ref OF 4 line
051008 - 311, rather than as previously stated that the government would
051009 - provide all computers and supplies for the Project Office, ref OF 4
051010 - line 311, per discussion with Tom today, and meeting with Max on
051011 - Thursday, ref SDS 12 line 302.
051012 -
051013 -     Similarly, eliminated para 9c that was in draft 0201, ref OF 1
051014 -     line 877, which said government would provide computer stuff and
051015 -     supplies, to correlate with TO2, ref OF 5 line 540,
051016 -
051017 - Para 5f(2) appears to conflict with para 5f(1) under TO2, in that TO1
051018 - says A-E project manager will resolve differences in recollections,
051019 - etc from meetings, and para 5f(1) says the Communication Manager will
051020 - resolve and/or constructively express defferences, etc.  At this time,
051021 - I removed the requirement from TO1, so it is only in TO2.
051022 -
051023 - Para 5f(2) has an incorrect reference to TO2 para 3c(4), ref OF 4 line
051024 - 488.  This seems to have been left over from the earlier integrated
051025 - scope of services in version 0101.  I changed this to to TO2 para
051026 - 5f(1), ref OF 4 line 488, and also corrected file 0201, ref OF 1 line
051027 - 491.
051028 -
051029 - Para 6, ref OF 4 line 590, removed the last sentence beginning with
051030 - "If it is impractical..." ref OF 1 line 604, similar to what was
051031 - requested for TO2, ref OF 5 line 354.
051032 -
051033 - Added para 8b(3) providing for A-E to furnish staff for Contract
051034 - Administration support in addition to inspectors, ref OF 4 line 677,
051035 - per Tom's note under TO2, which he asked this afternoon be applied to
051036 - TO1.
051037 -
051038 -
051039 -
051040 - Task Order 2
051041 -
051042 - Prepared a new file, 0402, to apply Tom's edits of file 0202.
051043 -
051044 - Para 1 for Description of Work seems to eliminate differentiation with
051045 - Task Order 1, in that both call for Contract Administration. As well,
051046 - COE is performing Contract Administration and the A-E is supporting
051047 - that particular elements:  inspection and Construction Management
051048 - using RMS under Task Order 1.  Task Order provides generalized support
051049 - using Communication Metrics, similar to providing a telephones or
051050 - accounting, for Contract Administration.
051051 -
051052 - The second para under Description of Work calls for a Communication
051053 - and Document Control System, per discussion this afternoon, ref SDS 13
051054 - line 133.  Ordinarily "communication" is comprised of dialog and
051055 - documents, where "document" means a letter, memo, book, plans and
051056 - specs, schedules, magazine article, email, regulation etc.; and,
051057 - "dialog" arises from discussions, calls, meetings, events such as a
051058 - seminar, that typically relate to documents.  Possibly a more succinct
051059 - title might be Communication Control System.
051060 -
051061 - "CDCS" as described in the document seems to identify a computer
051062 - program, similar to the Schedule Diary System (SDS), however, the
051063 - management practices it supports, as defined under Requirements para
051064 - 3, which comprise Communication Metrics, is not identifide in this
051065 - version.  The result is to commingle computer program features with
051066 - management practices performed by people.
051067 -
051068 - Para 3a(9) changes "mentor" at ref OF 2 line 159 to "train" in the new
051069 - version at ref OF 5 line 152, and para 8c(2)(a) eliminates explanation
051070 - that training at ref OF 5 line 478, for using the technology is OJT,
051071 - which is at ref OF 2 line 530.
051072 -
051073 -      This will need to be addressed during negotiations.  Training per
051074 -      se would tie people up for large blocks of time to teach usage of
051075 -      SDS and implementation theory and practice under Communication
051076 -      Metrics, as proposed for a class at George Washington University,
051077 -      ref SDS 1 line 66.  For now we likely need more experience to
051078 -      develop a "training program" geared to COE policies and
051079 -      procedures.
051080 -
051081 -      Max requested mentoring in our meeting on 961204, ref SDS 2 line
051082 -      222, so consideration may be needed to change "training" to
051083 -      mentoring in the new version, ref OF 5 line 478, which is
051084 -      primarily an OJT effort.
051085 -
051086 -      Mentoring connotes on-the-job-training, or at least that is what
051087 -      is intended.
051088 -
051089 -
051090 -
051091 -
0511 -
0512 -