440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 17, 1997 01:20 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Prepare for meeting with COE on Richmond project.

2...COE Requirement to Maintain a Diary
3...The Construction Contract Administration (CCA) Guide on page

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Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
USACE Contract Administration Guide, Inspector Log
Log, Diary

0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 10 line 87, ref SDS 9 line 82.
070702 -
070703 - Did more editing of cross references on the draft scope of services
070704 - for the Richmond project. Prepared two sets, version 1 and version 2,
070705 - that reflect differences in suggestions from prior meetings. Printed
070706 - these alternate versions and some background for review in the meeting
070707 - with Leonard and Tom this morning.
070708 -
070709 -    [On 970317 met with CESPN. ref SDS 11 9556]
070710 -
070711 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - 0800 Meeting on Scope of Services Richmond Project
0711 -
071101 - This meeting is entered separately at ref SDS 11 line 88.
071102 -
071103 -
071104 -
0712 -
0713 -
0714 - 1324 finalize changes in Scope of Services
0715 -
071501 - As a result of the meeting this morning at CE, I prepared the edits
071502 - requested by Leonard, ref SDS 11 line 232.
071503 -
071504 -
071505 -  ..
071506 - COE Requirement to Maintain a Diary
071507 -
071508 - There is a requirement in the Scope of Services under para 5f(1)(b)
071509 - for the AE Inspector to prepare a...
071510 -
071511 -         Daily Construction Inspection Report (SPD Form -9)
071512 -
071513 - The Scope of Services also says that inspectors shall maintain a log
071514 - of events and/or discussions with the Contractor, the Contractor's
071515 - personnel, and the Government's representative.  Any errors, omissions
071516 - and discrepancies between the Contractor's reports and the A-E
071517 - inspector's reports shall be separately highlighted and discussed. ref
071518 - OF 1 line 480.
071519 -
071520 - These requirements reflect the daily log Tom Keesling mentioned the
071521 - other day, ref SDS 2 line 156, and which Max later advised was
071522 - discontinued, per ref SDS 4 line 116.
071523 -
071524 - This log can be captured in SDS.
071525 - ..
071526 - The Construction Contract Administration (CCA) Guide on page
071527 - 4-30 under "Inspection of Work" says:
071528 -
071529 -      Accordingly, adequate records must be maintained by the QAR's on
071530 -      all elements of the work performed and any factors which might
071531 -      later have an impact on contract price. ...the inspector's
071532 -      records must reflect..., ... then the inspection logs should
071533 -      reflect such occurrances."
071534 -
071535 - I cannot find, however, any provision in the CCA Guide that tells
071536 - anyone to actually keep a daily log or record.  This seems to be a
071537 - conflicted procedure where the agency tells the Inspector what to put
071538 - in the log but not to actually keep a daily log, nor offer guidance on
071539 - the disposition of the log.
071540 -
071541 -      It seems to reflect discussion with Chuck Shor on 970310 that
071542 -      USACE eliminated requirement for RE to keep a daily report of
071543 -      factors that impact price of the work. ref SDS 1 2294
071544 -
071545 -      [On 971202 USACE policy "stresses" managerial accountability,
071546 -      see, ref SDS 12 7453; yet, managers actually fear accountability.
071547 -      ref SDS 13 2837]
071548 -
071549 -      [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" shows
071550 -      "Strategic Dissonance" occurs when work practice does not align
071551 -      with organization policy. ref SDS 14 5517]
071552 -
071553 -      [On 980613 article says need to maintain record of experience,
071554 -      often called a "Repository of Experience," is overlooked in work
071555 -      practice. ref SDS 15 2394]
071556 -
071557 -
071558 -
071559 -
071560 -
0716 -