440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 12, 1995 00:52 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Submitted note to Morris on speaking to PMI.

2...SDS Record Accuracy Refined with Continual Feedback Loops
3...Feel Good Management Resists Command & Control of the Record
.....Explanation of biological drive to ignore mistakes is at ref SDS 4

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0201 - Chips & Tech.                                                                                                                                                  O-00000039 0201
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Vice President
020103 - Advanced Products

PMI Event Program, Planning
Speakers, Jul Event
Chips, Morris Jones, V.P., Founder

0505 -
0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000.
050703 -  ..
050704 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to Morris, transmitting this record and
050705 - the letter to Ahmet ref DIP 1 line 32, with attachments to show Morris
050706 - his concerns are shared by others ref SDS 13 line 207, on the role of
050707 - PMs.
050708 -
050709 -     [Morris said he did not receive this letter and it was resent at
050710 -     ref SDS 14 line 62.]
050712 -  ..
050713 - This also transmits notes of our discussion on him speaking at the Jul
050714 - Asilomar Event, per ref SDS 10 line 78.
050715 -
050716 -
0508 -

Senior Council
Future of Project Management
Project Manager:  Dinosaur or Beacon
Executive Challenge, Self Dialog
Command & Control of the Record
Feel Good Management - Social Constraints
Writing in SDS is Inaccurate
Listening Weakness Solved Communication Talk Dialog Conversation Spe
SDS Record Accuracy People Object to Feedback Loops Required by Mana

1311 -
131201 -  ..
131202 - SDS Record Accuracy Refined with Continual Feedback Loops
131203 -
131204 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, and ref SDS 10 line 482.
131205 -
131206 - We reviewed discussion with Ahmet on the role of PM, reported on
131207 - 950711. ref SDS 13 0001
131209 -  ..
131210 - Morris expressed concern that I have incorrectly set out his remarks.
131211 - He feels memos sent to him previously misrepresent our disucussions.
131212 - He did not explain what he felt was incorrect.  I asked him to let me
131213 - know when this happens so corrections can be be made, per our
131214 - discussion on 911121, ref SDS 2 6654.  I advised I will submit my
131215 - understandings from our 950705 discussion to help him correct the
131216 - record.
131217 -
131218 -       [On 970125 Morris complains record is incorrect, and objects to
131219 -       feedback. ref SDS 15 6693
131221 -  ..
131222 - Morris asked why he should submit feedback to correct the record; why
131223 - can't the record be correct without people having to work so hard all
131224 - the time.
131226 -  ..
131227 - We reviewed industry standards calling for feedback loops and links to
131228 - original sources that refine accuracy.
131230 -     ..
131231 -    Did this at ref DIT 1 0001, including this record for perspective.
131232 -    However he never responded.  [He later reported that several
131233 -    submissions never reached him, reflecting need for careful follow
131234 -    up.]
131235 -
131236 -
131238 -  ..
131239 - Feel Good Management Resists Command & Control of the Record
131240 -
131241 - This is part of the "Welch Management" method Morris identified in
131242 - 1991, ref SDS 3 4930, of executive self-challenge, i.e., trying to
131243 - discover what we understand and affording others the opportunity to
131244 - clarify perceived errors before harmful action is taken, and/or to
131245 - begin corrections before error is compounded.  These objections were
131246 - discussed with Jeff Ghilardi at Broadwater. ref SDS 1 4920
131248 -  ..
131249 - It is an aspect of Command and Control of the record, TQM, and
131250 - Communication Metrics in the application of the management cycle:
131251 - plan, perform and report.
131253 -  ..
131254 - Human affairs are a constant struggle to reach common understanding.
131255 - It is not sufficient for an executive to complain about distortions
131256 - and misrepresentations, absent efforts at correction.
131258 -  ..
131259 - We discussed the need for input from Morris to supplement and correct
131260 - the record on 911121, per ref SDS 2 6654, and also at ref SDS 2 8467
131261 - on entering the record twice.
131262 - ..
131263 - This is very much like the issue of World War II and then
131264 - Vietnam, cited by Robert McMamara, ref SDS 5 8840, and ref SDS 5 8830,
131265 - and today Bosnia where there is a tremendous effort required to engage
131266 - problems before they become tragically damaging.  We know it is better
131267 - to confront problems when they are small and easily managed, but if
131268 - correction requires expenditure of time, treasure or pain, we put off
131269 - expenditure, with the explanation that cost savings are not proven.
131270 - and hope problems will go away.  Eventually small problems grow so
131271 - large and loss is so pervasive that correction is the only option, at
131272 - which point people are forced to incur very painful remedies, far
131273 - outweighing the ounce of prevention needed in the beginning.
131275 -  ..
131276 - People prefer not to confront seemingly small issues that only barely
131277 - affect them, because the level of effort to make corrections seems at
131278 - the moment, i.e., within current span of attention, disporportionate
131279 - to the threat.  It is emotionally draining to be constantly on guard.
131280 - We are emotionally equipped to prefer waiting until the threat is
131281 - overwhelming and immanant, after serious harm has occurred, and when
131282 - there is no choice but to act.
131283 -      ..
131284 -     Explanation of biological drive to ignore mistakes is at ref SDS 4
131285 -     5903.
131286 -
131287 - In the case of organizational managment, this means ignoring daily
131288 - deviations from the truth and not making the effort to stay on course
131289 - because the daily emotional pressure to confront ourselves and others
131290 - does not "feel good."
131291 -
131292 -
131293 -
131294 -
1313 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"