440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 17, 1994 04:21 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Visit with Dan Ono, and Jim with AT&T, Lowell with Miller Brewing.

......Intellectual Capital
......Communication Metrics
2...Pentium Computer - 21" Monitor
3...Evaluation of POIMS Presentation
4...SDS Applied to Welch v. State

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0201 - AT&T                               415 834 2960 fax 2968
020101 - Mr. Dan P. Ono, PMP
020102 - Projects Director =510 639 2587 pg 800 258 0000; Culluar  510 409 4825
020103 - BCS Project Management Division
0202 - Miller Brewing Co.                 Telephone;   fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Lowell S. Skelton, PMP; Director
020202 - Project Management Department    =Telephone/fax

PMI'94 Annual Symposium, Present SDS & POIMS Paper
Dan Ono, Evaluation
Computers not used for management
Difficult to Explain SDS/POIMS
Traceability to Original Sources
Add Value to Writing, SDS Organization,
Organize Complexity of Life/Management
Accountability is Burdensom for Executives
Metrics Conflicting Understanding in

1811 -    ..
1812 - Summary/Objective
1813 -
181301 - Followed up work at ref SDS 9 line 34.
181302 -
181303 -      Scheduled follow up with Dan for 940924.
181304 -
181305 -
181306 - Walking back to the Waterfront Centre hotel, Millie and I saw Dan Ono
181307 - and Lowell Skelton sitting in the hotel lounge having a beer.  Millie
181308 - went on up to the room; I stopped to say hellow to Dan.  They invited
181309 - me to have a beer (actually I asked to join them).
181310 -
181311 - Dan is now in San Francisco.
181312 - ..
181313 - Dan asked Lowell about the POIMS presentation.
181314 -
181315 - Lowell said it was interesting and helpful, but initially he was
181316 - unable to explain what it was about.
181317 -
181318 - Dan asked if POIMS is a "Contact" or other PIM program. (this confused
181319 - me a bit, since Dan has seen the SDS demo, per ref SDS 1 0001).
181320 -
181321 - Lowel said SDS is different from other management programs he has
181322 - seen.  It organizes information by multiple paths (e.g., subject,
181323 - contact, document, chronology) and retrieves it instantly.  He was
181324 - concerned about the amount of writing he saw in my records; but, he
181325 - liked the linking.  He said the automatic links between personal
181326 - analysis, ideas and documents from disparate times and sources, and
181327 - being able to get it back quickly, could help busy executives.  It
181328 - adds a lot of value by making it practical to create and rely on the
181329 - record rather than personal recall and hunch.  Lowel said this is a
181330 - new idea he had not thought of or seen before.
181331 -
181332 -
181333 -      Intellectual Capital
181334 -      Communication Metrics
181335 -
181336 -      I explained a core POIMS concept is to provide a facile environ-
181337 -      ment for writing to discover errors in thinking, i.e., "thinking
181338 -      through writing" discussed in the paper.  I used the example from
181339 -      the record on 940820, of the difference between Jeff Steinberg's
181340 -      job as a computer support person and Mike Neer who is a project
181341 -      manager at PG&E, who loves his job, ref SDS 3 7404, because
181342 -      accountability is delayed, whereas for Jeff, accountability is
181343 -      immediate.  SDS helps managers "debug" their thinking and
181344 -      decisions before "Murphy's Law" strikes weeks and years later.
181345 -      This is the idea of "investing intellectual capital" I spoke of
181346 -      in the presentation.
181347 -
181348 -      [On 941021 example of "Feel Good" management and Murphy's Law.
181349 -      ref SDS 10 7488]
181350 -
181351 -
181352 - Mentioned work with Bill Dehart at PG&E, and recent discussion about
181353 - making computers useful for management. ref SDS 8 5581
181354 -
181355 -
181356 -
181357 -
1814 -

Monitor & Video Card Specs
Dan Ono

2105 -
210501 - Pentium Computer - 21" Monitor
210502 -
210503 - Dan has recently purchased a Pentium cpu with 32 MB of RAM and a 1G
210504 - hard disk.  He has a 17" monitor, local bus 2 MB video RAM.  He ini-
210505 - tially purchased a 21" monitor, but felt it was too close to him.  I
210506 - asked why not push it away so the perspective is better.  He said this
210507 - caused the keyboard to be too far away.  [I don't see why a longer
210508 - keyboard cable cannot solve this, but did not pursue it.]  He said his
210509 - new machine seems to run everything he has been using, including all
210510 - Windows apps.
210511 -
210512 - We discussed generally the challenges of raising teenagers.
210513 -
210514 -
210515 -
210516 -
2106 -

Methods for Presentations

2204 -
220401 - Evaluation of POIMS Presentation
220402 -
220403 - After Dan left, Lowell said my introduction in the presentation was
220404 - exciting and opened his eyes, but then it lasted too long.  The flip
220405 - chart could not be read.  He suggested shortening the introduction and
220406 - replacing the flip chart with an overhead projector, similar to the
220407 - computer screen.
220408 -
220409 - He said the end of the presentation showing the SDS tools re-captured
220410 - some of the lost enthusiasm from the introduction being too long on
220411 - theory.  He would like to have seen more of the SDS reporting tools.
220412 - He liked the document log.
220413 -
220414 - Also explained SDS to Jim, who did not attend the presentation.
220415 -
220416 - Jim is under consideration to manage the PMI conference in Chicago in
220417 - 1997.  Lowell had initiated the discussion with Dan Ono to ask for his
220418 - help in getting AT&T management support for Jim to devote time to this
220419 - PMI project.  Dan visited with Jim on this.  They discussed the time
220420 - that might be required.
220421 -
220422 -
220423 -
220424 -
2205 -

Conflict Resolution
Legal Metrics
Law has Communication Requirements to Align
Conflicting Understandings, Discover
Law Communication Notice Requirements to Align Understanding Discover

2808 -
280801 - SDS Applied to Welch v. State
280802 -
280803 - Lowell said he is a former general contractor.  He asked about the
280804 - Pier 11 project litigation I mentioned in the presentation this
280805 - morning as background leading to POIMS technology. I explained the
280806 - substance of the issue and my sense of the court's ruling.  Lowell
280807 - asked if SDS would have helped win the case.  I indicated it might
280808 - have shown the amount of collateral activity occurring at the time
280809 - following award of the contract, which the court cited as my having
280810 - been alerted that certain figures on the bid plans might be incorrect,
280811 - and thereon holding that I did not rely on the bid documents to bid
280812 - the job.  Even at this remove 13 years later, however, the court's
280813 - reasoning seems too tenuous to conclude that additional evidence would
280814 - have yielded a different result.  The POIMS paper on page 6 explains,
280815 - that SDS does not claim to solve every problem; rather it offers the
280816 - best chance to improve performance.
280817 -
280818 -
280819 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"