440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 9, 1994 12:34 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received article on mind filling in "blind spot."
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Human Memory
Remembering (linked records)
Murphy's Law, avoiding mistakes
Blind Spots Similar to Limited Span of
Murphy's Law, avoiding mistakes
Blind Spots Cause Murphy's Law
Mistakes Blind Spots Limited Span of
1409 - ..
1410 - Summary/Objective
1411 -
141101 - An article in May 1992 issue of Scientific American on page 92,
141102 - ref OF 5 0000, explains how the brain fills in missing information
141103 - from the eye's field of vision, due to a natural "blind spot." see
141104 - also ref OF 5 8377.
141105 -
141106 - The author explains how people can experiment to find their personal
141107 - blind spot, and recognize how the mind fills that spot in with
141108 - surrounding contectual information. ref OF 5 4212
141109 -
141110 - This "filling in" process for visual blind spots reflects ideas in the
141111 - NWO, at ref OF 3 0657, based on the mental technique mentioned by
141112 - Jeromy Campbell in his book, reviewed at ref SDS 1 6831.
141113 -
141114 - Analysis today on advantage of writing v. pictures and dialog cites
141115 - Henry Kissinger's concern about continual mistakes, which he calls
141116 - "Alice in Wonderland" management. ref SDS 2 4238
141117 -
141118 - [On 940612 managemnet seminar considered cause of Murphy's Law that
141119 - explains mysterious mistakes. ref SDS 3 5882.]
141120 -
141121 - [On 970829 text book on managmenet explains limited span of
141122 - attention causes communication mistakes. ref SDS 4 4476]
141123 -
141124 - [On 970910 limited time compounds problem of mental blind spots
141125 - because managers do not have enough time to think. ref SDS 5 3479]
141126 -
141127 - [On 990121 book on The Hand explains using both hands on the
141128 - keyboard increases chance of filling in blind spots. ref SDS 6 0000
141129 -
141130 - It supports conflicting reports by different people who witness the
141131 - same events. The mind can "fill-in" from its reservoir of
141132 - experience to hear something consistent with its expectations,
141133 - values, objectives, needs and drives.
141134 -
141135 - The need for independent and directed effort to create and maintain
141136 - shared meaning, emerges from this biological phenomenon.
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