Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: November 3, 2010 09:20 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
SDS call Morris fix menu command problem cut & paste.
2...Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
3...Compiler Progress Toward Beginning Testing @ Command Must with Number
4...Compiled Macros @ Commands Change 1st Char from Number to Letter
5...Compile Java Development Code into Medit E.exe Simplfy SDS Marketing
6...E.exe Compile Java Development Code into Medit Simplfy SDS Marketing
7...Marketing SDS Simplfy E.exe Compile Java Development Code into Medit
8...TL Command for Title Lines
9...ASCII Character List Won't Scroll in Edit Chain
10...Keyboard Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing
11...Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing Keyboard
12...Java SDS Macro Development Files Structure
13...File Structure SDS Java Macro Development
14...Medit Java Diagnostics Edit File List and Counters
15...Purge Command Problem
16...Cut Paste Windows Utility in Medit from Menu Line
17...Cut & Paste Medit Clear Command Fails with File Offset
18...Enter 000008 Macro Access
19...000008 Macro Access Enter
20...Setcura Needs Variable to Recognize Quit=ESC Annotate Field
21...Mouse Commands Left and Right
22...Scroll Bar Navigate File Replace Mouse on Column 80
23...Internet Transfer SDS Records Need New Menu Call
24...Menu Convert SDS Records HTML Transfer to Internet
25...File Management Delete File Working with Dos and Lsfile Macro 0608
26...0608 File Management Delete Files Develop Dos and Lsfile Code
27...04702 Launch SDS Getkey Failing with Medit Java
28...Launch SDS Getkey Failing 04702 with Medit Java
29...Getkey Failing on SDS Launch 04702 Applie SDS Java
30...$Screeny Loc_cur Command Not Working Consistently
31...Diary Summary with Specification Macro 96
32...Pfesc Macro 58 Calling Macro 584 Calling Macro 804 Failing
33...Macros Failing Errormsg Preventing Code Exection
34...Errormsg Macros Failing Preventing Code Exection
35...Filenames Case Sensitive Avoid for Efficient Daily Work
36...Lsfile Command Issues
37...Menu Macro 80 Not Running Correctly
38...Stats Feature Caps Num Lock
40...DOS and DOSE Require Batch Process with Exit Using SO.CMD
41...SO.CMD Create Disk Access for SDS Requires Batch Op with Exit
42...Disk Access for SDS Requires Batch Op with Exit Create SO.CMD
43...Launch SDS E.exe Open Files with Macro File Profile Commands
44...Medit Java Version Launch with Macro File Profile Commands
45...Color 121 Command Problem Fixed Macro 304 SDS Highlight Failing
46...Macro 55 F8 Scroll File Right 22 Problem Fixed
47...ESC Closing Last 2 Files in SDS Schedule Closed Fixed
48...Line Draw Characters Converted into Odd Characters Problem Fixed
49...Java Netbeans 6.8 Installed on C16
50...Next Meeting to Work on SDS
ACTION ITEMS..................
Click here to comment!
1...On 101013 1513 letter asks Morris about listing counters
Ekiga Computer Software Free Long Distance Telephone Calls Collabora
Elluminate Internet Free Telephone Long Distance Learncentral Educat
1004 -
1004 - ..
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Follow up ref SDS B6 0000. ref SDS B5 0000.
100602 -
100603 -
100604 -
100605 -
100606 -
100607 -
100609 - ..
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - Progress
1010 -
101001 - On 090318 planned to build an ascii file that lists commands for the
101002 - new editor. ref SDS 16 JY33
101004 - ..
101005 - 1. stats 0 or 1.......................... 100828, ref SDS 97 OQ7O
101006 - 2. get (g)............................... 100729, ref SDS 86 BY3O
101007 - 3. beep.................................. 100604, ref SDS 78 CF6I
101008 - 4. tl.................................... 100604, ref SDS 78 HV9I
101009 - 5. right................................. 100428, ref SDS 75 W55G
101010 - 6. left.................................. 100415, ref SDS 75 W55G
101011 - 7. of.................................... 100415, ref SDS 75 W55G
101012 - 8. lsfile................................ 100415, ref SDS 72 PS5S
101013 - 9. scroll bar............................ 100301, ref SDS 67 4C4N
101014 - 10. pfesc................................. 100224, ref SDS 65 QG6K
101015 - 11. setcolor.............................. 100108, ref SDS 57 4F3M
101016 - 12. pfent................................. 091102, ref SDS 52 EZ3I
101017 - 13. pfb1.................................. 091008, ref SDS 49 4C4N
101018 - 14. pfb1i................................. 091008, ref SDS 49 4C4N
101019 - 15. pfb2.................................. 091008, ref SDS 49 4C4N
101020 - 16. pfb2i................................. 091008, ref SDS 49 4C4N
101021 - 17. pgup.................................. 090926, ref SDS 48 FW6N
101022 - 18. pgdn.................................. 090926, ref SDS 48 FW6N
101023 - 19. ul.................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101024 - 20. lr.................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101025 - 21. cut................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101026 - 22. copy.................................. 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101027 - 23. clear................................. 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101028 - 24. paste................................. 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101029 - 25. insert................................ 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4K
101030 - 26. pfd................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4P
101031 - 27. pfu................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 JZ4P
101032 - 28. tab................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 YW9N
101033 - 29. tab1.................................. 090924, ref SDS 47 YW9N
101034 - 30. pft................................... 090924, ref SDS 47 YW9N
101035 - 31. errormsg.............................. 090912, ref SDS 45 5N7J
101036 - 32. settabs............................... 090912, ref SDS 45 VM4L
101037 - 33. savx.................................. 090912, ref SDS 45 XT5J
101038 - 34. strcnt 0 0............................ 090907, ref SDS 42 XT5J
101039 - 35. compiler.............................. 090715, ref SDS 34 YY6N
101040 - 36. ioff.................................. 090715, ref SDS 34 0I5J
101041 - 37. debug nnn............................. 090530, ref SDS 31 OY3H
101042 - 38. -gosubup.............................. 090529, ref SDS 30 OY3H
101043 - 39. -gosubdn.............................. 090529, ref SDS 30 OY3H
101044 - 40. -label................................ 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101045 - 41. -goto................................. 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101046 - 42. -gg................................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101047 - 43. -gosub................................ 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101048 - 44. -return............................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101049 - 45. -exit................................. 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101050 - 46. -d.................................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101051 - 47. -u.................................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101052 - 48. -if @................................. 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101053 - 49. join.................................. 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101054 - 50. split................................. 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101055 - 51. n<<................................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101056 - 52. n>>................................... 090528, ref SDS 29 OY3H
101057 - 53. file.................................. 090511, ref SDS 28 HA3L
101058 - 54. purge................................. 090511, ref SDS 28 HA3L
101059 - 55. load.................................. 090511, ref SDS 28 HA3L
101060 - 56. pcmd2................................. 090511, ref SDS 28 HA3L
101061 - 57. datecnt n 0........................... 090511, ref SDS 28 QX4O
101062 - 58. rs.................................... 090511 ref SDS 28 HA3L
101063 - 59. ins_text.............................. 090511, ref SDS 28 HA3L
101064 - 60. markcur nn............................ 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101065 - 61. ecur nn............................... 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101066 - 62. errorcnt 0 0.......................... 090504, ref SDS 27 Q24M
101067 - 63. aw.................................... 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101068 - 64. eol................................... 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101069 - 65. of.................................... 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101070 - 66. quit.................................. 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101071 - 67. setgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101072 - 68. getgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101073 - 69. gfname................................ 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101074 - 70. pushc popc............................ 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101075 - 71. savescr n............................. 090504, ref SDS 27 HA3L
101076 - 72. linecnt............................... 090430, ref SDS 26 KF9G
101077 - 73. margin................................ 090430, ref SDS 26 KF9G
101078 - 74. dos /c................................ 090430, ref SDS 26 XT4F
101079 - 75. dose /c............................... 090430, ref SDS 26 XT4F
101080 - 76. dosepath.............................. 090430, ref SDS 26 ET3M
101081 - 77. fr.................................... 090420, ref SDS 24 HD5J
101082 - 78. fl.................................... 090420, ref SDS 24 HD5J
101083 - 79. nb.................................... 090420, ref SDS 24 WE62
101084 - 80. pfe................................... 090420, ref SDS 24 WE5N
101085 - 81. l-/ /.............................. 090417, ref SDS 23 H95M
101086 - 82. zonereps.............................. 090413, ref SDS 21 C946
101087 - 83. repscnt............................... 090413, ref SDS 21 C946
101088 - 84. c /xyz/zzz/* *........................ 090408, ref SDS 20 DO45
101089 - 85. zone.................................. 090331, ref SDS 18 PA54
101090 - 86. l / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 18 PA54
101091 - 87. s / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 18 PA54
101092 - 88. pf10.................................. 090331, ref SDS 18 KM9G
101093 - 89. pa7................................... 090331, ref SDS 18 KM9G
101094 - 90. immed commands........................ 090320, ref SDS 17 KM9G
101095 - 91. font.................................. 090131, ref SDS 13 D45G
101096 - 92. annotate.............................. 090119, ref SDS 11 UI4M
101097 - 93. color................................. 090119, ref SDS 11 IS6K
101098 - 94. setcolor.............................. 090119, ref SDS 11 IS6K
101099 - 95. @filename............................. 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101100 - 96. setcur 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101101 - 97. setcura n 0........................... 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101102 - 98. inscnt 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101103 - 99. medit................................. 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101104 - 100. e..................................... 090119, ref SDS 11 CB8N
101105 -
101106 -
1012 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1103 -
110401 - ..
110402 - Planning to work on....
110403 -
110404 - 1. er ..............(not needed)... ref OF 10 QWTZ
110405 - 2. repeat n ........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RSR
110406 - 3. oo ..............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RQQ
110407 - 4. posmouse.........(not needed)... ref OF 10 RPVP
110408 - 5. ins_down ........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RVY
110409 - 6. recl n...........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TVS
110410 - 7. rep_down.........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2XXT
110411 - 8. ESC <>..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TSU
110412 - 9. savc.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 R47G
110413 - 10. addtabs..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2UPW
110414 - 11. tabs.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SYT
110415 - 12. tabsoff..........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TPQ
110416 - 13. notabs...........(not needed)... ref OF 10 2TQV
110417 - 14. attr........(peculiar to DOS)... ref OF 10 QW6J
110418 - 15. ragon ragoff.....(not needed)... ref OF 10 QPPP
110419 - 16. pad1.............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SVT... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110420 - 17. nopad............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SWQ... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110421 - 18. jj...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2RXR... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110422 - 19. jc...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SPR... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110423 - 20. jl...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SPX... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110424 - 21. jr...............(not needed)... ref OF 10 2SQX... ref SDS 54 YN5M
110425 - ..
110426 - 22. getkey.......................... ref OF 10 RPQT
110427 - 23. cut & paste (OS level)..........
110428 - 24. tm.............................. ref OF 10 RQPP
110429 - 25. pfinsw.......................... ref OF 10 4966
110430 - 26. pfinsw1......................... ref OF 10 4966
110431 - 27. wsplit.......................... ref OF 10 RQSU
110432 - 28. space 1......................... ref OF 10 QVQS
110433 - 29. ledger.......................... ref OF 10 QXPR
110434 -
110435 -
110436 -
1105 -
Computer Remote Control Elluminate Desktop Applications Menu Procedu
2803 -
280401 - ..
280402 - Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
280403 -
280404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 TQ6I, ref SDS A9 TQ6I.
280405 -
280406 - On 090907 changed from using Ekiga to Elluminate, ref SDS 42 NI63, for
280407 - no cost long distance telephone conferencing to work on Medit and SDS.
280408 - Elluminate is explained on 090907 1132. ref SDS 43 YM5L
280410 - ..
280411 - The record on 090907 1132 explains Elluminate. ref SDS 43 YM5L
280413 - ..
280414 - Remote control instructions are on 100224 0814. ref SDS 65 TQ6I
280416 - ..
280417 - Used Eluminate today for conference call to work from home today,
280418 - rather than visit Morris in Saratoga.
280420 - ..
280421 - Morris reported that the access URL can be recycled for subsequent
280422 - uses, reported on 100618 0927. ref SDS 79 1W5L
280423 -
280431 -
280432 -
280433 -
280434 -
280435 -
2805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
2903 -
290401 - ..
290402 - Compiler Progress Toward Beginning Testing @ Command Must with Number
290403 - Compiled Macros @ Commands Change 1st Char from Number to Letter
290404 -
290405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 263K, ref SDS A9 263K.
290406 -
290407 - Morris started work on the compiler reported in the record for, 090715
290408 - 0809, ref SDS 34 YY6N
290409 -
290410 -
290412 - ..
290413 - Compile Java Development Code into Medit E.exe Simplfy SDS Marketing
290414 - E.exe Compile Java Development Code into Medit Simplfy SDS Marketing
290415 - Marketing SDS Simplfy E.exe Compile Java Development Code into Medit
290416 -
290417 - Follow up ref SDS B6 5J4N, ref SDS A9 5J4N.
290418 -
290419 - On 100920 reviewed requirements to compile Java development code into
290420 - Medit and macro code to deliver a viable SDS product for customers.
290421 - ref SDS A7 I65M
290423 - ..
290424 - Discussed this a bit today as the next project after getting cut and
290425 - paste for external transfer of text.
290426 -
290427 -
290428 -
2905 -
TL Command Medit Java Fixed by Morris to Work Screen Offset Clears P
3003 -
300401 - ..
300402 - TL Command for Title Lines
300403 -
300404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 HV9I, ref SDS A9 HV9I.
300405 -
300406 - This was developed recently on 100604 0900, ref SDS 78 HV9I, and was
300407 - adjusted on 100618 0927. ref SDS 79 HV9I
300409 - ..
300410 - On 100901 Morris fixed problem of tl command failing when screen is
300411 - offset, ref SDS A3 HV9I, reported on 100830 1225. ref SDS A0 L86O
300413 - ..
300414 - Examples are in....
300415 -
300416 - macro 136................................ ref OF 25 PJ9M
300417 - macro 136................................ ref OF 25 5D5N
300418 - macro 982................................ ref OF 23 1718
300419 - macro 985 calling macro 149.............. ref OF 23 5292
300421 - ..
300422 - Did not work on TL command today.
300423 -
300424 -
300425 -
3005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
3103 -
310401 - ..
310402 - ASCII Character List Won't Scroll in Edit Chain
310403 -
310404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 M58L, ref SDS A9 M58L.
310405 -
310406 - ASCII character list file won't scroll in edit chain, reported on
310407 - 100930 0931. ref SDS B3 KN3N
310409 - ..
310410 - Morris discovered problems with e command, and made corrections that
310411 - resolved this problem. He added code for the "e" command that
310412 - restores a file in memory to the edit chain after the load command
310413 - removes the edit chain.
310415 - ..
310416 - On 101013 1513 letter commends Morris for fixing e and load commands.
310417 - ref SDS B7 BK7S
310418 -
310419 -
310420 -
310421 -
3105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
3203 -
320401 - ..
320402 - Keyboard Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing
320403 - Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing Keyboard
320404 -
320405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 SC4H, ref SDS A9 SC4H.
320406 -
320407 - Pending improvements listed on 100210 1019. ref SDS 63 SC4H
320409 - ..
320410 - Morris made major improvements on 100625 1527. ref SDS 83 SC4H
320411 -
320412 -
320413 -
320414 -
3205 -
SDS Java Development Directory Structure SD 30 Directory Structure
3903 -
390401 - ..
390402 - Java SDS Macro Development Files Structure
390403 - File Structure SDS Java Macro Development
390404 -
390405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 I29I, ref SDS A9 I29I.
390406 -
390407 - Changed the directory structure for the new SDS Java development
390408 - program, reported on 100415 0815. ref SDS 72 RA6N
390409 -
390410 -
390411 -
390412 -
3905 -
File Menu File List Function Medit Java Morris Developed Initial Cod
4103 -
410401 - ..
410402 - Medit Java Diagnostics Edit File List and Counters
410403 -
410404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 294I, ref SDS 76 294I.
410405 -
410406 - After we completed the session today, Morris called back an hour later
410407 - or so, and advised that he added a new choice in the new menu bar
410408 - feature of Medit Java for....
410409 -
410410 - File
410411 - File List
410413 - ..
410414 - This new menu function lists files in memory, which can be accessed
410415 - directly, rather than scrolling through the edit chain with the e
410416 - command using Ctrl F6, accomplishing action item on 100506 1000.
410417 - ref SDS 76 294I
410419 - ..
410420 - On 101013 1513 letter commends Morris for startring this feature, and
410421 - asks can File List be a diagnostic showing files added and removed
410422 - during processing, similar to Windows Task Manager that tracks
410423 - applications, and memory use? ref SDS B7 BK7V
410425 - ..
410426 - Still need....
410427 -
410428 - List of global and current counter values, similar to debug
410429 - window; might consider removing the list from debug because
410430 - things are too small to read, also planned on 100506 1000.
410431 - ref SDS 76 YT5H
410433 - ..
410434 - On 101013 1513 letter asks Morris about listing counters
410435 - separately from debug window? ref SDS B7 BK7Y
410436 -
410438 - ..
410439 - Purge Command Problem
410440 -
410441 - Follow up ref SDS B6 YB62.
410442 -
410443 - New feature listing files in memory indicates continuing problem with
410444 - purge command, developed on 090511 0704. ref SDS 28 HA3L
410446 - ..
410447 - Morris tried to fix purge on 100122 0647. ref SDS 59 OT3K
410449 - ..
410450 - On 101013 1513 letter notifies purge command seems to be broken.
410451 - ref SDS B7 BK8S
410452 -
410453 - purge c:\sd33\04702
410455 - ..
410456 - Found more recently this is a programming issue with the new Medit
410457 - Java that makes filenames case sensitive.
410459 - ..
410460 - The problem was that code in...
410462 - ..
410463 - Line 50, ref OF 17 GO5G, in c: sd 61 sds.cmd
410464 -
410465 - java -jar "C:\sd\60\NetBeansProjects\jedit\dist\jedit.jar" messages c:\sd\33\04702
410466 -
410467 - This opens file messages with c:\sd\33\04702
410468 -
410469 - ...while the code in 04702 used capital letters; so correction was
410470 - set the code in 04702 to purge the filename with the same case...
410472 - ..
410473 - Line 3160, ref OF 7 8Y6L, -label qU9i in c: 01 14 047020
410474 -
410475 - purge c:\sd\33\04702
410476 -
410477 - This code now resolves the problem with the purge command
410478 - reported in the letter to Morris on 101013 1513. ref SDS B7
410479 - BK8S
410480 -
410481 -
410482 -
410483 -
4105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4203 -
420401 - ..
420402 - Cut Paste Windows Utility in Medit from Menu Line
420403 -
420404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 244F, ref SDS A9 244F.
420405 -
420406 - Currently, Medit in MS DOS provides Windows cut and paste support
420407 - from icon in top left corner.
420409 - ..
420410 - Today, Morris investigated objectives for cut & paste from other
420411 - programs, planned in the meeting on 101012 0757. ref SDS B6 244F
420413 - ..
420414 - He will work on this in coming days to achieve the level of support
420415 - SDS has with the current DOS application.
420416 -
420417 -
420418 -
420419 -
420420 -
4205 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4303 -
430401 - ..
430402 - Cut & Paste Medit Clear Command Fails with File Offset
430403 -
430404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 M18N, ref SDS A9 M18N.
430405 -
430406 - On 100930, using cut and paste on macro file c: sd 33 000002 resulted
430407 - in...
430409 - ..
430410 - Cut & Paste file data not being cleared when clear command executed,
430411 - but when screen offset was restored, the data was shifted right about
430412 - 5 columns without having pasted it back. ref SDS B3 EW6G
430414 - ..
430415 - There are actually two problems reported on 101012 0757. ref SDS B6
430416 - R24S
430417 -
430418 - 1. SDS records Shift F5 should color entire file background black
430419 - with white letters, but only the top lines are being colored,
430420 - probably due to tl command.
430422 - ..
430423 - Ran tests in both original and the new Medit Java program. Morris
430424 - could see the problem that setcolor 1 15 was not executing correctly.
430426 - ..
430427 - Morris fixed the problem of setcolor 1 15 failing to work. He checked
430428 - the old Medit and found that setcolor overrides any existing color
430429 - commands. He then programmed the new editor to work the same way.
430431 - ..
430432 - Testing showed that these corrections solved the problem.
430433 -
430434 - 2. UL and LR are not defining active points of cut, copy and clear
430435 - commands that enter data into the cut file.
430437 - ..
430438 - Ran tests to demonstrate the problem.
430440 - ..
430441 - Morris feels this is an error in the Medit code.
430443 - ..
430444 - Morris corrected the problem of the cut, copy, and clear commands not
430445 - capturing the entire width of the array.
430446 -
430447 -
430448 -
430449 -
430450 -
430451 -
4305 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4403 -
440401 - ..
440402 - Enter 000008 Macro Access
440403 - 000008 Macro Access Enter
440404 -
440405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 XO7N, ref SDS A9 XO7N.
440406 -
440407 -
440408 -
440409 -
440410 -
4405 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4503 -
450401 - ..
450402 - Setcura Needs Variable to Recognize Quit=ESC Annotate Field
450403 -
450404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 AV7O, ref SDS A9 AV7O.
450405 -
450406 - Planning for sectura command using mouse, reported on 100208 0907.
450407 - ref SDS 62 AV7O
450408 -
450409 -
450410 -
4505 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4603 -
460401 - ..
460402 - Mouse Commands Left and Right
460403 -
460404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 4C4N, ref SDS A9 4C4N.
460405 -
460406 - Planning for scroll bar considered on 100210. ref SDS 63 BY3H
460408 - ..
460409 - Line 340, ref OF 19 4473, -entry 230 in 000001
460410 -
460411 - -entry 230
460412 -
460413 - Testing mouse code here with debug.
460415 - ..
460416 - On 100301 Morris made progress creating scroll bar feature. The
460417 - current version now has a vertical scroll bar. Decided to forego
460418 - horizontal scroll bar for now. ref SDS 67 VU4N
460419 -
460420 -
460421 -
460422 -
460423 -
4605 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4703 -
470401 - ..
470402 - Scroll Bar Navigate File Replace Mouse on Column 80
470403 -
470404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 MV5I, ref SDS A9 MV5I.
470405 -
470406 - Would like scroll bar to track the size of the file somewhat, similar
470407 - to other windows applications. Alternatively, make the scroll bar
470408 - slightly bigger so it is easier to touch with the mouse, reported on
470409 - 100428 1128. ref SDS 75 TD6H
470410 -
470411 -
470412 -
470413 -
4705 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4803 -
480401 - ..
480402 - Internet Transfer SDS Records Need New Menu Call
480403 - Menu Convert SDS Records HTML Transfer to Internet
480404 -
480405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 J23L, ref SDS A9 J23L.
480406 -
480407 - Solution to "sectura" problem above applied with mouse, ref SDS 63
480408 - AV7O, clicking on the Command line above the Annotate field, beginning
480409 - with Quit=ESC, etc., for calling Internet formatting and uploading
480410 - functions, needs to be changed and moved to the new Field above the
480411 - Medit screen where there is currently a menu with File and Help.
480413 - ..
480414 - On 100211 0930 letter to Morris asks about applying the new menu field
480415 - above the Medit screen to perform HTML formatting, and transfer to the
480416 - Internet. ref SDS 64 KR8W
480417 -
480418 -
4805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4903 -
490401 - ..
490402 - File Management Delete File Working with Dos and Lsfile Macro 0608
490403 - 0608 File Management Delete Files Develop Dos and Lsfile Code
490404 -
490405 - Follow up ref SDS B6 YJ5G, ref SDS A9 YJ5G.
490406 -
490407 - On 100820 1139 seem to have Medit Java File Management code running
490408 - correctly. ref SDS 95 HW73 Load command was not working, ref SDS 95
490409 - M25G, but his was fixed on 100828 1607. ref SDS 97 HE9G
490410 -
490411 -
490412 -
490413 -
490414 -
4905 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5003 -
500401 - ..
500402 - 04702 Launch SDS Getkey Failing with Medit Java
500403 - Launch SDS Getkey Failing 04702 with Medit Java
500404 - Getkey Failing on SDS Launch 04702 Applie SDS Java
500405 -
500406 - Follow up ref SDS B6 677F, ref SDS A9 677F.
500408 - ..
500409 - Line 60, ref OF 7 SN7H, -label go in c: 01 14 047020
500410 -
500412 - ..
500413 - Line 130, ref OF 7 4M4L, -label lp1 in c: 01 14 047020
500414 -
500415 - -label lp1
500416 - getkey 1 0
500417 -
500418 - This command is one of few still to create, reported on 100820.
500419 - ref SDS 95 YU6L and further at ref SDS 95 677F
500421 - ..
500422 - Temporarily disconnected all getkey ops to get SDS to launch
500423 - normally in Medit Java code, reported on 100928 1348.
500424 - ref SDS B1 4N5K
500425 -
500426 -
5005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5103 -
510401 - ..
510402 - $Screeny Loc_cur Command Not Working Consistently
510403 - -------------------------------------------------
510404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 1R5I, ref SDS A9 1R5I.
510405 -
510406 - $screeny seems not working consistently, reported on 100928 1348.
510407 - ref SDS B1 LN3K
510409 - ..
510410 - Actually, this code may be working corretly. Problems reported on
510411 - 100928, occurred because the window size was reduced below the number
510412 - of lines in the Group Manager file, 047027.
510413 -
510414 -
510415 -
510416 -
510417 -
5105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5203 -
520401 - ..
520402 - Diary Summary with Specification Macro 96
520403 -
520404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 AT7H, ref SDS A9 AT7H.
520405 -
520406 - Line 1080, ref OF 22 HV9J, -label dCspec in c: sd 33 000005
520407 -
520409 - ..
520410 - Line 1850, ref OF 22 7Y5F, -label nfsup in c: sd 33 000005
520411 -
520412 - This is where search for specified string occurs.
520414 - ..
520415 - Line 1920, ref OF 22 LU4F, -label dClp_10 in c: sd 33 000005
520416 -
520417 - immed dd
520418 -
520419 - Code is working incorrectly here. The first immed dd is issued
520420 - on the current line, so the 2nd immed dd should make the line
520421 - below current, but that is not working. For some reason the
520422 - file is scrilling up another 13 lines or so.
520423 -
520424 - [On 101124 1101 Morris fixed the problem with immed dd.
520425 - ref SDS B8 AT7H
520426 -
520427 -
520428 -
520429 -
520430 -
520431 -
5205 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5303 -
530401 - ..
530402 - Pfesc Macro 58 Calling Macro 584 Calling Macro 804 Failing
530403 - Macros Failing Errormsg Preventing Code Exection
530404 - Errormsg Macros Failing Preventing Code Exection
530405 -
530406 - Follow up ref SDS B6 LQ5H, ref SDS A9 LQ5H.
530407 -
530408 - Last worked fixing problems on 100819 1438. ref SDS 94 LQ5H
530409 -
530410 -
530411 -
530412 -
5305 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5403 -
540401 - ..
540402 - Filenames Case Sensitive Avoid for Efficient Daily Work
540403 -
540404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 V15F, ref SDS A9 V15F.
540405 -
540406 - Discussed today making Medit Java apply original Medit support for
540407 - filename management that is not case sensitive.
540409 - ..
540410 - Analysis of need to avoid case sensitivity is reported on 100814 1521.
540411 - ref SDS 92 V15F
540413 - ..
540414 - Experience reported on 100820, seems to indicate case-sensitivity is
540415 - not a problem reading and saving files to the disk. There may only be
540416 - a problem handling internal macro ops for SDS and Medit, which can be
540417 - resolved with code. ref SDS 95 FW6J
540418 -
540419 -
540420 -
540421 -
5405 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5503 -
550401 - ..
550402 - Lsfile Command Issues
550403 -
550404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 PS5S, ref SDS A9 PS5S.
550405 -
550406 - Macro file 0608 has now been modified to apply lsfile feature for file
550407 - management as planned on 100428 1128. ref SDS 75 B677
550409 - ..
550410 - Sent Morris a letter notifying of continuing problem on case-sensitive
550411 - alpha strings, per above. ref SDS 94 IL9U
550412 -
550413 -
550414 -
550415 -
5505 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5603 -
560401 - ..
560402 - Menu Macro 80 Not Running Correctly
560403 -
560404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 FG6F, ref SDS A9 FG6F.
560405 -
560406 - Background is reported on 100331 1921. ref SDS 71 FG6F
560407 -
560408 - Line 180, ref OF 21 8E3H, -entry 80 in c: sd 33 000003
560410 - ..
560411 - Morris fixed problem today of data entry on menu bar.
560413 - ..
560414 - The problem was applying wordwrap to blank/space characters (char 32).
560415 - After this was fixed today on 101103, menu bar data entry works
560416 - correctly.
560417 -
560418 -
560419 -
560420 -
560421 -
560422 -
560423 -
560424 -
5605 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5703 -
570401 - ..
570402 - Stats Feature Caps Num Lock
570403 -
570404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 QW9I, ref SDS A9 QW9I.
570405 -
570406 - On 100428 1133 Morris made changes that improve stats field; still
570407 - needs work for better ergonomics. ref SDS 75 QW9I
570409 - ..
570410 - Stats command changed and implemented today, per above. ref SDS 97 OQ7O
570412 - ..
570413 - Need caps and num lock notice on stats line, reported on 100301 1028.
570414 - ref SDS 67 0G7L
570415 -
570416 -
570417 -
570418 -
5705 -
Start Command Batch File Launch Other Programs from Within SDS Based
5803 -
580401 - ..
580402 - DOS DOS /C DOSE DOSE /C
580403 - DOS and DOSE Require Batch Process with Exit Using SO.CMD
580404 - SO.CMD Create Disk Access for SDS Requires Batch Op with Exit
580405 - Disk Access for SDS Requires Batch Op with Exit Create SO.CMD
580406 -
580407 - Follow up ref SDS B6 MR8I, ref SDS A9 MR8I.
580408 -
580409 - Background devleoping dos and dose support (which are now the same
580410 - thing in Medit Java), was in the record on 100306 0630. ref SDS 69
580411 - MR8I
580413 - ..
580414 - On 100820 seem to have dos and dose working correctly for file
580415 - management in Medit Java and without using dospath. ref SDS 95 LH66
580416 -
580417 -
580418 -
580420 - ..
580421 - Launch SDS E.exe Open Files with Macro File Profile Commands
580422 - Medit Java Version Launch with Macro File Profile Commands
580423 -
580424 - Follow up ref SDS B6 LV4G, ref SDS A9 LV4G.
580425 -
580426 - Morris seems more open to creating e.exe, as discussed on 100920 1407.
580427 - ref SDS A7 LV4G
580428 -
580429 -
580430 -
580431 -
5805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
5903 -
590401 - ..
590402 - Color 121 Command Problem Fixed Macro 304 SDS Highlight Failing
590403 -
590404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 TU5H, ref SDS A9 TU5H.
590405 -
590406 - Discovered today that Medit Java code was not processing color
590407 - command for highlight "h" in SDS records....
590409 - ..
590410 - Line 210, ref OF 18 H44G, -entry 304 in SD 33 000000
590411 -
590412 - -if @3 = 104 color 121
590413 -
590414 - Morris fixed this probem on 100924 2005. ref SDS A9 TU5H
590416 - ..
590417 - Line 40, ref OF 22 9P8O, -entry 96 in c: sd 33 000005
590418 -
590419 -
590420 -
590421 -
590422 -
5905 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
6003 -
600401 - ..
600402 - Macro 55 F8 Scroll File Right 22 Problem Fixed
600403 -
600404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 0888, ref SDS A9 0888.
600405 -
600406 - Scrolling right with F8 was failing calling macro 55.
600408 - ..
600409 - Investigation this evening discovered the problem was with the
600410 - compiler. Morris fixed it, reported on 100924 2005. ref SDS A9 263K
600411 - and further in the same record. ref SDS A7 0888
600412 -
600413 -
600414 -
600415 -
6005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
6103 -
610401 - ..
610402 - ESC Closing Last 2 Files in SDS Schedule Closed Fixed
610403 -
610404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 QV6J, ref SDS A9 QV6J.
610405 -
610406 - Morris fixed ESC so that files are closed in the order they are
610407 - opened, rather than wrap forward in the edit chain. This presents a
610408 - more logical and efficient work flow, reported on 100924 2005.
610409 - ref SDS A9 QV6J
610410 -
610411 -
610412 -
610413 -
610414 -
6105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
6203 -
620401 - ..
620402 - Line Draw Characters Converted into Odd Characters Problem Fixed
620403 -
620404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 6X3F, ref SDS A9 6X3F.
620405 -
620406 - On 100924, Morris made progress this evening preventing the code from
620407 - converting line draw characters into odd characters that totally
620408 - disrupt the flow of work.
620410 - ..
620411 - Morris re-designed Medit write code to comply with SDS requirements,
620412 - reported on 100924 2005, ref SDS A7 6X3F
620413 -
620414 -
620415 -
620416 -
620417 -
620418 -
6205 -
Java Netbeans 6.8 Upgrade Installed C16 Windows XP 32-bit Replacing
7103 -
710401 - ..
710402 - Java Netbeans 6.8 Installed on C16
710403 -
710404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 Y38J, ref SDS A9 Y38J.
710405 -
710406 - On 100115 0717 installation on c16 of updated Java Netbeans 6.8 code
710407 - was performed. ref SDS 58 Y38J
710409 - ..
710410 - On 100618, Morris changed the SDS Java project to use a server at San
710411 - Jose State college. He first set up his computer to address the new
710412 - server. This took considerable time. ref SDS 79 BB6L
710413 -
710414 -
710415 -
710416 -
710417 -
710418 -
7105 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
7203 -
720401 - ..
720402 - Next Meeting to Work on SDS
720403 -
720404 - Follow up ref SDS B6 OC77, ref SDS A9 OC77.
720405 -
720406 - Need follow up to fix macro code management per above. ref SDS 92 WM6L
720408 - ..
720409 - Need more work on case-sensitive filenames, per above. ref SDS 92 V15F
720410 -
720411 -
720412 -
720413 -
720414 -
720415 -
720416 -
720417 -
720418 -
7205 -